Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

"I'll see you later or something, I need to go home" Ashton said. He's been staying with me for the past few days. He seemed a bit happier now than the first day he came, and I was glad to see him smile without using force.

He took his things and headed out. I was cautious in looking at the house next to mine, making sure Daniel wouldn't follow him home, or see him leave my house. Luckily, Daniel's car wasn't in his driveway, so he was safe for now.

"Mikey? Are you okay?" I heard Ashton ask from a distance. My head snapped up and I opened the door a little bit more to see, at the same time Michael bursted in my house, pushing the door open. I stumbled back a bit and noticed his eyes were red and puffy. Also, his cheeks were stained with tears, like waterfalls escaping his eyes.

I apologetically smiled at Ashton who was still outside, and I shut the door softly. I stared at Michael in shock, not because he walked in so abruptly, but the fact that I've never seen him cry before. Sure I've seen when his eyes will get all misty, and his pout quiver from sadness, but from all the years I've known Michael, never have I seen him shed tears like this.

"He dumped me!" He yelled through thick tears and my eyebrows shot up. "He fucking - dumped me.." he said, more quietly this time, sinking in the fact that he's single now.

"Calum and.. you.. guys broke up?" I asked Michael.

"No- well yeah- I just didn't know he was going to end it. You get me?" He chocked out. I could see he was hurt, obviously, since they were together for a long time. I felt bad, but the last thing he'll want was pity.

"What happened? Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him. He nodded rubbing his eyes a bit, so I took him to my room. Once getting to the room, he immediately went into the corner of my bed and curled into himself. He shook slightly and honestly, I had no idea what to do.

"We fought for something so stupid" he finally said, after seeming like hours of silence, except for the sniffles coming from Michael, of course.

He looked like a lost puppy, that was left at an animal shelter; alone. And he sorta is the puppy in their relationship, or was. Either way, they'll probably get back together in no time. Couples fight, it's just how relationships work. If there's no fighting or some type of sadness, well that means something's wrong. No relationship is "perfect". Couples have their ups and downs, no matter how much you love that person.

Love always comes with pain.

"I can't even- why is Ashton so .. childish?" He asked, seeming to get angry now.

"Childish? Why is that?"

"Because of what he tried doing! He's- he's making Calum worry so much.. and you probably won't understand, you've never been in a serious relationship" he grumbled.

My mouth hung open and I gaped, "Excuse me? I'm trying here okay? The least you can do is not to be a bitch to me.."

"Sorry, I-I don't know what's up with me. I don't intend to be mean- or a 'bitch'. I really don't mean it, I'm sorry" he apologized. Michael has always had trouble controlling one emotion. One minute he'll be happy, then the next mad. I used to question him, I would think he had a small anger issue, but every time I'll try to talk to him about it, he'll get upset or angry. Although I learned and got used to Michael's mood changes, it still caught me by surprise.

"I don't know how to explain the situation, without coming off as clingy" he said.

"I won't judge you it's okay" I comforted.

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