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- LØRDAG [ 20:18 ] -

"You can't just do that!" Elisia spoke in-between laughs. Today was Saturday meaning it was their russ' occasional bus meeting that usually ended up in a sleepover at which they would always most likely end up in mismatched halloween costumes - Noah's mom was a costume designer who always ended up on set on Saturday nights - somewhat drunk, and having the time of their lives.

In all honestly, it was their escape from reality: Elisia from her not caring parens and the lonely void of her own home, Clove from her "annoying" siblings, Aleksander from his non-understanding family, Sofie from her pressuring grandmother, and Noah from. . . well not much really.

According to Elisia, he had it the easiest out of the group. Sure his mom was always working on set designing costumes and his dad almost always on business trips, but aside from that at least he had a family who still cared.

And that's why they completed each other, no matter how drastic their home lives seemed they always would have each other.

"I can't just do what? I pulled an eleven! I can switch cards with  an eleven!" Aleksander shouted back at Elisia who just ended up giggling hysterically.

Aleksander playfully hit  Elisia with the blue feather boa that adorned his neck as Elisia scoffed in response.

"How dare you hit the queen!" Elisia couldn't help but giggle again as she adjusted her plastic crown on her head.  "Off with his head," the girl joked.

Despite all the somewhat drunken fun, it all had to come to an end sometime.


       INCOMING FACETIME FROM            schistad


"Holy fuck Lise! Chris fucking Schistad is face timing you!"

"You've got to be kidding me," the girl groaned as the phone got thrown her way. "I don't want it!" She exclaimed throwing it towards Clove.

"Don't give it to me!" The girl screeched.

This exchange continued, the phone going from Elisia to Clove, Clove to Noah, Noah to Sofie. Well, up until Aleksander snatched the phone out of Sofie's hands sliding the button over to pickup the call.

"Hey Chris."

"Uhm...hey Alek." Chris cringed. Maybe it was wrong to call Elisia at this time. He was incredibly sober, alone, and being overpowered by his thoughts. And obviously Elisia was doing plain fine. Chris cleared his throat before sighing. "Uhh is Elisia there?"

"I'm sorry. Who's Elisia?"

This sentence left Chris dumbfounded. Maybe the brunet was joking or maybe he was incredibly drunk.

"Elisia, you know the girl on your bus? Average height, brown hair, brown eyes. Extremely sarcastic." Aleksander still held an unknowing look causing the boy to sigh. Maybe it was a waste calling the girl. She didn't even like him, so why would she ever want to talk to him? Receiving a sigh he took a deep breath. "It was dumb anyway. Have fun doing whatever your doing."

As Aleksander was one step closer to hanging up the call, Elisia rolled her eyes beginning to offer for the phone but deciding against it. "If you see Elisia, could you just tell her I need to talk to her?" Alek sent a saccharinely sweet smile before hanging the phone up on the third year boy, then rolling his eyes.

Clove went back to blasting the drake album that had previously been blaring through Noah's stereo and the five teens went back to playing their board game. Aside from the lyrics streaming off of Clove's phone, silence surrounded the second years. Up until Noah spoke up, jealousy hinting his voice.

"Why the hell was fucking Chris Schistad calling you, Elise?"

- SØNDAG [ 23:17 ] -

Elisia Holm sat in her bed once again, staring at the void, thoughts engulfing her with doubt. Why was Chris Schistad calling her? Why did her all of a sudden care so much? The thoughts got to a point where she almost wanted to confront him, well until she remembered the fact that she was trying to avoid him.

There was once a time when Elisia Holm had a crush on Chris Schistad, and that was torture. She had liked him with so much of her heart only to remember the fact that he was a fuck boy. All he wanted to do was get into her pants, and that was not what she wanted.

No matter how cliche it always sounded, she wanted love. She wanted someone who'd be by her side. Who'd care. Who'd love her undeniably for her true self, and Chris Schistad was definitely not capable of that.

Yet no matter how many times she would have to remind herself, constantly tell herself the facts - Chris Schistad didn't have a heart. Chris Schistad only fucked girls and left them heartbroken the next morning. Chris Schistad didn't deserve her. That he had no feelings - her brain most of the times got the best of her. She had known him since they were 5, sure he teased her when she had to repeat kindergarten, but he was her best friend which also happened to be another reason her and him could never happen.

And all of those memories that she had used to wear so near and dear to her heart, wouldn't seem to leave her alone which tortured her once more.

So Elisia lay, staring at the void, surrounded by thoughts and demons. Wishing that (no matter how lonely her house was) she could just be left alone.

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