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L I V•

Omg, I love Mikey. I'm in love with him. I know we haven't known each other long, but it feels like I have known him for so much longer. When I'm with him he makes me feels things that I have never felt before, my heart skips and is overwhelmed by strong feelings. His touch sends shocks of electricity through my body. I'm so deep into this now, there is no escape from these feelings. Oh god, what if he doesn't feel the same way! I'm freaking out!

I am currently pacing around Blair's room. Thoughts about what I have just admitted to Jack race through my head. Oh god Jack! Jack loves me! This is all just one huge mess. Mikey knew Jack liked me, but yet he still asked me out anyway? That's a bit of a dick move to be honest, why would you do that to your best friend? That doesn't stop my feelings though. They rage full force inside of me. I need to speak to Mikey. I need to tell him that I love him.

I walk out and into the boys room, I don't have to worry about Jack being there because he said he needed some time alone, so he went on a walk. When I enter the room I see Brook lounging on the sofa, Andy is on his bed watching something on his laptop and Rye is scrolling through his phone, but there is no sign of Mikey.

"Hey Rye?" He looks up, only just noticing that I was here.

"Hey Liv"

"Hey, erm do you knew where Mikey is? I really need to talk to him"

"He got in the shower about ten minutes ago, I'm sure he should be out soon. Do you want me to send him into your room when he is finished?"

"Yeah that would be great, thanks Rye"

"No problemo" I laugh to myself as I walk out the door.

It's another ten minutes until Mikey finally appears through the door to Blair's room. His hair is wet, hanging in front of his eyes and dripping drops of water on his nose and cheeks. My breath is instantly taken away by him. "Hey" He greets me, hand still on the handle of the door "Rye said you needed to speak to me?"

"Erm, Yeah..." See? Everything is awkward with us. My palms begin to sweat with anxiety, clasping my hands together I stand up. "I spoke to Jack" I tell him.

"Yeah, so did I" That not what I was expecting, at the moment it feels like they can't even be in the same room together, never mind talking to one another.

"Really? How did it go?"

"Not good. You know what, I think my friendship has been ruined." He sounds angry.

"I'm sure he will come around, he has to eventually"

"Liv, I have done one of the worst things you could ever do to your best friend! Do you understand that?"

"Just because he likes me doesn't mean you can't, he missed his chance with me! And anyway I don't love him like that, he's my brother, nothing more."

"Still... it's not right"

"What's not right?" I question. My voice raises a bit, my palms becoming even more sweat drenched.

"Us Liv"

"No! Your wrong. Everything about us feels right, it is right!"

"Liv, this thing we have going on" he gestures his hand between us "has ruined my friendship with one of my best friends, it could also ruin my career. This has to stop!"

I feel tears steam down my face, hot and salty. I look him in the eyes, searching for any sign of regret. There is none.

"Mikey please" I can feel myself breaking.

"Liv I'm breaking up with you" He doesn't look at me as he says this.

"Mikey no, please don't"

"Don't want? Don't do what's right!"

"How is any of this right!?"

"We have to think of how this is gonna effect our futures. Is it really worth it?"

"This relationship is worth everything to me. Mikey I- I- I love- I love you..." He was about to say something, but then what I said registered in his brain. He stood still, silent. Oh god what have I done.

"Love me? Liv you don't love me! We hardly know each other!"

"Mikey I have told you things that no one else knows, I trust you more than anyone, you make me feel so safe just by being in the same room as me. Mikey I love you and I can't help that!"

"Well... the feelings are not mutual" his voice is hesitant but shows no sign of breaking like mine is. His words shock me, causing my body to drop onto the bed. Tears are streaming down my face uncontrollably as I hold my head in my hands.

"I don't understand-"

"What don't you understand?"

"Why are you being like this?" My voice cracks at the end as another sobs leaves my mouth.

"Being like what Liv?"

"Being so horrible! Why are you angry at me! You're the one who knew Jack liked me!" There is no doubt that the other boys can now hear us arguing.

"Well you know what Liv? I'm selfish! For once I wanted something for myself, is that too much to ask for!?" He is also crying now. "But you know what? In the end this all ended up being one big mistake" He spat the words out like they were poison on his tongue.

"Don't say that..." I shake my head "we aren't- this isn't a mistake! We are not a mistake!"

"Liv, let go. We are over!" They are the last words I hear him say before I storm out the room with my suitcase in tow.

A N D Y•

As I'm leaving the bath room someone walks straight into me. I grab their shoulders quickly, making sure they didn't fall over. As they look up I see that it's Liv, and she's... crying?

"Liv! What's up?"

"Andy-" a sob interrupts her "I need to leave! I need to go back to Ireland" She tries walking past me but I pull her back.

"Woah Liv calm down. Just try breathing in and out calmly" she does as I say and eventually her hysterical sobs turn into small hiccups.

"Are you sure about this?" She nods her head. I think for a moment "Ok. I will take you, come on"

We are sat in the car on the way to the airport. I don't ask Liv about what happened, I know she will tell me if she wants to. She just sits, looking out the window, her face expressionless. If she wants to talk, she will talk.

We are outside the airport now. I'm pulling her case behind me as we walk next to each other. I stop once we get to security, knowing that I won't be able to accompany her anymore past this point. She surprisingly wraps her arms around me in a tight embrace. "Thank you Andy" she talks into my shoulder.

"No problem" we move apart and she takes her bag from me, making her way past the doors. She smiles at me sadly as she turns the corner.

Mikey, what have you done...

Oh no! There is trouble for Mikey and Liv. Hope you guys enjoyed this! Also, my next book is gonna be 'Boys Like You' because that was the one most voted! Don't worry I will still be doing the Andy book, just not until after the Rye one ❤️❤️

 Hope you guys enjoyed this! Also, my next book is gonna be 'Boys Like You' because that was the one most voted! Don't worry I will still be doing the Andy book, just not until after the Rye one ❤️❤️

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