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LONG AGO, Elisia Holm knew Chris Schistad. Long ago, the girl was even to call Chris Schistad a friend. But that title was long gone. 

Elisia never even knew what was the driving factor that turned what seemed to be such a thriving friendship into hell. The Chris she had known was nice. He had cared. The Chris she had knew would put his life on the line for hers any day. And that friendship long ago seemed to be the most triumphant thing ever, everyone thinking that maybe someday the two middle school kids would turn out perfect for each other. 

That's what everyone had wanted.

But the summer Chris was going to become a first year, he completely severed contact with her, leaving the girl stoic, small, cold. 

Even William Magnusson had somehow kept contact with the girl, but what she overcame in her last year in middle school, while preparing for her first at Harvig Nissen was a shock.

Chris Schistad had changed. Chris Schistad on the surface was no longer the caring, funny, charming boy she had known. Here he was popular, here he was a fuckboy - something Elisia had never imagined could ever happen.

Chris Schistad had broken her before, watched her burn in the flames but didn't try to save her.

So instead of sulk, instead of spend her days downing bottles of alcohol or feeling numb, Elisia rebuilt herself.

Her entire last year of middle school was spent rebuilding herself, she lost the glasses that used to adorn her face, she became outgoing and loud, she got friends. 

And while Chris began to look in the mirror and no longer notice who he even was, Elisia began to too. 

But under the surfaces, and the walls they had built they were still the same. Still had the same souls, interests, and loves.

Maybe it'd just take a little more time to unveil it.




First year was when Chris was back to talking to Elisia. He had lost contact with her because he was scared. Scared of how she'd react to what he became. Deep down he knew it was because of her that he'd changed. Because deep down he'd loved her but was too much of a fuck up to be enough for her. Because she didn't deserve him. So sure when he talked to her it was usually to annoy her, but he had truly missed her. And yeah, he mainly showed it by asking to hook up with her now and then, but the friendship was back at least. 

After all, it was the golden trio. They could never be separated William, Elisia, and Chris. No matter how many times they'd found ways to annoy her she loved them, and they loved her.

Even despite the fact that the penetrators were a thing. A name that would be spread throughout the hallways. Off the tongues of horny girls and jealous boys. Off the tongues of every human obsessed with their being. Wanting to be them or wanting to kill them. 

William had once asked the artist to join the penetrators to which he learned she already had her own russ, which had been made up of her friends - Noah, Clover, Aleksander, and Sofie - which at the end of the day had technically ended up allying with the penetrators due to Chris' constant secret complaining to William of how he wanted Elisia back in his life, and William's undeniable persistence.

Yet somehow, still some nights Elisia could be caught staring at the void of her ceiling. The ever swirling colors she had painted with William and Chris wondering why she had been put out of his life for so long.

Wondering how she had remained contact with William, yet in that one year so many things had changed between her and Chris. 

And that's what she had been doing her last night before second year. Staring at the void, stuck within her thoughts.

There were parties going on - the Penetrators and her own russ deciding to throw a huge one upon Clover Robinson's request (that girl could party hard) - yet Elisia remained home, alone. 


              MESSAGES WITH schistad:

    schistad: elisiaaa

    schistad: halloo

    schistad: ok i'm not drunk

   schistad: i promise

    schistad: because if i was you'd beat my ass

    schistad: but u should come to the party

    schistad: it's kinda depressing ur not at your own russ's party

    schistad: please

    schistad: do it for me :)

           ↳all messages to lisia have failed to send


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