✖️S I X✖️

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L I V•
Jack: we are just pulling up to the hotel now
Liv: omg yay we will be out soon!
Jack: woooooo

"Sam! Come on they are almost here!" I bellow across the hotel room. Sam is in the bathroom, because she insisted that she needed to redo her makeup. "Omg! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming I'm coming! Jesus Liv!" She complains. I laugh and grab her hand, dragging her out the door and down the corridor. Once in the lift going down, I couldn't stand still. "Omg will you stop!" Sam scolds, I laugh at her. She pulls a 'mad' face at me, turning round.

"Awww Sam, ya love me really" I tease.

"Someone's gotta" she mumbles. I chuckle to my self, as she huffs and puffs. Soon the lift door opens, I fly out into the hotel lobby scanning the new faces for my best friend. I start to panic thinking that they haven't got here yet. I needed to see my best friend, I needed Jack.

Then, suddenly, I see him and the band walk through the hotel door. I run at him, almost full speed, nearly knocking over a few people. "Jack!" I shout.
"Liv!" He cries back. I launch myself into his open arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. I dig my face into his shoulder, breathing him in. I finally feel home again, in the arms of my best friend. After he left, I moved out of my family home. I soon met Sam and moved in with her. But no matter where I was, it never felt like home.

I feel tears fall down my face, wetting Jacks checkered shirt. He put me down in front of him, looking me in the eyes and wiping my tears away. "Don't cry Livvy" he laughs. I chuckle along with him, pulling him in for another hug. I have to stand on my toes to hug him now.

"Hey look who got taller!" I tease, ruffling his hair up.
"Livvy! It took me ages to do that." He complains.
"It's like eleven at night, you're going to bed soon anyway" I state. I hear the boys behind him chuckle, I look over Jacks shoulder at them. The curly one from before seems to be looking me dead in the eyes. I look away after a few moments, turning my gaze back to Jack.
"Jack this is Sam"...

M I K E Y•
I cant believe it. The beautiful girl at the back of the gig is Jacks best friend. The same best friend he has a huge crush on. Omg I'm such an idiot, I can't like her now. That's like rule number one of the bro code. Don't go after your best friends girl.

I watch as everyone gets introduced to one another. Liv's hugging the boys and saying hello, I've known her for like an hour and she already seams so sweet and lovely. She turns to me. "Livvy this is Mikey" Jack tells her. She goes in to hug me. I wrap my arms tightly around her in a cuddle. "Nice to meet you Mikey" she says.
"Nice to meet you too" I speak, pulling away from her. She turns back round to face Jack, completely blocking me out.

We all walk back to Jack and Brooks hotel room together. Jack and Liv have their arms around one another, chatting like two school girls. Jealousy burns in my stomach, watching them like that. I don't even know what's got into me, I don't even know her for gods sake! She's just some pretty girl that I saw standing alone by the bar. We ride the elevator to the fifth floor, and walk the rest of the way to the room. I don't say a word the whole way there. Brooklyn opens the door, letting us all into the room.

Jack and Liv crash onto one of the beds. They laugh as they bounce a little. I move to sit on the small sofa in the corner, Brook joins me, a huge smile apparent on his teenage face.
"You ok Mikey?" He asks, accent thick.
"Yeah" I give him a fake smile, he falls for it easily, every time Brook; every time. I've always been good at hiding my feelings and emotions, my lies are believable.

"Sooooooo" Rye starts. "Let's play a game, so that everyone can get to know each other"
"What game" Andy asks, he had been quiet the whole time, I forgot he was even here.
"Well, its not really a game as such. We just have to ask each other questions about each other, kinda like a getting to know each other game" he laughs. Everyone agreed.

We spent the next hour asking each other questions. Things I found out about Liv: she loves dogs, her favourite colour is green, she can play guitar, her favourite song is wake me up by Ed Sheeran, she is obsessed with The Vampire Diaries and loves 1D. We carried on like that for another ten minutes; by this point it was almost one in the morning. The girls got up to leave, the rest of us following; leaving Jack and Brook in their room. A chorus of good nights could be heard as everyone spoke at once. We all left in a group and split off from each other as we got to our rooms. I was the one lucky enough to have his own room. Jack and Brook are sharing and Rye and Andy are sharing; I'm by myself. It ends up being just me, Sam and Liv walking down the corridor, our rooms must be close to each other. The silence is awkward, uncomfortably awkward.

I breath a sigh of relief as I see my room along the corridor, I rummage my pockets for my key. I find it in my back pocket, coming to a stop at my door. The girls stop to say good night and carry on walking after that. I watch as they go, Liv seems so different to most girls I've liked; she stands out to me more than any of the others ever have.

It is then that I realise that I am standing in the hall just outside my door in a complete day dream. I shake my head and turn to unlock my door.

I remove my jeans and top,crashing into bed, completely exhausted from the nights events, maybe tomorrow will be more relaxing, we are gonna be on the road most of the day, might end up sleeping in the van. Speaking of sleep, I let the darkness over come me as my eyes grow heavy, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

I'm sorry if that took ages to write, I've been a little busy the past week. I hope you guys are enjoying this story, your feedback is very welcome.

I've had a great idea for a fanfic after this one, so if you want more info on that in the next chapter the just leave me a comment, and you may hear more about that next time.

Thank you guys for over 300 reads!

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Instagram- misstaken_mindy
Twitter- aimee_th118
Musical.ly- aimee.fowler.cobban


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