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Jade Allessia Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview


Jade Carter: So, I went to work this morning and I spent the first...about two hours meeting with Mr. Fink about his case, and then I had a staff meeting to discuss allocation of cases for an hour, and then I spent two hours researching Mr. Fink's defense. After that I took lunch with a coworker, Larry, and then I prepared for my client meeting with Mrs. Roberts, which I was conducting when you interrupted. I'm not sure if that's enough detail or if you would like me to elaborate on anything further.

Officer Brown: That's fine Ms. Carter. Now, did you have any contact with anyone outside of your office during those hours. Family members, friends, anything that you remember?

Jade Carter: Let's see, well my mother texted me around, I don't know, maybe 9ish to say that the caterer for my older sister's birthday party had cancelled and we needed to find a new one immediately. I didn't have time to respond. And my sister called me around 10 to ask if I could watch the twins on the 24th so she and her husband could go out of town. And then of course, I always call Connor on my lunch break.

Officer Brown: Are there any further details of either phone conversation that you could share?

Jade Carter: Um, I'm still not sure how this will help at all, but my sister and I's conversation was very brief, if she said anything else I don't remember it. As for Connor, I checked in with him and he told me his phone was acting up again and I might have trouble getting through to him because he wasn't receiving calls or texts. I asked him how his meeting went, and he told me it went great, his supervisor loved his idea to improve efficiency and is going to implement it. Er, he told me he might have to work late tonight but that he loved me and he was sorry that he wouldn't be there to cook me dinner, but to remember that he'd be thinking of me. I told him about my morning, similar to what I just shared with you, and then we hung up. It wasn't a long conversation either, because like I said I was getting lunch with Larry and didn't want to make Larry wait.

Officer Brown: Okay great, thank you. Now, could you talk to us a little bit about the activities that you and your husband participate in outside of work?

Jade Carter: Well, I'm an avid gym goer, I attend group exercise classes daily, usually soul cycle, yoga, or kickboxing. Connor runs and lifts weights. I volunteer at the University of Maryland Law School, mentoring students who would like to go into a career in the defense field and giving talks, things like that. I'm also part of a women's reading club. Connor volunteers too, he runs a high school girls robotics club to try to get girls interested in STEM fields as career choices. Connor also runs a hiking group, they hike early every Saturday morning, except for winter. We both are very involved with my family, since I'm from this area, we meet up with my family at least once a week, and we both have our own sets of friends of course. Um...

Officer Brown: Could you elaborate more on both you and your husbands' volunteering?

Jade Carter: Sure, like I said I mentor several students, three to be exact, helping them apply for internships, participate in the right extracurricular activities, and advise them on their essays and exam studying strategies.

Officer Brown: And could you tell us about your specific relationships with these students.

Jade Carter: Well there's Elena, she's in her second year, we just found out she got accepted to a big firm in Chicago for next summer as an intern which is exciting. She's a very sweet girl, lots of potential. We meet about twice a month, we usually go to Starbucks on their campus and go over what she's been working on. And then there's Kyle, he's struggling a bit more but I usually meet with him about once a week and we have been going over study habits. He's improved a lot, he's also in his second year, and his summer semester grades were a big improvement over fall and spring semester, so he's working hard. He's a charismatic one, a very fun kid. And then Ashley, she's doing well, but needs a lot of writing advice, so I edit her papers a lot, but we don't meet quite as much as the other two.

Officer Brown: And could you do a similar analysis on your husband and his relationship with his students?

Jade Carter: Well there are five girls on the team. There's Caitlin, Kelly, Megan, Samantha, and Anna. They're all very sweet girls. Caitlin's father sometimes helps Connor with building sessions. They've made so much progress on their robot this year. It got through the first round of judging so they get to go to the semi-finals this month, which the girls are just thrilled of course. They love getting to travel and stay in hotels, and Connor always makes sure they do lots of sightseeing in whichever city the competitions are in. They've accomplished a lot this year, lots of funding. All of the girls show a lot of promise. Samantha is a senior and she is planning on being an engineering major now, which Connor is very proud of. And Kelly and Megan are sophomores and they are very spunky girls, lots of energy. They play soccer so sometimes they have to miss robotics club sessions. And then, well, and then there's Anna. Anna is only a freshman and....is that what this is about? Is this about Anna? Did her parents contact you?


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