Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: I am by no means a doctor, I tried doing research and everything for this but keep in mind that this is fiction lol..


Ashton's POV

Listening to Luke and Calum's voice talking to me and not being able to answer is the worst feeling ever. I tried to move but it was like my mind lost all it's connection to my body. My eyelids refused to open up no matter how much I tried. I had given up hours ago, it was no use anymore, nothing worked why even try?

I heard a door clicking closed and heavy footsteps following right after. I knew it who it was, after all it was the only person who's been visiting me all the time other than Calum.


The space beside me didn't feel as empty as it was anymore when I felt presence beside me.

"Hi Ashton" I heard his angelic voice whisper. His voice alone didn't make me feel as afraid in the darkness that I've been living and stuck in for a while now.

"Baby.. When are you going to wake up?"

Soon I hope.

"I didn't realize how much I needed you until this. I haven't apologized, fuck - you thought the wrong way - I didn't do anything with him Ashton, I swear" he said and I felt a small touch on my hand, fuck I better start moving soon. I didn't know how much I craved human interaction until this happened.

I wanted to wake up and tell him I know the truth already, but then I wanted to yell at him for doing all that crap for someone as shitty as me.

"I wish you can hear me. Is it true what people say? That people in coma's can hear everything you say?" Yes, yes! I can hear you! Goddammit, why can't I move anything? I felt him touch my hand moments ago why can't I already show him I'm okay and alive?

"Because if that's true; I'm sorry, you shouldn't be here. You don't deserve this.. I do." No you don't Luke. No one but me, if I would have listened to you none of this would've happened. But I guess things happen for a reason.

I felt a weight on my chest and soon, sobs entered my ears. He was crying. For me. How can he still be here with me when I did all of that? Practically shoving him away, cursing at him, everything when all he tried to do was help. I don't deserve him at all.

"I fucken love you Ashton. It took me this casualty to realize it, but I truly do. It's the only explanation for what you make me feel. The good and the bad. The way you make me smile and the way you hurt me. I want you to wake up, just so I can tell you a-and show you. I know it's so soon and we're not even together but that's what makes it special. A label didn't give me right to start loving you, it was the action, words, and emotions that let me know"

If I could, I would have cried. Love? Can he really love someone like me? A fuck up, a disaster? It feels too surreal. Maybe I am dead and I'm just dreaming. Surely I couldn't survive that crash right?

I'm dead, I'm dreaming. I kept repeating to myself.

"Things are going to change, Ash. Daniel isn't with us anymore and I promise I'll make you happy. I promise I won't hurt you like he did. I want us to start new.."

After those words left his mouth and traveled into my ears, I felt something extremely delicate on my lips. It was like a butterfly landing, it was shaky and fragile, as if a small movement will make it scatter away.

"I love you" I heard him say.

The piercing beeps of the monitor next to me got louder by the second and hurt my ears. I tightened my grip on the bedsheets when a wave of pain on the side of my head grew, so much that it made me nauseous. I felt an unusual rise and fall in my chest and for the first time in a long while, I felt air going through me.

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