Chapter 16

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A/N: I've done my research and in Australia the legal drinking age is 18. Therefore, Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Mikey can legally drink/purchase alcohol in this fic.


Luke's POV

"You know, I think you're way better than Ashton" Daniel said after inhaling the thick smoke. As a result, his eyes became glossy and red.

My eyebrows raised, no Ashton is better than you. You can't see it, but Ashton is everything. I wanted to say this, but I didn't allow myself to, I know it won't end well. I knew all to well.

"Ashton always gets mad at me for smoking. He's not my mom. Just because his mom died, doesn't mean he has to act like one" he laughed, but I didn't.

"Respect his mom, Daniel. That wasn't funny" I snapped.

"Hey, don't talk to me like that" he grunted. Deciding I shouldn't start problems, I didn't answer back. Instead we silently allowed the addictive substances to enter our bodies and stain our bloodstream.

It went for hours like this; we finished one joint and we'll move to the next, we'll finish that and move onto a different drug. By the end of the night I was completely passed my limit, but Daniel wasn't since he was completely used to it. He kept talking to me, but I only half understood, the other half of me was enjoying the pleasant feeling the illegal drugs gave me. It wasn't like he had anything important to say anyways.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still in his house. I didn't even know where the hell I was at at first. I opened my eyes only to quickly shut them, the bright light consumed my eyesight that I couldn't even see. Slowly, I opened one eye. When my vision had fixated on the surroundings, I jumped.

One thing was for sure, I wasn't in my bed. No, I layed shirtless in Daniel's bed with him right by my side. One of his arms was draped across my chest while his head was tucked beneath the covers.

Maybe Ashton was right, I should stop doing drugs. Hell, I don't even remember how the hell I got here in this position with a man I hate but still somehow talk to like the idiot I am.

Panicked, I sat up at looked at Daniel who was next to me. Oh no no no, did something happen last night? If what I'm thinking of, happened; God and everything holy, even if I don't believe in you, don't send me to hell. Forgive me.

Deciding I shouldn't stay here any longer, I jumped out of Daniel's bed and picked up my thrown shirt off the floor. I sniffed it and scrunched up my nose. I really need to wash this. Despite that, I threw it over my head and flattened out the wrinkles. Then, ran out of his house to mine.


"Is this outfit okay?"

"We're going to a club not a wedding" Michael snorted, making Ashton roll his eyes and reluctantly go to the bathroom to change his outfit for the third time.

"Do I really have to go?" I whined.

"Yes, it's gunna be fun! We need a break, besides you can't let Ashton go alone without a date right?" Calum smirked.

I grumbled in response. "Yeah okay"

In defeat I went to my closet, fishing out a random pair of pants and a decent enough shirt. Calum shook his head, dissapointed in my lack of enthusiasm, while the others were practically shaking with excitement.

"You're driving right?" Michael asked when he entered the room. His leather jacket was draped across his shoulders, it matched his black jeans and light grey T-shirt.

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