Chapter 18

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Luke's POV

When I woke up the next morning, the sun blinded me as a way to greet me. I yawned and started recollecting the memories from last night. Thankfully I didn't drink that much that I remebered what exactly had happened.

After I let Ashton leave, I went straight home, only to find Michael and Calum passed out on my living room couch, then I stripped off my own clothes and knocked out face first on the bed.

I turned on my phone to check the time and it read to be nearly eight thirty in the morning. Why the hell am I up so early?

I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep so I hoped out of bed. I sloggily walked to the living room and the other two were still passed out cold. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to serve myself a glass of water, my throat was way too dry for my liking.

I leaned on the counter siping the clear water and occasionally spun the liquid around in the cup. I was thinking of going straight to talk to Ashton but I understood he needed time to himself. I put myself in his shoes and knew I would have not liked it either if I was told the same thing about Ashton.

There was nothing to do but watch the forgotten television. Making my decision, I sat on the couch, not forgetting to kick the two boyfriend's feet off the edge to make room for myself.

I grabbed the remote and flipped through every channel. There wasn't much to watch other than the news since it was too early and most importantly; a Sunday.

I left the television on a random news channel and watched it for a couple minutes. The weather looks very interesting. Oh! We're going to have sunshine for today! Yay.

I was about to click the T.V. off to do something productive when the weather segment ended and huge, bold letters reading 'Breaking News' appeared on the screen.

"Last night, two young boys were found unconscious after colliding with a 18 wheeled truck late last night on Bourke Street. Patricia has the latest information -"

A woman, that looked to be in her mid thirties, responded "That's right Tom -  Last night loud sirens disturbed the fellow neighbors from Bourke Street. It happened at around one in the morning when witnesses said they heard what seemed to be a screeching noise and a blast coming from the end of this busy street -" the camera focused behind the woman where there was a small car crushed, along with a huge truck destroyed on the front. There was also tow trucks that were helping out cleaning up the scene.

"The driver was identified as eighteen year old Daniel Anderson -" they showed a photograph of Daniel. My eyes widened because that is the Daniel I know. Holy shit. " - who was accompanied by another male who's name has not been revealed" The news began showing small clips of the incident earlier at night. The ambulance had carried away one stretcher and firefighters and paramedics were surrounding the small car.

Another male.


"One of the males died on the scene and the other is in critical condition, he was rushed to the hospital not long after. We have not gotten any new updates about him. Tom, back to you in the studio" the woman finished.

I started shaking as my conclusions gave me the worst. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was Ashton who was there with Daniel. The fact that there was a slight possibility that Ashton was the one that lost their life made me shake as tears started brimming in the corner of my eyes. I turned around not even knowing what to do.

No this can't be happening.

The first thing I did was shake Calum awake. "C-Calum - wake up" I whispered, but when I noticed it wasn't getting me anywhere, I began yelling.

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