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Frederick City Sheriff's Department Special Investigation Unit

Tuesday October 18, 2016

Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order and Welcome

This meeting of the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) was called to order by Officer Daniel Brown at 8:32 am.

II. Meeting Topic Presented

The topic and purpose of this meeting is to draft an operation and method to catch Connor Carter and rescue victim Anna Harris, using the established facts and presumptions to the Unit's advantage in doing so.

III. Known Information

The information known about the whereabouts of Connor Carter and Anna Harris is as follows:

1. Connor Carter has experience with camping, and has previously expressed interest in cabin camping/living. It is likely he has conducted research into this possibility.

2. Connor Carter camped in North Western Pennsylvania with his wife previously.

3. Connor Carter told his wife he was going to hiking club, which he joined in early 2015, when he was not doing so, and would return from "hiking club' dirtied and sweaty. He would be gone for a total time period of 6-8 hours.

4. Connor and Anna were last seen in Western Maryland.

5. Anna experiences migraines, and requires medication. She has approximately a three month supply of the medicine with her.

6. Connor Carter continues to provide for his wife Jade Carter, even from hiding.

IV. Presumptions based on above facts

1. It is felt by a majority present that it is likely Connor Carter and Anna Harris are in cabin style camping facilities. This may or may not be on a campground, or this could be a piece of private land containing a cabin. It could also constitute a piece of land to which Connor Carter has built a cabin, which may or may not be known to the previous land owner or surrounding neighbors.

2. It is assumed this camp ground must be a maximum of 3-4 hours from Frederick in order to fit the time constructions of Connor Carter's hiking trips, during which it assumed he was preparing a living space for himself and a second person. Whether Connor Carter prepared the cabin with Anna Harris specifically in mind is disputed by those present.

3. As a result of the 3-4 hour assumption, the campground must be in either Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Delaware.

4. It is agreed that there is an overwhelming likelihood Anna Harris will ask Connor Carter to obtain prescription migraine drugs sometime in the next 1-5 months.

5. To obtain such medication, Connor will have to either

a. Bring Anna Harris into a doctors office to be prescribed the medication, likely under a false name.

b. Go himself to a doctors office to be prescribed the medication, again, likely under a false name.

6. This doctor's office will likely be, according to the Dr. Kenneth Pasadena, the present behavior analyst, two to four hours from the location of Connor Carter's home base.

7. This expands the possible doctor's office locations from the above listed to Ohio, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, and Kentucky.

8. Of the possible states for the doctor's office, because of the trajectory of Connor Carter's path being known to include Western Maryland, the most likely states that Connor Carter will choose will be West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York and Kentucky.

9. Connor Carter remains strongly emotionally attached to his wife Jade Carter. This relationship may be used to the Unit's advantage.

a. Connor Carter may be monitoring Jade Carter.

V. Methods of Capture

1. Intercept Connor Carter while buying prescriptions for Anna Harris. Follow him back to the home base and apprehend.

a. After learning of Connor's initial visit to a doctor's office, he will have to take the prescription to a specific pharmacy. Police in the area will be called to follow and eventually make contact with Connor Carter

2. Investigate Security Camera Footage in a path originating from Deep Creek, Maryland, in an attempt to learn more of Connor Carter's trajectory.

3. Work with security agencies to attempt to trace Connor Carter's work laptop signal or remotely install GPS software onto the device.

4. Visit all campgrounds in the relevant states and conduct searches and interviews of the managers.

5. Continue to employ Anna's loved ones to convince her via the media to come home on her own.

a. Potentially attempt to create a fabricated event, such as the death or severe injury of a loved one in order to persuade her to come home more quickly.

6. Ascertain whether and how Connor Carter may be monitoring Jade Carter, and use this communication portal to convince Connor Carter to reach out to Jade Carter.

VI. Tasks to be performed

1. Ask for anyone who sold or began renting a cabin, or empty private land to a man beginning circa early 2015, in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Delaware to come forward.

2. Alert all doctor's with the authority to prescribe the prescription migraine medication (i.e. neurologists) within the fourteen identified states about the possibility of Connor Carter attempting to obtain prescription migraine medication.

3. Require all neurologist's within the six most probable states to submit information about all new white male patients above the age of 18 and all new white female patients between the ages of 10 and 20 who request the migraine medication to the Frederick County Sheriff's Office.

A. To ensure awareness of this requirement, each doctor's office will be individually and specifically contacted.

4. Additionally require pharmacy direct prescriptions from neurologist's for Anna Harris's specific medication - no written prescriptions may be prescribed. This ensures the Unit will be aware of the pharmacy Connor Carter will be using.

5. Work with Anna Harris's family to create a fake video tape to distribute to the media depicting the serious injury of a family member.

6. Locate and Interview Connor Carter's parents for further behavioral analysis.

7. Perform a search of Jade Carter's devices for installed software that may allow a third party to take control of the web camera, microphone, etc. installed in an electronic device in her home. Additionally search the house in general for such devices.

a. If found, treat with care, do not let on the device has been found. Report back for further instructions in the case a communication portal is located.

VII. Conclusion

1. Next meeting will commence in two (2) weeks time, and will include a progress report on the above assigned tasks.

2. Before the next meeting, a second plan to tease Connor Carter out of his hideout will be developed, to be detailed at the next meeting.

3. Earlier meetings may be necessary, as the investigation develops further and new information is learned.

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