Dreams (Johnny Joestar)

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Sorry if he's OOC
"Dammit." You whispered, limbs quivering as you propped yourself up with your hands.

You just had another nightmare that sent shivers down your spine. You looked down at Johnny and Gyro lying peacefully in their blankets. Thankful that they were both okay, you laid back and tried to get back to sleep, but your mind was racing with scenes from the nightmare you just had.

In no time at all, your companions stirred and you all had to get ready for the day, starting with a breakfast you made.

Johnny noticed that you weren't talking much like you usually did. Your slow actions and eye bags made it painfully obvious that you didn't rest well. He also noted the off movements you did in your sleep for the past few nights. As you handed him his plate, he decided to ask about it.

"Are you sleeping okay?"

You were taken aback by his question but answered it regardless.

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's just that..." He trailed off, not wanting to alarm you. "You shiver at night."

"Huh." You feigned surprise. "Probably just weird dreams or something. Yo, Gyro, what are we going to do today?"

Glad that Johnny didn't call you out for purposely changing the subject, you all discussed your plans for the race.

Today's run didn't go so well. You knew it was your fault for falling into a daze and slowing down, but you were exhausted. As a result, you fell a few places behind on the charts, so did Gryo and Johnny.

This didn't sit well with Joestar at all.

Your group stopped at a checkpoint inn. After you all tied your horses to a post, Johnny called for your attention. You stuck around to see what he wanted with you.

"What's going in your head when you sleep?" He asked with a mild glare.

"Stuff." You shrugged.

"I'm not going to understand if you don't tell me more." He spoke with exasperation.

"Then don't worry about it, Johnny." You said, just as annoyed.

"See, this is why you're so aggravating. You think you can handle everything that comes at you, but you can't do everything by yourself. I know you're too proud or whatever to ask for help, but even you need to take a break from that bullshit."

"I don't have to listen to this." You scowled as you turned your back on him.

"And now you're running away from your problems, too!" He added.

"No, I'm taking a break from YOUR bullshit!" You snapped, marching away.

"You didn't think I wouldn't catch you dozing off during the last round? We had to slow down to make sure your dumbass didn't pass out. It's an issue that's holding us back."

You froze at his words but couldn't expect less of him. You sighed, thinking of ways to keep your words at a minimum.

"What if something happens that keeps me from going on in the race?"

"That's what you signed up for." He pointed out. "It's up to you to not let those worries get to your head."

"... And what if something happened to you?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"My dreams," You threw a small glance over your shoulder. "they're about you."

You walked into the lodge without another word.

Dinner was pretty awkward. It didn't help that Johnny stared at you occasionally while you trained your eyes on your food to avoid meeting his gaze.

"Did someone die?" Gryo asked jokingly. "You guys are so quiet tonight, it's boring."

He gave up, seeing that neither of you were responding to his attempts to lighten the mood.

"Lame asses," He grumbled, getting up from his chair. "I'm going to clock out. 'Night."

"It is getting pretty late." You agreed, following suit.

You went into your own room and got ready for bed. Once you got comfortable in bed, you forced your eyes shut and tried to sleep. No such luck.

You tensed when you heard the doorknob jiggle. Your hand reached for the revolver you always kept under your pillow. Your heart pounded through your chest as the door creaked open. You quickly sat up and clicked the hammer, aiming at the door.

Your shoulders slumped when you realized it was Johnny, crawling his way towards your bed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You sighed as he sloppily hustled into your covers.

"What does it look like?" He hissed. "You're having dumb nightmares and I'm trying to fix it."

You didn't protest any further as he tucked himself in. Heat crept up your cheeks when one of his legs accidentally ghosted over the back of your calves.

You relaxed once his fingers carded through your hair and brushed through it. You were just about to pass out when you felt an odd and slightly painful sensation near your neck.

"Did you just bite me?" You gaped.

"So what if I did?" He nonchalantly threw back.

"'So what-' I ought to punch your teeth out."

"Try it."

At loss of words, you crossed your arms in defeat.

"Piss off." You pouted.

"Do you really want me to do that?"

Pride kicking in, you said nothing, but you didn't want him to leave, either. He understood your silence and put his arms around you.

"Then hug me back." He ordered.

You obediently embraced his figure closer to yours.

"Since you're being so docile, I'll let you kiss me, too." He chuckled.

"Quit bossing me around like I'm a horse." You finally replied.

"I'll get you a sugar cube." He joked.

Tired of his attitude, you pressed your lips against his. You could feel the surprise in his still body before his mouth started moving along with yours. You pulled away just as quick to his dismay.

"Goodnight." You blunted before rolling over to your other side to hide the smile on your face.

"Night." He said almost breathlessly.

Since then, you slept as soundly as you did before.

It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now