Time (Caesar Zeppeli)

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Ya pansies better get ready to cry.

"Excuse me, is this chair taken?" A suave voice called your attention.

You looked up from your food to emerald eyes, blonde hair, and purple marks.

"No." You replied before focusing on your food again.

He sat down and made an order. Once he returned the menu to the waiter, he observed you for a moment.

"So what brings a fine woman such as yourself to Italy? Business or pleasure?"

"Both." You smiled politely before sipping some wine. "I'm a pilot."

"Wow, a female pilot." He spoke in amazement. "You know that just makes you all the more incredible. You must be a daring lady, indeed."

He slapped his forehead.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli." He quickly took hold of one of your hands and brought it up to his lips. He gave a wink before letting go of your hand.

You blinked in surprise before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"I've met my fair share of men. Most of them as flirtatious as you." You smiled. "You all promise an unforgettable night."

"But I'm not at all like them." He smirked.

"How so?" You challenged.

He leaned in real close to your face and whispered, "I can live up to my word."

He closed the space between you, but you turned your head just in time for him to kiss your cheek instead. He pulled away with a childish pout.

"You wound me, amore."

"Time heals everything." You replied.

"My heart would heal faster if you told me your name." He grinned.

"(F/N) (L/N)."

"I must thank your mother for blessing you with a name that fits perfectly with Zeppeli."

"She's dead." You blunted.

"Oh. I'm sorry." He apologized with downcast eyes.

"Calm down." You rolled your eyes. "I've grieved and moved on."

"It was still my mistake to assume." He argued. "Do you have any family?"


"So you're all alone..." He trailed off. "It's a good thing you have me now."

His food finally arrived. Now it was your turn to watch him eat before speaking.

"You're strange."

"I could say the same about you." He chuckled.

After lunch, you found out he was staying at the same hotel. He was even booked in the room across yours.

After a week of seeing him, you finally trusted him enough to let him in your room.

"Do you want a drink?" You asked your guest.

"Whiskey would be nice."

"Huh, and here I was thinking you only drink wine." You chuckled.

"Only in public, amore." He winked.

You served for the both of you.

Hours passed. Words came out and some clothes came off.

It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now