✖️F I F T E E N✖️

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L I V•

I'm currently on my way to Mikey's hotel room the night before the Glasgow show. We haven't spent much time together because we are constantly on the move; wether it's traveling to a new city or town, going out with the boys or they are playing a show.

So tonight we are gonna sit in his bed and watch movies all night while eating lots of junk food. We went out earlier and got some DVDs that looked good. I managed to convince him to buy me the Moana DVD, but even though he complained about it, I knew that he actually really wanted to watch it.

I knock quickly before opening the door and walking in. I was welcomed to the site of Mikey sat in the middle of the bed, wet, messy curls flopped in front of his eyes. I think he's just had a shower because his hair is wet and he is only wearing sweat pants. I'm distracted at the beautiful site of him for a moment until I finally see what is really happening. He is leant over his phone, frantically scrolling through something.

"Hey" I walk closer so that I could sit next to him.

"Hey" His eyes meet mine and that's when I notice that they are red and glossed over with, what look like, tears. In that second my heart broke. I never wanted to see this boy cry. Who ever has made him cry I am going to hunt down an-

"I know what your thinking" Mikey cuts me off from my thoughts "sorry I'm being such a baby, I should man up" he looks down at his phone again. I move closer to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me again. "Why are you still here?" That takes me back a little.

"I want to help you" I tell him softly.


"Because I care for you" I tell him, meaning ever word. I move my hands to his face and edge closer to him on the bed until our knees are touching. "Now, tell me what's happened"

"I was just telling the Roadies that we couldn't do the Birmingham and Dublin shows just yet because we are going to Amsterdam. Some were ok about it, but some weren't. I've never been too good with hate, I never let the boys know that though" my heart broke for him. He always acted as if he was this really confident guy. But here he is, opening himself up to me. Showing me the messy side, but I still mange to find something beautiful about it.

"Mikey, don't let them get to you. We are going to Amsterdam! How cool is that?!" He smiles at me widely, hugging me to him.

"I love how you can always find the positive side to such a bad situation" I smile at his use of love, he said he loves. I feel my heart beat a little faster, even more when he puts two fingers under my chin and lifts my head up so that my eyes meet his. "Liv Hail, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, and not just on the outside but inside too. You are so kind, gentle. You make me so happy" in that moment I knew; I knew that this boy would never hurt me, and I would never want to hurt him. I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me but I never got the chance, this is because Mikey leant forward and captured my lips in a kiss. My heart raced as I felt the warmth of his touch seep into me. I was so lost in this moment, this perfect moment. It felt like a whole bunch  of butterflies had swarmed into my stomach at once, causing some sort of electrical storm. Where ever I touched him or he touched me, tingles and small bolts of electricity seems to follow. They shocked my whole body, and I realised that I never wanted to escape this feeling. My hands are in his hair, I love the softness of it. Mikey wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me closer to him. After a few more seconds we pull away from one another. I felt like I couldn't breath, this moment had sucked the air right out of my chest.

"Wow" Mikey breathes as he gazed into my eyes.

"Right back at you Curly" He Laughs as I ruffle my hands through his hair. He suddenly looks down and back up at me again, and that's when I realise what position we are in. I'm sat in Mikey's lap, facing him, with my legs wrapped around him. I had also managed to forget that he wasn't wearing a top. I blush furiously and hide my head in his shoulder. He giggles at me before pressing a small kiss into hair.


"Oh come on, you know you want to watch it"

"I really don't"

"Yes you do, admit it"

"I'm not watching Moana" Mikey protests. I know he wants to watch it, he is just being stubborn.



A few moments later we are sat on his bed watching Moana. He has his back leant against the head board, while I sat between his legs with my back against his chest. I had a tube of Pringles to my left that I was constantly snacking on throughout the film. Mikey is making good progress with the three bags of Doritos I bought.

Even though, before the film, Mikey had complained about watching it, I still could hear him singing along to each song under his breath. I giggled to my self, knowing that him and one of the other boys probably went to go see it at the cinema. I decide to ask him

"So which one of the boys did you go see this with then?" I keeps my eyes on the tv as I ask him this.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He carries on snacking on the bag of Doritos.

"I'm not stupid"

"Fine, me and Andy went"

"Aww that's cute" I gushed at him.

"Don't ever call me cute ever again" I laugh loudly this time, I cover my mouth with my hand in a failed attempt to mute the hideous sounds escaping my mouth.


We carried on watching movies until we decided that we were tired. We managed to watch around three, Moana, The Maze Runner and American Pie. All very different movies now that I come to think of it.

Me and Mikey are currently laid next to each other. The covers are pulled over us snugly. My eyes are really heavy and I know that I am going to fall asleep any minute. I feel Mikey's arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him so that my back was pressed against his chest. I could feel his breath against the back of my neck and it was driving my senses crazy.

"Hey Liv?" Mikey asks me just as I'm about to drift of into a peaceful sleep.

"Yeah Mikey?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I could sense how nervous he was, his muscles are tense. I just smile to myself. Mikey could probably feel how hard my heart was pounding right now.

"I would love to be your Girlfriend" I feel his whole body relax as he pulled me closer to him. In this moment my heart felt whole, like, maybe Mikey was my missing piece.

Sorry if I made this too mushy ahah 😂. I really like this chapter so please give it a vote and maybe a comment.

The video at the top is my own that I made. I've made many more like it, I upload them all to my YouTube channel (MissTaken Mindy) would mean a lot if you could subscribe 😊 thank you to everyone who reads this book! I love you all 😊❤️


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