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Jade Allessia Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview


Officer Brown: Thank you for sharing that with us.

(An unnamed officer enters the room and whispers to Officer Brown. The words are unintelligible for the purposes of this transcript)

Officer Brown: I need to go deal with something Ms. Carter, if it's alright, Officer Waters will take over for the time being.

Jade Carter: Uh, yes, that's fine.

Officer Brown: Great. I will return soon, and I do apologize for the interruption. If it weren't a pressing matter, I would not be addressing it.

Jade Carter: That's okay.

(indistinct sounds)

Officer Waters: If you'll just give me a moment.

(sound of papers rustling)

Officer Waters: I'm going to completely switch gears here for a second, Ms. Carter, if that's alright, and ask you some more personal questions. To give you some background, while we do not think Anna is a runaway, we cannot rule out any potential scenarios at this time. As such, we are investigating possible financial benefactors of her disappearance, mainly to rule out a runaway theory.

Jade Carter: Okay....

Officer Waters: Since it would appear from your testimony thus far that your husband and Anna were close, we would like to take this opportunity to simply rule him out as a benefactor.

Jade Carter: You think he...what? Gave Anna money to run away? Why would he do that?

Officer Waters: It's too early in the investigation to even being to speculate on anyone's motive for any action surrounding this incident. But as I said, we would appreciate if you could assist us in ruling your husband out.

Jade Carter: Well....yeah, there's no way he gave Anna money for this, but how do I rule him out.

Officer Waters: I have a few questions for you concerning you and your husbands financials, and in addition, it would be immensely helpful if you would allow us access to your bank account to quickly confirm the purchase and withdrawal history.

Jade Carter: Allow you access?

Officer Waters: If you sign a waiver, the bank will give us a copy of your statement history.

Jade Carter: Well... I don't see why not.

Officer Waters: Excellent, thank you Ms. Carter. If you will excuse me for a moment, I will have the waiver brought up.

Jade Carter: Sure.

(indistinct sounds)

Officer Waters: It is being delivered, in the meantime, let me use this opportunity to get started on some questions we have for you. Could you start by explaining how you and your husband allocate your money. Do you share a bank account, do you have allowances, do you budget, save?

Jade Carter: We do not share a bank account. We actually have several. We each have a checking account, where we have an allowance deposited every month, linked by percentage to our salaries. The rest of our money is split between savings, investments, and general bills such as electric, mortgage, etc.

Officer Waters: And do you have any other sources of income, aside from your salaries?

Jade Carter: Not that I can think of. We've been considering getting into real estate and acquiring some rental properties or flipping some houses, but that's not something we've actually done yet.

Officer Waters: So it's just your salaries right now.

Jade Carter: Well I mean, technically, we invest some of our money so we make money on that I guess. But we don't use it.

Officer Waters: Okay, good to note, so you have the investments, and your salaries, and that's it.

Jade Carter: That's right.

(indistinct sounds and voices)

Officer Waters: This is the waiver for you Ms. Carter, if we could just take a quick break for you to sign it, as I explained earlier, it is just to give permission for the bank to release your financial records to us.

Jade Carter: You'll understand if I take a moment to read it and confirm that for myself.

Officer Waters: Of course, take your time.

(pause, indistinct sounds)

Officer Waters: Excellent, thank you for signing that Ms. Carter.

Jade Carter: If it helps find Anna and rule out my husband...

Officer Waters: It will be very helpful to us, of that much I can assure you. And now to get back to where we were with the interview. Let's see, where did we leave off. Oh yes, you're so you're only source of income are your salaries and the investments. So, about how much do you save each month?

Jade Carter: Well...usually about 1000 in our actual savings account, for emergencies that come up. The rest goes into investments.

Officer Waters: And that amount would be?

Jade Carter: About 2500.

Officer Waters: And what are your and Connor's total salaries?

Jade Carter: I make about 4500 a month, and Connor makes about 4000 after taxes.

Officer Waters: And how much of that goes to bills?

Jade Carter: About 2500.

Officer Carter: And about how much to your personal spending?

Jade Carter: I get about 1100 and Connor gets about 900.

Officer Waters: And so, if I'm doing the math correctly that leaves about $500. Where does that go?

Jade Carter: Oh, I forgot, we donate to charity each month.

Officer Waters: So all of that $500 goes to charity?

Jade Carter: Yes. 

Officer Waters: And what charities do you normally donate to?

Jade Carter: I'm not one hundred percent sure, you'll probably have to check the bank account, Connor takes care of all that. Our deal is, he does taxes and donations and investments and all of that, and I organize our social events. But I know one that we donate too is the American Red Cross, they invited us to a Gala last year as a thank you for donating.

Officer Waters: So you don't have a whole lot of input into where the money goes, other than you're agreed upon categories.

Jade Carter: Well, I choose not to, correct.

Officer Waters: And how often would you say you monitor those other accounts, outside of your personal spending one.

Jade Carter: Well...not often, like I said Connor takes care of them so he keeps an eye on them, especially the investment one to make sure it's doing well.

Officer Waters: But you, personally, do not check those accounts?

Jade Carter: Correct.

Officer Waters: So in essence, Connor could be putting the money anywhere, or doing almost anything with it, and you wouldn't know?

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