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Jade Allessia Carter

Part Two of Recorded Interview

Date: Thursday, October 6, 2017

Duration: 47 Minutes

Location: Frederick County Sheriff's Office

No. of Pages: 20

Conducted by Officer Daniel Brown

Jade Carter: To - to me? But...why?

Officer Daniel Brown: We were hoping you could tell us that Jade.

Jade Carter: I don't...I....I don't understand.

Officer Daniel Brown: Neither do we. Why would Connor continue to work, sending the money to you?

Jade Carter: I don't know.

Officer Daniel Brown: Let me fill you in on another little piece of information. You remember telling us how Connor handles your finances?

Jade Carter: Yes...

Officer Daniel Brown: Well the money that you told us was going to charity? It hasn't been going to charity.

Jade Carter: Where has it been going?

Officer Daniel Brown: Connor has been taking that money out in cash every month. He's been doing so for years. He has thousands saved up at this point. Hundred's of thousands even.

Jade Carter: But...how...

Officer Daniel Brown: Connor never even attempted anything more elaborate like creating a fake charity or depositing it into a separate account. He straight up cashed the money each month. Since you told us you really didn't involve yourself in finances, I assume this was relatively easy for him to do.

Jade Carter: Oh my god.

Officer Daniel Brown: Of course, there is an alternative theory out there.

Jade Carter: What?

Officer Daniel Brown: The theory that...you are an accomplice in Anna's disappearance.

Jade Carter: What! How can you....why would I...

Officer Daniel Brown: Let me paint this picture for you Jade. Now before I begin let's understand that we are required to look into every option. Do I think you are an accomplice? No. But some of my superiors would like me to investigate this train of thought. So what we need from you is to help us eliminate yourself as a suspect.

Jade Carter: I...I don't...

Officer Daniel Brown: The story would go like this: Connor told you Anna was abused at home. You felt so bad for her, you defended her and Connor against Anna's parents. When Connor told you that he wanted to take Anna away, you agreed, because it would mean saving her from her abusive household. You looked the other way when Connor made withdrawals from the bank. He told you he would keep working, and pay you back. You loved him so much that you were willing to let him go, knowing that he needed to do this for the greater good. Maybe you have plans to leave the country all together and meet up later. Maybe you thought you would be a little family, you and Connor, and your daughter Anna. Maybe you know where they are, right now. Maybe you're here to throw us off their trail.

Jade Carter: This is absolutely ridiculous. I had no idea Connor was going to take Anna. If you think I'm that good an actress than obviously I'm in the wrong line of work. I would never support taking a child from her birth parents. That would not be our place. If I thought Anna were being abused, I would have reported her parents to child protective services. I wouldn't have agreed to abduct her! I don't want a teenage daughter who isn't mine. I want...wanted..to have my own kids with Connor. And I have no intentions of leaving the country. I have no intentions of ever being with Connor again! I don't know why he took Anna, but he did so without any input from me, and what he's done is unforgiveable. What he's put me through. I would never sign up for this.

Officer Daniel Brown: I'm sure that's true. But I need you to help me prove it.

Jade Carter: Help you prove it? How am I supposed to do that? I had no idea Connor was taking our money, no idea he planned to take Anna, no idea he asked his boss to work from home, no idea he had any feelings around Anna other than feeling sorry for her. I don't know how I can prove that.

Officer Daniel Brown: There is nothing you can offer us to show you weren't involved?

Jade Carter: What would I have to offer you? Everything you've said is circumstantial. You can't prove it any more than I can!

Officer Daniel Brown: Well, we hope to rule you out eventually as we learn more. But until then you remain on our list of persons of interest. As a result, we would appreciate any help you can provide in this investigation, as it will go toward proving that you are in fact innocent of any wrongdoing here.

Jade Carter: Wow. I see what you're doing here. You're trying to blackmail me into being your little puppet.

Officer Daniel Brown: We are not trying to blackmail anyone-

Jade Carter: I have come down for hours of interviews, told you about anything I can think of that might help, and you are still questioning where my loyalties lie. You know I don't have to be here. Maybe I should just leave.

Officer Daniel Brown: It's true, you are free to go at any time. But if I were you, I would stick around as long as possible so that there's nothing that could look suspicious. I'm sure you know, as an attorney, how far cooperation can go.

Jade Carter: You are just...this is-

Officer Daniel Brown: In that vein, there is something you could do to help us.

Jade Carter: And that is?

Officer Daniel Brown: We would really appreciate if you could make an appearance at our next press conference and make a personal appeal to Connor to bring Anna back. If you are telling the truth, and you are innocent, than it would stand to reason that by continuing to work and forwarding you the money, Connor has feelings for you. If we can use those feelings to get him to bring back Anna-

Jade Carter: Forget it. I am not going to stand on national tv and beg for Connor to come home. That is not happening. I don't want Connor to come home. I never want to see him again.

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