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- MANDAG [ 12:00 ] -

Elisia stood in the courtyard between Clove and Noah, the group talking about various topics. From how Aleksander didn't know what to do for Halloween in a few weeks - he was the king of throwing costume parties - to how Clove's brother accidentally put hair dissolving cream on his eyebrows and would be left eyebrow-less for the next handful of weeks. But what did happen, none of the group had expected.

She felt it before she saw it. Elisia began turning so her and Sofie could walk to their lockers to get their lunches before a stinging sensation met Elisia in the cheek.

"What the fucking hell?" The girl spat looking up to see none other than Iben standing in front of her. Gloved hand digging it's way into her opposite fist. "What the hell did I do Iben?" She questioned as Iben scoffed.

"As if you don't know."

This remark simply earned a sarcastic eyeroll from the girl in front of her. "No, I don't. That's why I fucking asked."

"You hooked up with my boyfriend!" Iben shouted into the courtyard, grabbing the attention of multiple other students at Nissen.

"You think I'd hook up with fucking Chris Schistad? I don't even remotely like Chris Schistad for your information. And besides like some others, I actually have morals." Elisia deadpanned sending a glare at the girl who was supposedly her friend.

Iben rolled her eyes before beginning to throw another punch just as Elisia stopped it.

"How dare you, I thought you were my friend. But at least now I know, because if you were, you'd at least believe me." Elisia spoke dodging another one of Iben's punches before she punched the shorter second year back square in the jaw.

Maybe it was idiotic of the girl to create war when she could've just walked away. But damn, it felt good punching her.

- ONSDAG [  15:22 ] -

Elisia Holm sat in the nurses' office. Face beat up and bruised, Elisia held an ice pack to her bruising cheek as the door opened revealing none other than Chris Schistad.

"What the hell, Chris!" Elisia immediately shouted at the boy, dropping the ice pack from her purpling cheek. 

"Holy shit, El what happened?"

"You're pschyo bitch girlfriend, that's what happened." The second year snarled, picking up the ice pack and plopping down on the nurse room chair.

"Girlfriend?" Chris scoffed.

"Iben." Elisia deadpanned before rolling his eyes.

"I broke up with her." He informed causing Elisia to bite her lip. For some random reason at this exchange of words her heart fluttered. What? Elisia Holm is not supposed to feel this way. Especially about Chris Schistad. Her brain hissed at her herself.

Elisia went quiet.


"Why what?"

"Why'd you break up with her." Chris bit his lip, trying to think of any excuse. Of any reasonable reason besides the fact that he was somewhat sure he liked the bruised girl sitting in front of him.

"I - I uhm." The boy began before sighing. "My eyes are on someone else." He admitted. "Like for real, I think she just makes me a better person, and I think I'd be ready to commit if it were for her." He spoke biting his lip and looking away.

Elisia's stomach dropped. Of course it would be someone else. She didn't deserve him. She thought to herself. 

"Did you hear the rumor?"

"Yeah." Chris meekly replied, not bearing the confidence to look back up at her.

"Well uhm, I should get back to Chem." Chris spoke, slowly getting up from the chair, not even having realized his hand hand instinctively placed itself over hers, his thumb rubbing against her balled up fist.

"Bye." Elisia spoke in a soft voice.

"Farvel kjære." Chris spoke in a hushed whisper, placing a soft kiss to the girls' forehead before exiting the office leaving a dumbfounded Elisia. Intense butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she thought over what he said, what he did.

Did he really just call her darling?

Yet no matter how cliche it sounded and made her want to gag until she puked up the remains of her lunch, it still took its toll on her.

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