✖️T W E N T Y- F I V E✖️

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The sound of my feet padding against the tile floor echos quietly around the open plan house. The only light coming from the lamp post outside, beams coming through the window, casting a glow on the granite kitchen counter tops. This really is a beautiful house, I can't deny that.

On a whole I was happy I got on the flight, even though some things are still awkward. For example: yesterday morning I went to get a glass from the cabinet but I was too small to reach. The only other person who was awake and could help me, was Jack. So you can imagine how awkward it was when he had to reach over me to get the glass down. We haven't really spoke to one another much, only when we need to really. Its strange, one minute a person can be your best friend, the one you tell everything to and rely on to help you and love you. But then suddenly they become a stranger that you can no longer talk to without things being awkward and strained. I know it will take time with Jack, and to be honest I don't think things will ever really go back to how they used to be. Even though it makes me sad I have to remind myself why this is all happening. Mikey. I have Mikey and I couldn't be happier. We are still yet to have a talk about everything that happened, but at the moment we just want to be happy.

I look at my phone for the time, 5:04. The reason I have woken up so early is because stupid me forgot to bring a glass of water to bed with me, so I woke up in the middle of the night for a drink and it wasn't there.

I grab a clean glass from next to the sink, wiping the soap suds off with a tea towel before filling it with icy water. I take a long gulp before placing the glass down and leaning my elbows on the counter. Rubbing my eyes, tiredness takes over me.

I don't know how long I have been standing here when I feel strong arms come around me, hands laying flat on my stomach. A small kiss is placed on my bare shoulder where Mikey's top, too big for me, has fallen down my arm, I shiver a small bit at the contact. He rests his head in the crook of my neck, stubbled chin grazing my skin lightly. I can feel his wild hair against my cheek, and I welcome the scent of him as it engulfs me entirely.

"Why are you awake at this time?" He asks me sleepily.

"I needed a drink, I forgot to take some water to bed with me" I tell him.

"You could have just woken me up" I feel another kiss on my shoulder.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you" I turn round in his arms, his hands now against my back and our faces inches apart. I can feel his minty breath fan across my face. He smiles at me.

"I wouldn't have cared, if my girlfriend needs a drink in the middle of the night, Then I would be more than happy to go and get it for her" I blush and smile at the floor. He lifts my chin up, leaning forward and kissing me softly. His hands slip around my waist and down my arms, taking my hands in his. "Come back to bed" he tugs on my hands, leading me through the house, the glass of water now forgotten.


I've got to admit, waking up engulfed in the strong and protective arms of your boyfriend is one of the best feelings. His body heat wraps round me like a blanket, our legs tangled together as my back presses against his stomach. The duvet hugs us both, protecting us from the cold of our room. If only this moment could last forever... it can't; especially when you live in the same house as Brooklyn.

"Guys! Come on get up!!! We gonna go exploring" he practically screams. Mikey groans loudly, his arms slipping from around me as he rolls over to glare at Brook.

"I'm giving you 10 seconds to run" Mikey tells him "10..9..8" Brooklyn legs it out of the room.

"Rye! Ryan! Mikey's gonna beat me up!" Brook screams. I feel Mikey sit up to get out of bed, but I am quick to grab his shoulders and push him back down into the mattress. I cuddle into him, wrapping my arms around his stomach.

"Just stay in bed a little longer, you can chase him later" I hear him chuckle before I soon fall asleep again, Mikey's arms tightening around me.


Once me and Mikey made it out of bed, we all went exploring. I can't exactly remember where we are but I love it here. Mine and Mikey's hands, intertwined together, swing loosely between us. I see Jack look at our joined hands every now and again, an uncomfortable expressing crossing over his features. It may seem horrible, me and Mikey practically rubbing it in his face. We are not doing it on purpose! But I spoke with Andy and apparently Jack told him that he was ok with it, but I could tell that he obviously wasn't.

The rest of the day was spent wandering around with the boys. Mikey bought be a new Top and we all had dinner together at the local diner. All in all it's been a great day. The boys have a show most nights so I know this is one of the only break days we are gonna have.

We got home late, everyone going to bed pretty much as soon as we got in. I got changed into some of Mikey's sweat pants and his hoodie that I wore on our first date. I guess I just love wearing his clothes, it makes me feel even closer to him.

We have been in America for about two weeks now, and me and Mikey have yet to talk about everything that happened. As he walks into our room after his shower I grab his hands and guide him to sit on the bed.

"We need to talk" I tell him.

"That doesn't sound good" He grimaces.

"It's just about what happened before, we haven't even spoke about it yet."

"Do we really have to?"

"Yes Mikey, we do. We've been pretending that everything is ok, that nothing happened. But you hurt me Mikey, and I can't forget that." He leans his forehead on my shoulder.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry" He looks up at me, his eyes gazing into mine "because if I need to, I will apologise everyday for the rest of our lives" that breaks my heart a little. I smile widely at him. I know one day we will have to have a proper talk about this, but right now I am ok with how things are.

"I love you" I breathe out.

"I love you so much more" He kisses me softly then. We lay back together on the bed, falling asleep with our legs tangled together and our arms wrapped around each other. This moment is perfect, and nothing can ruin it.


Just the Epilogue left now 😢 I've been writing this story for so long and now it is almost over. I hope you guys have enjoyed this book, thank you to everyone who actually reads it! You are amazing!!!! ❤️


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