✖️F O U R✖️

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L I V•
Jack: livvy?
Liv: Yes Jack?
Jack: *sent an image*
Liv: omg why!
I'm gonna kill Sam!
Jack: *laughing so hard
Liv: *punching you in the face
Jack: that's not very nice livvy 😂

I laugh out loud at our conversation, causing Sam to raise her hand from the mountain of pillows and duvets, and show me her middle finger. I laugh even more causing her to groan and pad into the bath room. I chuckle to myself, looking at the picture Jack had sent me. It was of me face first on the floor, my legs flailing in the air, with my chair tipped over somewhere in the distance. I scowl thinking how I could get my revenge on Sam.

Liv: I still can't believe she actually put that          picture on twitter!
Jack: I can😂
Liv: guess who's not getting any hugs today?
Jack: Sam?
Liv: Sam hates hugs
Jack: who then?
Liv: seriously Jack?
Jack: What?
Liv: omg 😂
Jack: laaavvvva yoooouuuu
Liv: love you, I've gotta go. I'm getting ready for your gig 😁
Jack: wooooooo

We were in line now, we were quite close to the back because we came later than what most people would have. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these girl had been waiting here for over five hours. Some fans are crazy.

The gig starts at two, its half one now, so we should be getting let in soon. Me and Sam wait for what seems like forever, with all these other girls. They are all just fans, lining up to see their favourite band; but I'm here to see my best friend perform on stage, on his first ever tour. I couldn't be more proud of him! Sam starts to groan after ten minutes. She starts to jump about and hum to herself. She carried on humming. After a few minutes I couldn't take anymore of it."will you shut up Sam!?" I tell her.
"Sorry, I'm just excited to go in"
"You do realise we are spending many weeks with these boys?"
"I know! And I'm so excited!" She cries. I roll my eyes at her, directing my gaze to my phone. The lock screen is a picture of me and Jack in the airport, right before he left for London to join RoadTrip. I've missed him these past few months, I just can't wait to finally hug him again.

Soon the line starts to move as people are being let in. Me and Sam move along with the line as each girl hands her ticket over to the member of staff at the door. Soon we are at the bottom of a set of stairs, leading to the main room. When we walk in all I see is a sea of heads. Girl after girl rushing to get as close to the front as possible. Sam drags me into the sea of people, I soon start to become aware of how many people are around me.

I don't get anxiety often, mainly just when I'm in crowded places. This was a crowded place and I was panicking. I let Sam's hand go as she disappeared between all the bodies, I moved away to the back, leaning against the bar. The bar tender places a glass of water next to me.
"Looks like you need it" he smiles at me and tends to another girl. I smile and take the drink.

Soon music starts to blast from the speakers, a girl with magenta pink hair skips onto stage. I like her style, she wore an ACDC top, some ripped jeans and A flannel round her waist. I was really enjoying her performance, her original songs were amazing! I liked one in particular called Screw You. I chuckled to myself as all the girls shouted names of past boyfriends right after they shout SCREW YOU! I laugh just thinking about it.

After a few songs the girl jumps off back stage. All the girls start to fidgety, knowing that next on stage was RoadTrip. I looked down at my hands, realising that I was shaking, just like them girls. I was excited. The lights dimmed, the music played. Five boys ran onto stage, their backs to us. It's show time!

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter!
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Twitter- misstaken_mindy

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