Chapter 17

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Ashton's POV

Angry and sad, but most of all hurt, is how I felt at the moment. I feel so betrayed. The weird thing though, is that I'm more mad at Daniel than Luke. I've known Daniel long enough that I know he probably forced something upon Luke, or tricked him into doing something.

Either way I had to know exactly what they did together. Maybe I should have let Luke talk to me about it but nope, I had to storm off like the dramatic little boy I am.

I stopped in the middle of my track about ten minutes later. Where the hell am I? I looked at street signs and the roads and realized that I knew none. How the hell am I supposed to go to Daniel's house if I dont know which way to go?

A car honked loudly right by me and I jumped in surprise. "Get inside Ashton." Someone demanded; It was Luke.

I shook my head, being the stubborn brat I am, and continued to walk. I heard the car engine turn off and a door slamming. I didn't turn around when I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer. Before I knew it, Luke was carrying me over his shoulder to his car.

"Put me down Luke!" I screeched, kicking the air and making it harder for him to pick me up.

He didn't budge, instead he ignored my pleads. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to open the door and set me on the passengers seat, then buckled me up.

"Luke you are drunk. You can't drive!" I scolded like a parent.

"Who says I can't?" He snorted and started the car.

"I'm sorry Ashton" Michael whispered. I jumped again, and turned around to see Calum hugging Mikey who's eyes were puffy and red. I blinked rapidly and decided to not even ask when and how they ended up in the backseats of Luke's car.

Right when I turned to sit correctly, the car swayed a little to the side and that was enough to send me on panic mode "Stop the car! You're going to get pulled over!"

"I'm fine" he giggled. Despite how upset I was with him, I still found that little noise to be the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"Besides, they're way more drunk. And you can't drive"

I didn't say anything after that, I leaned back on the chair, refusing to talk to anyone right now. How the hell am I going to look at Luke the same anymore? I want to know what happened already but I don't want to hear it from Luke. I tend to forgive him easily and this is something that shouldn't be forgiven right away.

"Look, I'm so-"

"Save it" I mumbled.

He frowned but nonetheless did as told. The car ride was awkward. None of us had the strength or energy to start a conversation or at least turn the radio on to drown out the silence.

I didn't have much drinks at the club so I was perfectly sober and fully awake to everything right now. And I'm glad for that. I'll know exactly what is and going to leave my mouth.

The anger inside of me kept increasing when we got closer and closer to our destination. Time seemed to stop and go even slower when the houses became visible. Luke parked the car in the corner of the street instead of the drive way in front of his house. Calum and Michael sloggily walked out of the car, they supported eachthers weight by leaning against one another.

I was about to walk away but Luke pulled me toward him, "You're sleeping over"

I snached my grip away in a really rude manner and a look of pain washed over his face. I didn't care though, at least not in the moment, that he was hurt. Afterall he hurt me too, it's only fair.

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