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Connor Alexander Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview

Date: January 21, 2017

Duration: 185 Minutes

Location: Frederick County Sheriff's Office

No. of Pages: 25

Conducted by Officers Brown and Waters

Officer Brown: Well Mr. Carter, we certainly are happy to have found you.


Officer Waters: Mr. Carter, there are two ways we can do this: the easy way, and the hard way.

Connor Carter: And what is the difference between those two Mr. Good Cop?

Officer Waters: The easy way is as follows: you tell us where Anna is, we take your cooperation into consideration during sentencing.

Connor Carter: And the hard way?

Officer Brown: We sit here and talk, while Anna suffers.

Connor Carter: Yeah...see as nice as the easy way sounds, it really doesn't sound all that entertaining for me. I mean, lets be serious here buds, I'm going to jail for a long time. At the end of the day, my cooperation is not going to largely effect my sentence.

Officer Brown: It-

Connor Carter: No no no, don't start that with me. You forget. I was married to a criminal prosecutor. I've heard about her cases. Heard the "behind the scenes" commentary on her cases. The things lawyers don't want their clients to know. The things the police don't want their suspects to know. You can't fool me.

Officer Waters: Mr. Carter-

Connor Carter: So lets cut the crap. You want to know where Anna is. You're worried she's dead, or will be dead soon if you don't find her. I know where Anna is. What do I want? Well no one can give me what I want Officer, and that is a brain that doesn't crave teenage girls. But absent that, what I want is a get out of jail free card, a way home to my wife. Unfortunately, I don't think you can give me that either. But there is one thing you can give me.

Officer Brown: And what is that?

Connor Carter: Entertainment. And that's something I don't need your permission to take. So no, gentlemen. I don't think I'll be telling you where Anna is at this time. I'd like you to work for it. So let's hear it, what've you got?


Officer Brown: Where is Anna Connor? Don't do this. Be the better person. Be the man your wife thinks you are.

Connor Carter: Nice try buddy. But I know my wife. And I know the second I didn't come home, I feel from grace in her eyes. After all, if my wife had even an ounce of love left for me, she'd be here right now.

Officer Brown: Well unfortunately, your wife doesn't get to decide the circumstances of her presence here. Until you tell us where Anna is, you and your attention are exclusively ours.

Connor Carter: Now that might be the truest thing you've said so far today Officer. And just as I want it.

Officer Brown: Well as long as we're playing into your hand, why don't you take this opportunity to tell us about yourself and your relationship with Anna.

Connor Carter: What about it?

Officer Waters: How about you start with the point when you decided to take Anna hostage?

Connor Carter: Take Anna hostage? I'm not sure what you're talking about. Anna was my student, and I was her teacher. That is the capacity in which I met her, and the capacity in which I knew her.

Officer Waters: So then why did Anna start coming over to your house for private lessons?

Connor Carter: I am a dedicated teacher, and I hardly think the fact that I am willing to go above and beyond for my student's benefits is all that surprising-

Officer Waters: You aren't even a teacher. You're a volunteer. And I don't see you giving any other students the benefit of this great care you supposedly have.

Connor Carter: Well the other students didn't express an interest in extra help.

Officer Waters: And the only reason you gave Anna extra help was because she asked for it?

Connor Carter: Of course.

Officer Waters: [snorts] Okay.

Officer Brown: So tell us, have you spent the past three and a half months with Anna Harris?

Connor Carter: I don't know, have I?

Officer Brown: We have you on security footage near Deep Creek, Maryland the day of Anna's disappearance in the presence of Anna Harris.

Connor Carter: Well there you go, looks like you already know the answer to that question.

Officer Brown: Where did you take Anna Harris?

Connor Carter: It would be nice if I could tell you that, wouldn't it? How about this. You tell me something I want to know, and maybe I'll tell you something you want to know.

Officer Waters: What do you want to know?

Connor Carter: How is my beautiful wife?

Officer Brown: Jade is....she's, trying to cope with the betrayal of her husband I suppose.

Connor Carter: I want to see her.

Officer Waters: Absolutely not.

Connor Carter: Until you let me see her, I have nothing else to say.

Officer Brown: You don't get to negotiate here Connor. You are suspected of kidnapping. The second you took Anna, you lost all those privileges.

Connor Carter: Oh Officer...Brown is it? I think you and I both know that's a lie. On the day in question, there are undoubtedly privileges I lost, but the ability to negotiate is not one of them. No, I haven't lost that ability until I no longer have any value to you. And if I can help it, that won't be for quite a while.

Officer Brown: We caught you Connor. If you don't think we have other ways of ascertaining Anna's whereabouts...

Connor Carter: Oh I have the fullest of confidence in your policing abilities Officer...eventually. The problem is, you don't have until eventually do you? You have until, oh I don't know. Assuming Anna, whereever she is, is unable to leave her current location, and even assuming that the person preventing her from doing so left her some amount of food and water...you're looking at days here Officer not weeks. And in light of that, I am the single most likely lead towards finding Anna. So you can say whatever you want, but you need me. And luckily for you, I also need you.

Officer Waters: Well, Connor if you are not going to cooperate then I'm not sure this is a beneficial use of our time.

Connor Carter: Well then by all means go and use your time more wisely Officer. I have all the time in the world to wait for you. It's not me who needs it.

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