✖️E L E V E N✖️

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M I K E Y•

"Mikey where are you taking me?" Liv laughs as I drag her through the park, our hands intertwined. I have a McDonald's bag in my hands, i know it isn't the most romantic food to have on a date, but it will do. "Mikey come on, where are we going?" She groans. I tighten my hold on her hand.

"Shhhh Liv, you shall see" i snicker at her impatience. We are currently walking through one of my favourite places. A park. A place where i go to think or need some alone time. I like to go at night because it is quiet and the lamps cast a calming glow on the bench that I always sit on.

As we walk, i feel Liv slowly getting closer and closer to my side. Soon she is so close that she is practically cuddled into me. And thats when I remembered, I forgot to tell her that she would need a jacket. I suddenly felt sorry for her as a shiver shot through my side, coming from her. I instantly take my jumper off, slipping it over her head. "Is that better?" I look down at her, a smile was present on her face as she gazed up at me, her beautiful eyes reflecting the lamp light.

"Much better, thank you. Wont you be cold now though?" She looks concerned.

"Nah, I'll be fine" i smile. Truthfully, i was freezing, but as long as she isn't cold i will be perfectly fine. I'd rather catch a cold than her catching one.

We finally make it to my bench, I sit down, Liv soon sitting next to me. She instantly cuddles into my side, I swing my arm over her shoulder grabbing her hand, locking our fingers together. Small tingles flushed through my hand at the contact.

L I V•

Im cuddled up next to Mikey, in his star wars jumper that is way too big on me. The hem came to around the middle of my thighs, the sleeves hung from my arms allowing my hands to have warmth too. I had my knees tucked under me on the bench, Mikey's arm around my shoulder with our hands intertwined. I relax back into him, using his chest as a pillow. The cold air was enough to wake me up, but it is as if my body knows that i still need sleep. I yawn a bit.

"You tired?" Mikey asks, his gaze locking with mine.

"Just a wee bit" I smile.

"Sorry i woke you up" He looks guilty. I don't like it when he's sad, it upsets me.

"I wouldn't rather be anywhere else" I hold his gaze for a moment before blushing and turning way. I feel a finger under my chin, lifting my head up to face him again.

"That meant more than you think it did" he smiled. I smile back at him, my heart skipping a beat for a moment. I rest my head back on his chest again. I sigh, relaxing against him.

It's about thirty minutes later now. We are in the same position on the bench, street lamps casting down on us. The bag full of empty McDonald's boxes was thrown to the side, out of the way. We had talked about family, hobbies, likes and dislikes. It's amazing how much you can learn about someone in such little time. I had learnt a lot about Mikey Cobban, but i think i have only just scratched the surface. I had opened up more to him about my past life; about how i coped those few months without Jack. About how my terrible ex  treated me, i told him what exactly he did to me. How he abused me and said bad things so me. Made me feel crap about myself. Mikey just nods, he listens; pulling me into him tighter whenever i get to a point thats hard to explain.

"It's ok, he isn't in your life anymore" He spoke into my hair, pressing a kiss to my head that caused goosebumps on my arms.

"I thought i would never really be able to be in a relationship again" I speak quietly. He hears; i know because i felt him tense up underneath me. "Sam would try and get me to go on dates every now and then, but i was never comfortable with anyone, always scared" A small tear makes its way down my cheek, dripping off the end of my chin and onto Mikey's jumper that I'm wearing. "You're the only one that really understands and that I actually feel comfortable with" I turn to look at him "thank you for that"

He smiles at that, pulling me further into him (if that was possible) and into a huge hug. His arms wrapped around my waist, his head going onto my shoulder. I hug him back the same way, finding comfort in it. I breathed in his familiar scent that seamed to always calm me; i felt as if i was about to fall asleep on his shoulder... I think thats was i did. Oops.

M I K E Y•

I felt her become heavy on my shoulder, her head falling further into my neck as she fell asleep. I feel bad for waking her up, but it isn't like we can go out on a date in the middle of the day when the boys would be suspicious. I know that i should tell her that Jack likes her, but for now i just want her to myself; sounds selfish i know, I don't want to be. In a way i think she wouldn't want to know because it could ruin their relationship. I think I'm just gonna deal with that when the time comes around and it becomes a problem.

I turn her round in my arms so that one arm is under her knees and the other under her shoulders. I look at the beautiful girl in my arms. Her eyes are fluttered shut, lashes fanning over her flushed cheeks. Her lips were open slightly, as if she was trying to say something in her sleep. I heard her mumble my name a little, i smiled and laughed.

I stood up with her, making sure she wasn't going to fall from my arms. Looks like I'm carrying her home.

L I V•

I wake up in the morning surrounded by that comforting scent. At first i think that Mikey might be in the room with me, i look around. No one. I'm back in bed, did last night even happen? I look down and see that I'm still  wearing Mikey's Star Wars jumper; proof enough that last night happened. It also explains why I thought he might be in the room with me. I sit up, rubbing my eyes a little. Looking at the digital clock i can see that it is ten in the morning; quite late for me. I push the duvet to the side, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and resting my feet on the cold wooden flooring. I hear noise around the flat, the boys must me up.

I walk into the kitchen and see Rye, Andy, Brook and Jack. No Mikey. "Morning boys" I say sleepily.

"Morning" They all greet me.

"Morning Livvy, why are you wearing Mikey's jumper" Jack questions. My eyes go wide with worry. Oh no, think of an excuse liv, come on. I see Andy giving me a knowing smirk, whats he up to. My heart starts to race with the panic of not being able to come up with an excuse in time.

"Erm, i was cold last night. Came into your room and grabbed the first jumper i saw" I shrug my shoulder, happy with the excuse I managed to come up with. "Speaking of Mikey, where is he?"

"Still sleeping, he's knackered" Rye explains, taking a sip of tea. I nod, reaching into the fridge for the milk. I get a whiff from the jumper as my arm goes up for the milk, and it just makes me smile as memories from last night flood my mind.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
What do you think about Mikey? Is he being selfish by not telling Liv about Jack? Tell me your thought in the comments. 😁
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