Italian Hands (Joseph Joestar)

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"Hey, Joseph." You called out.

"Hm?" The tall brunet turned around to face you.

"I wanted to pay you back the dollar I borrowed last week." You said digging through your pocket.

He was confused when you only pulled out your hand with your thumb pursed in your fingers. Even more when he looked up to your expectant grin.

"It's a joke!" You laughed. "I tricked you into looking at my hand!"

"Ohhh!" Joseph face palmed, chuckling. "Good one, but watch out. Jojo's in the game now."

"Orrr, you could watch me get Caesarino and Coach?" You offered.

"Ha! Coach? I'd like to see that."

"We'll see when the time comes, but first Caesar."

"Okay, so how are you going to trick him?" He asked doubtfully.

"With a picture." You blunted, looking for a photographer.

You found one taking pictures of a couple near a fountain. Jojo stood behind you, observing the whole ordeal.

"Excuse me, sir." You started politely as the man paid for his photos and parted. "I'd like a picture of my hand."

"Your hand?" He repeated in confusion.

"Yes, sir." You confirmed.

He ordered you to hold your hand close to the lens so he could get a clear shot of it.

"Is this to your liking?" He asked as he showed you the result.

"It's perfect." You smiled and paid him.

You headed for the hotel you all stayed at, and Jojo fell in pace with you.

"Okay, so you have the photo, but how are you going to trick Caesar into looking at it?"

"What's he known for, Jojo?" You asked.

"Being a cheesy Italian playboy." He replied.

"Exactly. One of those poor girls are bound to send him a love letter." You sighed like it was a shame, but your turned up lips said otherwise.

"Aye, Caesar, something came for you in the mail." You said opening the fake envelope and raising an eyebrow. "From a very bold woman, I dare say."

"Give me that." Caesar quickly snatched the paper with red cheeks.

Not a second passed as he crumpled the paper into a ball and you ran away, cackling.

You turned a corner where Jojo was waiting with his hand held up for a high five.

"Now for Coach." You grinned.

"There's no way you could get her." Joseph shook his head.

"Five bucks says I do." You bet.


You found her in her palace, looking out of one of her balconies. You decided to lean on the railing next to her.

"Coach. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" You whispered.

"It depends." She replied. "What do you need help with?"

"Well, um. It's that time of the month for me, and I was wondering if you could check me." You said with a slight gesture towards your rear.

She nodded in understanding and walked behind you. You quickly placed your hand on your rump and clearly heard her sigh in disapproval.

"You're clean." She thumped your forehead and walked away.

"That's five dollars for me, Jojo!" You called out loudly.

"Four! You still owe me a dollar!" He came out of hiding from behind a column.

You used the money to buy the both of you some well deserved ice cream. You sat together on the edge of the fountain where you had your picture taken earlier.

"_____." Joseph started. "I've been meaning to tell you something."

"Yeah?" You looked at him, letting him know he had your attention.

"Yeah. Well, we spent a good bit of time, getting to know each other, and I was wondering..." He said, taking a knee in front of you.

Your eyes widened as the rest was easily predicted in your mind.

You watched him intently look for something in his pocket. He smiled as he found it.

He pulled his hand in the same gesture you've showcased all day.

"Be mine?" He asked shakily before bursting out in laughter.

You shook your head, breaking out into your own fit of giggles.

"Yeah, I'll be yours."

It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now