Practice (Jotaro Kujo)

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Grunts and panting could be easily heard from the Kujo household. More specifically, in the back yard.

"Fuck!" You cursed as your opponent pinned you again. "One more time."

"That's twelve times now." Jotaro sighed. "Let's call it quits."

"But I need the practice." You whined.

"For what?" He raised a brow.

"What if someone tries to attack me?"

"The only people who want to hurt you are the girls who think you're my girlfriend."

"Ugh, if you don't want to practice anymore, I'll just get Kakyoin to help me."

You noticed his right eye gave a slight twitch.

"Fine, but you're just going to lose again." He said, finally letting you get up.

You rose into your preferred stance.

Jotaro came at you with an extended left punch from his stand. You quickly ducked and swiped your leg under his feet. He landed with a loud thud and you sought your chance to pin him for once. You made a leap for your prey but he rolled to the side and stood on his feet while you face planted. You jumped back up and felt a slight trickle come down from your nose.

'Fucking shit.' You thought as you tried to wipe off the blood before Jotaro could see.

He noticed right away and you knew the sparring session was over when he relaxed from his defense pose.

"Idiot." He grumbled as he grabbed your forearm and dragged you inside. You just pinched your nose with your free hand and tilted your head forward a bit.

He sat you down on one of the kitchen chairs and dug around for a first aid kit. Once he found it, he took a seat and delicately moved your hand away from your nose. You waited patiently as he gently cleaned off your nose.

"Why did you want to do this?" Jotaro asked, breaking the silence.

"I want to be strong." You whispered. "Like you."

"I'm strong so you don't have to be." He replied, pushing pieces of cotton in your nostrils. "Does it hurt? It looks kind of swollen."

"A lil' bit, Dr. Kujo." You joked, making him roll his eyes.

He readied an ice pack and ordered you to hold it on your nose for about fifteen minutes. Things got quiet again as you both waited.

"You're not always going to be here for me." You piped up. "I don't want to have to rely on you to rescue me."

His eyes connected with yours. You didn't react to his glare.

"Do you want me gone?"

You set the ice pack down to think about your next words carefully.

"No." You shook your head and carried on with a sad tone. "But that's the reality of it, Jojo. One day, we'll leave highschool and go to college. We'll have different careers and... I don't know if I'll ever see you again."

He tipped his cap down to cover his eyes but failed to cover his red cheeks.

"We could make it work." He mumbled and cleared his throat.

"Make what work?" You tilted your head to the side in curiosity.

"You want to be a pilot. I want to be a marine biologist. I have to travel, so you can fly me to where I need to go." He looked up from under his hat to look you in the eyes again. "I'll never have to leave your side."

Your face was on fire after deciphering what he said.

"You're asking me to be your pilot?" You inquired.

He didn't say a thing as he slowly leaned closer to you and lightly placed a kiss on the corner of your lips. He pulled away and waited for your answer with loving eyes.

"Sounds like a good idea." You smiled softly.

"Did the bleeding stop?" Jotaro asked, getting back to the subject of your injury.

"I think so." You said as you pulled out the cotton.

"Good." He smirked as he snatched you up from the chair and carried you in his arms.

"Woah, where to?" You laughed.

"Shower. We stink from practice." He whispered close to your ear.

Your eyes widened as you felt blood spurt out your nose.

"Ah, fuck!"

It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now