Amends (Pannacotta Fugo)

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Dedicated to Swiss-Cheese. An extra long chapter for an extra supportive reader and author :D
You hated Fugo with every ounce of your being. You could tell he felt that same way. Your deep dislike for each other didn't come into notice of your fellow gang members until the day you both put an assignment at risk by starting an argument that escalated to fist fighting. That was a little more than a week ago. Since then, the frequency of heated glares and bitter remarks only increased between the two of you.

You headed to your room after discussing weekend plans with the rest of the gang. Bruno and Fugo weren't there, so you just assumed they had plans of their own. You stopped upon hearing the voices of said men coming from Bruno's office. You carefully inched your head closer to the door and from what you could hear, the capo wasn't pleased.

"Finally calling you out on your shit." You snickered to yourself.

Suddenly, a zipper appeared right next to where your ear was pressed to the door. Bruno's head popped out, making you jump.

"Come in, since this applies to you too." He ordered.

With a gulp, you opened the door and entered. Fugo snorted at you for being caught, making your face redden in embarrassment. Bruno cleared his throat for your attention.

"You two are on break for the weekend." He announced. "Use the time to settle your differences."

"Sorry, boss, but I'm collecting money with Abbacchio this weekend." You mentioned.

"And I'll be busy teaching Narancia." Fugo added.

"Then Narancia will have to go with Abbacchio. Problem solved."

Bruno went into detail of your "vacation" with Fugo. You two were to reside in a small home in a more rural area of Venice. If you didn't last those two days, you'll be exonerated from Passione.

"That's not fair!" You argued. "You know I can't stand Fugo!"

"Then you will have no qualms with leaving us." Bruno retorted. "I have no use for people who can't cooperate."

Realizing that you were pushing your luck, you took a deep breath and nodded, "You're right. Sorry, boss."

"Good. You might want to rest early; you're leaving first thing in the morning."

After leaving his office, you and Fugo parted ways. You went to look for Leone and tell him the sudden change of plans. You found him at the small table on the balcony, sipping on white wine and looking at the night sky. You made your presence known by taking a seat and pouring yourself a glass. Leone watched you gulp down the beverage in one go. Drinking without class usually meant something was bothering you, so he prepared for one of your rants about Fugo.

"This is garbage." You huffed, setting down the glass. "Buccellati's making me and Fugo go on a bonding trip this weekend."

"That's fine. I can pick up dues by myself."

"Nope, you have to go with Narancia~" You cooed, knowing he wouldn't be pleased by the news. You briefly laughed at his frowny face before letting out a sigh. "Why do we have to leave?" You wondered.

"Everyone's kind of tired of your constant shit with Fugo. He even started giving me dirty looks when I'm around you." Abbacchio answered. "Bruno must have thought it best to let you two talk it out in your own space."

"One of us might not make it to Monday. Bury me under a nice tree on a hill." You joked, getting up from your chair. "I'm going to bed. 'Night."


It was me, Diego! JJBA X Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now