✖️T W E N T Y-T W O✖️

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S A M•

"I'm really worried about her" I say over the phone.

"I'm sure she will come round" He tells me.

"It's been two weeks and the most she has moved is from her bed to the kitchen"

"It's the same here, he just wont do anything. Blair said that if he doesn't start doing something soon, there could be trouble"

"What do you mean by trouble?"

"As in, he may have to leave the band"

"No that cannot happen! Absolutely not!"

"I know, thats what I said; but Blair won't change his mind"

"Well have you got anything planned?"

"We are supposed to be going over to LA in a few days to go and do some shows over there"

"He is gonna have to pull himself together or he will ruin his career" I shake my head, even though he cannot see me.

"I know, that's what I said" he sighs.

"We need to do something, anything"

"We will see how he does over in America, I will try talking to him"

"Ok that's great. Anyway, America hey? That's huge, I'm so proud of you!"

"I know it's massive! I honestly cannot wait. I'll make sure I'm snap chatting you stuff everyday!"

"You better! I want it to be like I'm there with you"

"I wish you were... I miss you ya know"

"I miss you too" I smile sadly.

"Hey don't frown."

"How did you know I was frowning?" I smirk.

"I just knew. You can stop smirking now"

"Omg shut up!" I laugh. He laughs along with me; I can picture his smile in my mind. It makes me smile just thinking of it.

"Ok I'm gonna have to go, I love you Sam"

"I love you-" the phone cut out before I could say his name.


B R O O K•

"Mikey! Andy! Rye! Jack! Come on, I'm so exited I wanna leave!"

"Brook shut up!"

"No Andy I will not shut up! I'm excited Ok?" Andy grabs his beloved purple pillow, he almost launches it at me but at the very last moment he pulls it to his chest and flops down onto his bed.

"Will you all please get out of bed!?"

"Boys come on, Brook is right. Get your arses up out of bed and let's leave" Blair tells them all as he arrives through our bedroom door. Andy groans a little but soon enough jumps from his bed and into the kitchen, he is most likely getting some breakfast. Rye practically sleep walks out of his bed and into the bathroom, his duvet still wrapped around his shoulders. Mikey and Jack get up at the same time, they look at each other for a few seconds and then they turn away. I sigh a little before joining Andy in the kitchen for breakfast.

We are on the plane now. I tried sitting next to Mikey, because I wanted to cheer him up, but Andy bet me to it. Instead I make my way over to Jack and Rye who are in the middle seats. I sit between them, scrambling over Jack to do so. "For god sake Brook, what are you doing" He complains.

"Sitting down? Duh, what does it look like"


M I K E Y•

"Mikey, come on. Talk to me please"

"I don't want to" I lean my head against the back of the chair, allowing my hair to fall over my face.

"Come on.."

"Andy! I said no. Drop it"

"You need to start doing something soon. If you just flop at these next few shows and not do anything, then you know what will happen. You are going to ruin your career"

"Well what if I don't care" I shrug my shoulders at him.

"I won't let you just give up on this Mikey. I can't and I won't"

"Andy, I said drop. It."

"No" He looks at me obviously annoyed. "I'm not giving up on you Mikey, I won't" I turn to face the window again "just try, yeah?" I give him a shy nod before fully turning my body away from him. I hear him huff to himself melodramatically before I pop my earphones in, turning the volume up as loud as it can go, not caring if everyone can hear it.

I spend the whole flight glancing out the window and listening to music or watching something on the TV in front of me. Andy is passed out asleep next to me, his sunglasses falling off his face. I think back to what he said to me, I know he is right, I must sort myself out; I just have to forget about everything for a few weeks and I'll be fine. It's gonna be a lot harder than it sounds, especially when I have Jack as a walking, talking reminder of all the terrible things that have been going on in my life right now. Suddenly I hear 'ding', I look up and see the seat belt sign flashing. Andy stirs awake next to me, fastening his seatbelt; I do the same.

The rest of the journey was pretty uneventful. We are staying at friends house for the night in Palm Springs before travelling to LA tomorrow. To be honest I am really looking forward to it, I could do with a great distraction.

I end up sharing a bed with Rye for the night, well a mattress on the floor in the living room, it still counts. I can tell he is itching to question me or give me some kind of lecture like Andy keeps trying to do. But instead of doing so, he just says "we will talk tomorrow" and then he turns around to go to sleep. I take a deep breath in and out, trying to clear my head so I can at least get a good nights sleep. After about an hour of just laying in silence I finally feel my eyes becoming heavy, allowing me to fall into a restful sleep.

L I V•

"He is in America Liv!"

"And why should I care?" I huff, scrolling through my phone as I lay on the sofa.

"It was bad enough before when you were in different countries, now he is halfway across the world from you!"

"And once again, why should I care?"

"Because... he's the love of your life and you are perfect for each other!"

"Listen, he made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to be with me."

"But he does! I know he does, he is just being stupid"

"Wait how do you even know they are in America?"

"Eh- Erm" she blushes a little before "I looked at their twitter ok? It just came up on my time line"

"Sure" I roll my eyes at her. I hear her mutter to herself as she exits my room. But she is right, it was bad enough before when me and Mikey were just in different countries; now he is across the world from me. I feel my heart break a little just thinking about it. It feels as if he has taken a piece of my heart with him to America. I'd be lying if I said I haven't watched every single live stream of theirs since I came back. Mikey rarely made an appearance, but at least it was something. I wish I could just call him, but I can't. I don't wanna risk getting rejected again, it would hurt far too much. 

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. We are so very close to the end now, but it probably won't be done still till next year sorry 😐. Anyway! I met the boys again! I was so happy, you can look at my Instagram @misstaken_mindy if you wanna see the pictures. Also, who do you think Sam was talking to on the phone? Tell me in the comments x


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