Chapter Seven

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     "You boys have the supplies?" I said to Ben and Julian, while sitting on the bed in my bedroom. I looked down at the two boys, who were sitting on the carpet.

      "Yes," Julian said, "We have everything we need for the device." He started jokingly bouncing up and down while sitting. Ben placed his hand on Julian's head, as to stop him from bouncing.

      I smiled. "Great," I said. "And, I assume you two have figured out how you will build this?" They both nodded.

      I turned to Tariq. "Have you figured out how to say 'transportation device' in Spanish, Tariq?" He nodded.

      I smiled a wide smile. This was actually happening.

     Julian dumped big, red buttons, wires, nuts, bolts, screws, metal parts, and others onto the floor of my bedroom. Janel, Tariq, Ben and I gathered around him. 

     Him and Ben attached buttons to wires, wires to bolts, bolts to nuts, nuts to screws, screws to metal parts. It was all very confusing to me. I looked over to Tariq and Janel, who looked just about as bored as I was. Then, an idea popped into my head.

    "Tariq," I called, "Sing the song!" Tariq's funny song would put us in a better mood.

    He stood up, and stretched. "I'm gonna fuck you in the ass, and you will like it, you will scream and shout, like you are Brad Pitt," he sang. Everyone burst out laughing. I even fell on my back.

     "What does Brad Pitt's scream sound like, anyway?" I asked.

     "You're not ready for his scream, yet," Tariq laughed.

      Julian held up the device for all five of us to see. "We just need to get it to work," he said. I observed the device. It looked like it needed a few things.

     "How about," I suggested, "we add a touch screen to the device? This way, you could select your destination."

     "Or, maybe an on-and-off button?" Janel added.

      "Well," Ben said slowly, "if we added those, we would have to take the thing apart."

      "Shit," I thought. I tried thinking of a solution, but nothing came to mind.

      "Can you guys take the device apart?" I inquired. 

      Julian sighed. "I don't want to," he whined. I understood what he meant.

      I looked down at the metal device. I winced.

     "I suppose," I said, "we could all help take it apart. Then, put the new trinkets on, and put it back together." I didn't want to have to say it. But, my mind was so set on going back in time.

    "Alright," Ben said, "We could do that tomorrow. It's late." I looked at my watch. Five o' clock.

     I walked all five down stairs. They grabbed their things, said 'goodbye', and walked out the door.

     "Ben," I called, remembering my Lexi-and-Ben get together plan. "Come here, for a minute."

      He walked up to me. How would I talk about this with him?

      "You know Lexi? From our Spanish class?" 

       "Yeah," Ben answered, "Yeah, I know Lexi." I could tell this would be quite an awkward conversation.

       Out with it. "Interested in her?"

       He was surprised by my question. "Lexi's nice," he said. "I suppose she's pretty. I'll think about it."

       I smiled. This just might work. I just might have made my friend the happiest girl in the world. Id just have to wait and see.

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