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- FREDAG [ 21:18 ] -

"Are we gonna get drunk tonight or what?" A drunkened Sofie shouted holding up what semt to be her fourth beer.

"Okay honey, no more alcohol for you." Aleksander spoke grabbing the beer bottle out of the strawberry blonde's hands after a few seconds of her resistance.

Elisia chuckled to herself as she tied the knot in her braid, checking out the small braid she had made to keep back her bangs so her hoop earrings wouldn't get tangled in them. Clad in high-waisted jeans and a forest green sweater - which she decided to pair with her heeled sneakers - Elisia grumbled. It had been an hour at their pre-drink yet Elisia was unbelievably sober. Even Noah was on his way to a drunken stupor, and there she stood after having a beer and a half still feeling absolutely nothing.

The point of even going to the party was to get drunk and entirely forget about Chris and his never-ending fuck boy to caring bipolarity as she would spend the night with her girls having fun, but that already seemed to be backfiring.

After what seemed as forever, the four stumbled into Aleks car - despite the fact it was Clove's turn to drive, Aleks SUV was the only car that could comfortably fit the five teens and considering the fact that most likely after that night Elisia would be the one driving the team of friends home.

After arriving, meeting her other friends, etc. Everything else appeared to Elisia in snippets. She remembered pulling Clove and Sofie into the crowd, them dancing to Beyonce's album together. Then she remembered excusing herself to the kitchen, downing around five shots and heading back to the dance floor.

Yet after that there wasn't much that could come to her mind. She remembered drinking a lot more glasses of alcohol, sure. But what she didn't remember was William finding her in the bathroom spilling the remains of her stomach into the toilet.

She didn't remember him holding her hair back for her, wrapping her cold body in a blanket as she spilled the contents of her stomach.

She didn't remember finding Chris who told her she was going to practically freeze to death in the short sleeved shirt and ripped jeans she was wearing - fuck, she didn't even remember putting on a short sleeved shirt.

And she definitely didn't remember Chris helping her out of her sticky clothing into one of his over-sized black tees and a pair of shorts, both hanging off her body clearly being too big for her.

She never remembered Chris driving her home, making sure she got in safe. Turning on the TV and lying her down on the couch surrounded by pillows and blankets. By now she definitely was coming down with something, every now and then sneezing.

And she didn't remember Chris staying that night despite the fact there being a party that night. She definitely didn't remember Chris having William come over too so it could be like when they were sick back when they were little.

Because all Elisia woke up to was a couch, a tv, and a note.

Not being able to decipher the handwriting on the small piece of paper (of course it just had to be Williams' who had just about the absolute worst handwriting of anyone in Oslo.)



schistad: sorry we left u 'lise. will told me he ended the party when i asked him to come over so we had to clean up.

el: what the hell happened? everything is a blur.

schistad: idk how but u got sick. u were puking and i was srsly surprised that you didn't freeze to death, you changed, i took you home, invited will over and we just made sure you were okay and ate ramen noodles. you got tired so we slept over to make sure you would be ok and then left i the morning.


Elisia didn't know whether to be confused or proud. This had to mean Chris somewhat cared right? Why would he ditch his own party to help a sick girl that barely even talked to him anymore?

- LØRDAG [ 23:30 ] -

Chris somewhat felt guilty. Hooking up with a girl that was neither Iben nor Elisia. Especially when he had promised to himself that he would try and change for Elisia. Yet he just couldn't. No matter how in love he was with the girl he knew he'd never be able to bring himself to say it. And he definitely knew he didn't deserve her.

He felt even more guilty for wishing it was Elisia when he hooked up with the girl he couldn't even remember's name. He felt worse for running out when he heard Elisia was sick.

Chris was plagued with so much self-doubt these days he just felt entirely stupid. Doing one thing because that's what he wanted to do. Doing another because that's what his friends wanted, no needed him to do. And how could he ever let them down? They were his brothers. They were replacing for the family that never seemed to be around for him.

Chris felt like a fool.

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