Solitary (Narciso Anasui) Pt.1

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This is dedicated to Eboni-Napalm. I know you've been waiting for the longest time and I want to apologize for that but I also want you to know that I understand your love for minor/unrecognized characters and it just moved me to make this one good. Hope you enjoy :) Also, Lost Kings is named after a musician.

*Another girl is reported missing since last night, making sixteen victims now, four found dead. All young ladies-*

"Another one." Your boss shook his head after shutting off the TV. "You be careful out there, _____."

"Don't worry about me." You smiled as you set foot out the café. "Seeya next Monday."


You didn't mind walking alone at night and these news about missing girls didn't deter you from going about your daily business. You had more important things to focus on, like working your summer away for college tuition.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed your best friend.

[Hey.] Joylne answered after the first ring.

"Hi, Jolyne. Just calling to tell you I'm on my way home." You announced.

[I wish you'd just hail a cab or something.] She sighed.

"You know all of my money is going straight to school."

[Why can't you take a year-long break? You deserve it.]

You could hear the slightest bit of sadness in her voice. Not being able to go to college with Jolyne made you upset, too, but you both knew you couldn't hold back for her. A waitress' salary could only get you so far, and you wanted to make more of yourself.

Your musings were interrupted by three alarming beeps from your phone. You pulled it away from your ear and saw the low battery percentage.

"Jolyne, I'm going to have to hang up. My phone is dying."

[Alright. Text me as soon as you get home.]

"I will."

You happened to walk by a dark alleyway when you hung up. An arm shot out from the shadows, grabbing your hair and pulling you in. You were thrown to the ground, your head hitting the floor. You didn't pass out, but the impact was enough to send your mind reeling.

An immense weight settled on your stomach, pinning you down. You snapped out your delirium when the tip of a knife was pressed under your chin. Your fists started moving on their own, doing anything to get rid of the knife and the weight. Neither would budge an inch.

"Oooh, you're a fighter, huh? You'll do nicely." A sickeningly disgusting voiced sounded.

Tears sprang in your eyes as you felt the knife break through the skin, but you didn't stop struggling. Your efforts only made him chuckle.

"Just relax. I promise it won't hurt if you stop moving." He whispered, wafting his revolting breath all over you face.

You snorted and hurled a loogie at his face solely out of spite.

"Bitch!" He snapped, raising his knife to plunge it down.

You raised your hands above your face in a desperate attempt to block the knife. You squeezed your eyes shut, mentally preparing yourself for the oncoming pain. But it never came.

You slowly opened your eyes and saw that the  man was staring at your hand in shock. Taking advantage of this sudden distraction, your hand made contact with a short, rusted pipe. You snatched it and brought it down on the man's head. He fell limp on you, unconscious. You rolled him off and let the whole situation sink in.

It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now