Chapter 22

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Luke's POV

"Luke? Luke wake up." Ashton whispered, shaking my body.

I groaned and cracked one eye open seeing him just inches away, my arms still wrapped around him in a tight cuddle. I glanced at the time which read 9:32 a.m. in bright red numbers. "It's too early, let me sleep" I grumbled and tightened my arms.

I thought he was going to let me go into a nice slumber again but I felt a pillow collide with the side of my face and I immediately sat up, sending him a playful glare. I grabbed another pillow and I threw it at his face, making him shriek in surprise and almost roll off the bed. When he looked down to pick it up, I untangled myself from the blanket and lunged at him, tickling his sides.

Loud giggles and pleads to stop filled the room and I chuckled. He tried kicking me but I straddled his hips to prevent it. I continued my little fight and by now Ashton was at lost of breath for laughing too much. I stopped suddenly and leaned down, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Yuck, morning breath" he gaged.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up like yours is any better"

He lightly pushed me off and went straight to the bathroom. I followed and we both brushed our teeth quietly. Once we finished I grabbed his face with both my hands and kissed him again.

"You're so needy" he giggled cutely.

"It's not my fault you're so beautiful" I told him in between kisses. I let my lips linger on his for a while before I pulled away.

His lips tugged into a frown and I leaned down so our faces were inches apart, "What's wrong?"

"Hm? Oh nothing, let's go to the balcony" he said quickly and grabbed my hand, leading me to the back of his apartment.

"Since when do you have balcony?" I asked.

"Since I moved in here" he snickered.

I rolled my eyes and he led me to the balcony like he said. Then I remembered coming out here a couple times to smoke when Ashton was asleep. Except this time it was morning and the sun was bright, thankfully the building was giving us shade so we wouldn't have to burn out here. There wasn't much of a view out here, other houses were covering up most of it, so all we could really see was the interior of other homes.

"What are we?" He asked suddenly. I looked over seeing him leaning on the railing, looking down. I slowly pushed his body away from the edge and he straightened up.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to act oblivious.

"Like are we friends o-or erm.." He paused.

I grinned happily because I knew he was so shy about this so I pressed, "Or what?"

"Or like.. more?" He spit out quickly, barely even understandable.

"More what?"

He glared at me, "Luke stop, you know what I mean"

"I really don't" I shook my head and tried keeping a straight face but I failed miserably.

He groaned and covered his face with both his hands but I removed them a second later. When seeing how I close I was to him, his face turned into a crimson red and I told him softly, "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

He smiled brightly, "Not if you say my middle name again, Luke Robert Hemmings"

"Deal" I said and kissed my boyfriend once more before going back inside.

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