Company (Dio Brando)

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You're a cross dresser in this one since women weren't allowed to do shit back in the day. Plus, it's not romantic. More like a forced platonic friendship. Enjoy.
"I can't thank you enough, doctor." The young mother sighed in relief as you handed her the medicine for her child.

"Just doing my job." You replied politely.

After a whole day of seeing patients, it was finally time to close. You stretch your arms before getting off your stool and gathered your belongings. You stopped in front of a small mirror and took a look at your short hair.

"Looks like I'll need another haircut." You smiled to yourself sheepishly.

After locking up, you put on your bowler hat and shrugged into your coat. The chilly air made you shove your hands into your pockets.

"Hello." A voice came from behind.

You whipped about to see a thinly robed figure, under one of the street lamps. You squinted, trying to make out his face, but his hood casted shadows over his features. All but his glowing amber eyes.

"Hello." You replied in your professional voice. "It's cold out tonight. You really shouldn't be walking around with thin garments."

"Or what? I'll catch my death?" The hooded man laughed.

You remained silent, thinking it wasn't safe to speak to this man anymore. You were about to turn around and continue your way home, but you were thrown onto your back, your hat falling a few feet away.

You gasped as freezing hands gripped your shoulders, the chill from his fingers going through your coat and shirt. The man pushed back his hood to reveal several burns across his face. More importantly, the fangs that protruded from his mouth were moving closer to your neck.

"Don't kill me! Please!" Your voice faltered into your feminine tone.

The stranger paused at the sound of your normal speech.

"You're a woman." He muttered.

"P-please." You whimpered. "If you let me live, you could gain more than just killing me now."

"How so?" He asked, intrigued by your audacity to haggle with him.

"It's my blood you're after, correct? I'll give it to you. In portions." You explained. "As long as you don't take enough to kill me, and give me the nutrients, I can make more."

"How quaint. You expect me, Dio, to labor like a farmer." The man called Dio chuckled deeply. "I do, however, find your attempt to live rather charming."

He sank his teeth into the space between your neck and shoulder, putting his hand over your mouth to muffle your screams. Your eyes widened as he pulled away, the burns on his face somewhat fading.

"I had to see if what you produced is worth my time." He stated, finally removing his hand. "And it's the purest I've had yet."

Seeing as you were still gawking at his visage, he continued.

"I'll let you live, but you will have to come with me to my castle."

You finally found the voice to speak against him.

"I can't leave. I have people to tend to."

"They can find another doctor for all I care. You belong to me, now." He sneered, slowly getting up on his feet.

You took the chance to stand up and run. You knew it was probable that you wouldn't make it, but you had to make an attempt. As you expected, he easily caught up and snatched you by the coat. He let out an irritated sigh before hitting a pressure point, causing you to slump back into his arms.

It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now