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It was the next day. The boys have played the Liverpool show, and now we are on our way to London; we are around twenty minutes away. Most of the boys were asleep; definitely ready to be home for a few days. Normally there wouldn't be enough space for me and Sam, so it's great that Blair is away for a few weeks.

After another twenty minutes we finally pull up to the flat, I had never been here before. I had only seen small parts from where me and Jack have Skyped and I saw the background. When Andy opened the door, I saw past him to see a narrow corridor with three doors. We all piled in, put our cases down against the wall.

The boys led me and Sam further into the flat, we turned a corner to go into a room, I saw that there was another door. The room that I had been led into was a bed room. There were two sets of bunk beds, a small coffee table in the middle, with a black leather sofa off to the side, a large mirror hanging above it with many small stuffed toys on top.

"We're home!" Andy calls, flopping down onto the sofa. The boys,including Sam, all whooped and whistled, all collapsing onto the bottom bunks. The only other space left was next to Mikey. So sat down next to him, his arm on the back of the sofa, just behind my head. His hand accidentally slipped, causing it to brush against my neck, shivers coursed through me at the touch. God what's happening to me. Mikey pulled his hand away, settling his hands on his lap.

We all just sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the blissful silence. That is until Sam's phone went off. She pulled it from her pocket, reading the contact. "Sorry guys, I have to take this" she gets up, moving into the corridor.

"Well, I think I'm gonna get some sleep" Rye states all of a sudden. Everyone agrees with him, all of them slowly climbing into their beds. I go out to see Sam. She is leant against the wall crying. I rush over to her in a panic, pulling her body into my arms.

"Sam what's wrong" I ask, still hugging her.
"I have to go home" she cries. I could feel my top starting to stick to my skin.
"What do you mean go home?"
"It's my grandma" she sobs "she hasn't got long left"
"Omg Sam" I hug her even tighter, hoping to calm her down. We stay there for a bit, just holding each other. I don't like seeing my friend sad. "Let's get you to bed yeah?" I look at her. She nods. "Ok, I'll just go ask one of the boys where we are sleeping.

I walk back into the room to see everyone but Mikey asleep. "Hey you ok?" He looks concerned.
"Erm, yeah yeah. Where are me and Sam sleeping?" I ask him.
"You're sleeping in Blairs room. It's just next door" he smiles.
"Thank you" I make my way back to Sam. I show her to Blairs room. By the time I've found the bath room, brushed my teeth and been to the toilet; Sam had managed to move herself into the centre of the bed, and is flat out asleep. I groan inwardly, but I know that she needs a good night sleep. I decide to sleep on the sofa in the boys room. I got the blanket for the end of the bed and made my way into the boys room. The lights were off but I could see that someone was on there phone because there was little light coming for one of the bottom bunks. He noticed that I am here and sat up. It's Mikey.
"You ok?" He asks, his eyes trailing down to the blanket.
"Yeah, Sam's taken up the bed so I am going to sleep on the couch" I tell him. He instantly gets up, it is then that I notice that he only has boxers on. I look away blushing.
"I'll sleep on the sofa, you sleep in my bed" He offers.
"I don't want to cause any trouble. I also don't want to be the reason why you are really tired tomorrow" I say.
"Honestly it's fine" he gently holds my shoulders, tugging my towards the bed. He sits me down and walks over to the couch.
"Night Liv" I huff and smile, climbing under Mikey's duvet.
"Night Mikey"

The sheets smelt nice, is was comforting, I don't know why. All I know is that what ever I find so comforting about it, it's helping me sleep; so I wrap myself up like a caterpillar in its cocoon, surrounding myself in the smell. It wasn't long before sleep took over.

I woke up surrounded by that comforting smell, I just wanted to hide in it and never come out. But I knew I had to because we all had to take Sam to the air port. She was going back to Ireland to see her grandma. I decided to have five more minutes, the flat sounded quiet, I wanted to enjoy the peace for just a little longer. That was until I felt a weight on my legs. At the first I ignored it, but then whoever was on my legs, started bouncing up and down. I groaned out loud in frustration. I peaked my eyes open and see Jack at the end of my bed. "Jack! Seriously!"
"Yeah" He laughs. I loved it when he laughed. I go to kick him, but he moves and I end up kicking the bed post.
"Ow! Omg Jack I'm going to kill you!" I scream out in pain. Jack laughs and legs it out the room.

I should expect this, I am living with five energetic boys.

The airport was busy and rumbling with life. People scurried everywhere like ants. I hate ants... and bugs. I shudder just thinking about it.
"Liv?" Andy is looking at me strangely "you ok?"
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine"
"He tilts his head a bit and turns back to the boys, carrying on his conversation with Mikey and Brook.

Soon after that, the announcement came over the intercom for Sam's plane. She turns to me, a sad smile across her face. "I'm gonna miss you Liv" she pulls me into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you too, stay strong ok?" I tell her into her shoulder. I feel her nod as she hugs me tighter. We soon pull away, tears down our faces. I watch as she leaves, and I watch as she smiles and waves; disappear through the double doors.

Sorry this is so late. I'm actually crap at updating. Anyway, hope you enjoyed that chapter.
Also, who is going to RoadTrips tour in September? I'm going to the Manchester show.

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Twitter: aimee_th118
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