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- LØRDAG [ 21:27 ] -

Elisia sat beside Iben at the Christmas party, clearly out of it, as some first year boy beatboxed.

"You okay?" "You okay?" "You okay?" The singular voice of Iben rung in her ears sounding distorted and almost like it was repeating itself various times before quieting altogether.

"Elisia!" "Elisia!" "Elisia!" Iben frantically shaking the brunette snapped her out of her trance as she looked to the girl beside her.

"Huh?" Elisia spoke furrowing her brows. "Y - yeah, fine. I just uhm. . . I think I need fresh air." She guaranteed, before standing from the couch and slipping the beanie over her head before exiting the room into the night.

The street Iben lived on was silent, the only thing illuminating the lifeless road being the street lights. Elisia stuffed her hands in the pockets of her maroon sweater, looking up to the sky to see all the millions of stars gleaming back down at her.

And for once she didn't feel like a person, nor did she feel real. She felt like she deserved to be up there with the stars. Just in peace, shining down on everything around her. Finding homage in the void of space.

Chris' black Mercedes pulled up to Iben's street, an address he had once known fairly well. He pondered over his options. He could've just left then and there, slowly driving the car down the street. Or he could talk to her.

It had been almost a month since they had last spoken. He'd tried but nearly never knew what to do or say, he wasn't much of use in situations like this.

"I know I wasn't invited, but it's a party. You know you shouldn't be sad babe."

His cocky voice startled her as she thought of just turning on her heel and leaving him there in the cold - well he was probably warm, he was in a car for goodness sakes - making him feel the ways she had the past few weeks.

She didn't know what to do, she hadn't talked to him in nearly a month to be honest. And besides the snippet of time where they'd hated each other, that was about the second longest amount of time they'd gone not speaking to each other.

Chris parked his car alongside the curb, unbuckling his seatbelt to get out as Elisia internally freaked. What was she to do? Truly she wanted to punch him, and hug him, and kiss him.

Elisia stood in contemplation for what semt to her like forever, most likely only being a few seconds before she decided on a plan. First she was going to punch him, and then if all went well, maybe she'd hug him.

Chris shut the door to the car, locking it before walking in Elisia's path, her speeding up to meet him in the middle, and without complaint or furthermore assessment, her fist came in contact with Chris' right cheek.

Damn it felt good punching the boy but it took everything in her well being not to shake her hand from the stinging sensation of punching the boy square in the jaw. Taking a look at the boy standing right before her - thankfully his eye had healed from the red bruises that had previously formed under it (the cut on his nose and his eyebrow not significantly on the path to healing) - she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What the fuck Chris?! You could've fucking died you know? I mean you could've at least told me you were going to the Yazuka fight? And then maybe told me your were okay or some shit because I ended up spending nearly my whole week at the cabin worrying about what might happen when I'd be gone! You wouldn't answer my texts or calls. Did you know how worried I was?" Elisia ridiculed.

"I'm sorry, 'Lise. My phone broke in the fight, I haven't even gotten it back yet." His voice was small, less than a whisper.

"And on another topic you could be fucking dead right now! How would I have fucking known? What would I have done then, huh?" Elisia rambled again throwing her hands up in resentment.

Chris scoffed looking at the girl. "Well it's not my fault that you needed space," he voiced.

"You have no right to be mad at me!" The girl proclaimed, hurt evident on her face.

Elisia turned away from him, not believing she was strong enough to hold in the tears as she bit down on her lip, hurt flashing across her glossy eyes. "Space didn't mean to leave me in it's entirety." She whispered, almost as if to herself, turning to the boy.

And for a moment his walls fell down, seeing her in such a vulnerable state. He could swear he hadn't seen her like that since her parents had left. "Why do you care so much 'lise. I thought you didn't like me? You deserve so much better than me, anyway."

Chris brought his hand up, grazing over her tear stained cheek with his thumb.

Elisia swallowed, a tear dripping from her eye. "Because. . ." She began, trailing off. Not daring to look at him. Chris lifted her chin to meet her eyes, "I think I'm actually in love with you you idiot." She spoke, a hint of sarcasm lacing the end of her sentence.

Silence filled the air between them.

"I think I love you too." He whispered before looking at the girl in front of him in an adiago manner, before time seemingly slowed and his lips pressed to hers. No matter how cold it was, Elisia didn't care. Here she was, kissing the boy of her dreams.

And no matter how many boys she'd kissed, this would count as her first. Elisia pulled back, resting her forehead on his chest as she lowered herself from the balls of her feet. A playful smile on her face as she looked up at him.

Chris pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before a knocking startled the two, Chris instinctively tightening his grip on the girl.

Elisia turned her head to the window, her ponytail whipping around and following her as her mouth slightly hung agape as she stared at the six teenagers watching through the window.

Noah had a proud smirk, his arm rested amongst Clove's shoulders who had the same look of endearment gracing her features. You could see Noora's platinum blonde hair peeking out from behind her phone as she was snapping a picture of the moment between the two as Sofie's hands covered her mouth in surprise. Sana sent a slightly approving smirk as Iben happily clapped, giggling from her position watching the two.

Elisia flushed red at the onlookers as Chris simply smirked, pressing a tight kiss to her cheek and Elisia giggled, turning the boys' face towards her, their lips meeting in a kiss.

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