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- MANDAG [ 13:30 ] -

With not much of an eventful weekend for Nissen students, most figuring out their Halloween costumes for this upcoming year once again leaving her alone with her thoughts over the weekend.

Elisia leaned by her locker talking to the strawberry blonde about their joint Halloween costume.

"So wait, you're still going as Sailor Jupiter , right?" The brunette hesitantly asked for what semt like the fifteenth time.

"Yes, El. You don't need to worry." Sofie joked fully knowing that her best friend was just a bit anxious.

"And you're sure that you're going to Aleksanders party, right?" Elisia questioned once again.

"Yeah, kinda have to. Trust me, I'm not going to end up like this year Noah sitting on my porch while handing out candy. "

Sofie's remark earned a slight giggle from Elisia as they continued down the stairs before Elisia felt a nudge on her shoulder and Chris gently pushed past the duo of best friends looking straight at Elisia.


"Hallo, Chris." Elisia chirped.

"I was just uhm. . . I - I uh was wondering something." The boy began, blush already spreading up his cheeks as he tried to keep his cool. Key word, tried. "Fuck it, I wanted to know if you would go on a date with me."

Elisia now had to keep her cool, wanting to automatically say yes before she realised, she couldn't. Sure they we're broken up, but she definitely could not do that to Iben. No matter what they went through, at the end of the day, Iben was still one of her closest friends and Elisia would never be able to hurt her like that.

"Hmm, I don't know. I guess I have to check my calendar."

Chris only chuckled to himself. "El, if that's you're way of rejecting me I hope you know that'll never work." Elisia internally rolled her eyes. So he hadn't changed. Chris Schistad under all the layers he tried to use to cover himself was still just the arrogant fuckboy he had always been.

"Listen. You're a smart girl, Ellie." Chris began leaning into her ear. "I hope you know that every time you reject me; I only want you more and more." Chris spoke to the girl as Elisia sent him a simple eye roll, a known smirk and she raised her eyebrow, leaning against the locker. "And right now I just want you more and more."

"Well Chris, anything else?"

Chris looked down to his shoes, smiling to himself - this time a real smile rather than his player smirk - "One more thing."

"Well go ahead," Elisia spoke breaking the silence.

Looking up at the girl, another genuine smile graced his features.

"Fucking hell, you're beautiful."

It took everything in Elisia not to get weak in the knees as she clutched onto Sofie's arm, Sofie leading the brunette down the staircase as she sent Chris a playful eyeroll. Yet through her endless sarcasm and remarks, he could see he had gotten to her.

So maybe they both weren't perfect as they set out, both hiding under masks to conceal who they truly where. To conceal their feelings, and the fears.

- ONSDAG [ 12:26 ] -

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