✖️T W E N T Y- F O U R✖️

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L I V•

"Omg can this plane go any faster" Sam groaned from the seat next to me.

"Sam, calm down"

"I know sorry, but what if we miss them"

"It was probably a bad idea to do this in the first place"

"Don't say that!"

"Why not"

"Because we- you are chasing after the boy you love" I ignored her little slip up, she can tell me when she is ready.

"Still, not a good idea"

I'm so nervous. My palms are sweaty and I can't help bouncing my knee up and down as I fidget. What if he just completely rejects me, how am I supposed to come back from that?

When we get off the plane we have to wait for our bags, which is the most annoying thing ever. The gates for the boys plane open in half and hour, and both me and Sam are stressing over it. We wait about ten minutes for peoples bags to begin coming out the plane. It then takes another ten minutes for us to collect our bags, leavening us with ten minutes to get to the boys. We ask a member of staff for directions before we begin sprinting through the airport.

I'm so out of breath and feel like I need to sit down, but Sam is soon behind me, pulling me up and pushing me to keep running. We finally see a sign above us, the boys gate number printed on it. It shows an arrow pointing left so we follow it and we come into a large waiting area. There are so many people here, how are we supposed to find them.

"Sam where are they"

"I don't know Liv- oh no wait look" Sam points to two boys walking away from us, one blonde one dark haired, but I knew who they were instantly. Mikey and Brook. I'm frozen, I have no idea what to do. This is the first time I have seen him in ages.

"Liv, do something!"

"Mikey!" He doesn't hear me.

"Mikey!" This time Brook hears me and taps Mikey on the shoulder, stopping him from walking. They both look around the airport, looking for who ever said his name. I wait until his eyes meet mine from across the many benches in the waiting room. And then it's as if everything goes into slow motion, and everyone around us disappears. Mikey drops his bags to floor and begins walking. I do the same, dropping my bags and making my way towards him. Walking soon changes to a jog until soon I am full on running at him. As we get closer his arms spread out and I jump into them, wrapping my arms and legs around him tightly. My face falls into the crook of his neck and I breath in the familiar scent that is unique to Mikey. I feel him hugging me back tightly, small whispers of "sorry, I'm so sorry" leaving his mouth. I just hug him tighter, not wanting to let go; I think he feels the same with how tight he is holding me, his strong arms make me feel the safety that I haven't felt in weeks. As we pull back I drop to the floor, still looking into his blue eyes. From behind me I can hear Brooklyn shouting.

"Rye! Jack get Rye to come over here!"

I spin around to look at him, but I am almost blown off my feet as Rye wizzed past me. Mikey keeps me up right, tightening his grip around my waist.  Rye flys towards Sam, I can see that she is also running towards him. They collide together with a kiss their arms wrapping around one another, I look away to give them privacy; so this is what she has been keeping from me all this time. I turned round, shocked from what I am witnessing.

"She never told you?" Mikey asks me. I just shake my head, hugging him again and basking in his warmth. Suddenly I hear a muffled voice over the intercom. "That's our last called" he tells me, pushing on my shoulders and resting his hands there as he looks at me. "We have so much to talk about, and there is no way that I can wait till I get back"

"What are you tying to say?"

"Come, Come with us"

"I don't even have a ticket Mikey"

"You do, Blair bought you one ages ago back when he got ours."


"Because he was planning on taking all of us. He likes having you around, he says that you keep us all in check" He laughs.

"Mikey I don't know..-"

"Please, Liv. Please"

"Mikey we need to go mate" we both look to Rye, his arm wrapped around Sam tightly.

"Please" he hides his face into the crook of my neck. "Please Liv, please" I feel a wetness on my neck, he's crying.

"Ok" He looks up


"Yes" I nod. I picks me up and swings me round a happy laugh coming from his mouth.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I smile as he grabs my hand, intwining our fingers and walking me to the gate; My bags in hand.

Things will be ok.

Short chapter, but the next one will be long as it is the last one until the epilogue 😢 Hope you guys enjoyed this, Liv and Mikey are back together again! And also, what do you think about Sam and Rye???


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