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- TORSDAG [ 18:32 ] -

"And then he never asked me! Did he forget I fucking exist?" Elisia scoffed.

"I'm sure he'll ask you. The party isn't even till next week." Sofie deadpanned.

"He doesn't even like me Sof."

"Oh trust me 'Lise. Chris Schistad has liked you since we were like eleven."

Elisia simply rolled her eyes at the strawberry-blonde. "Chris Schistad doesn't know how to like. Chris Schistad knows how to fuck other girls and break hearts." Sofie sent Elisia a knowing look. She knew that the girl on the other side of the computer screen. Elisia definitely wanted to be invited to that party she was just to stubborn. Everyone knew that.

"Hey Noah you okay?" Elisia asked the boy who was in on the Skype call. His head was in his hands and from time to time he would grumble or roll his eyes, sometimes there even being an apparent scoff.

"Y - Yeah I'm fine. Can we just get the topic off of Chris Schistad?" He grumbled harshly as Clove side smirked towards him from her screen, obviously knowing something that the other two girls didn't.

"Aren't you two best friends Noah? You're practically a penetrator." Clove smirked once again.

"Except for the fact that I rejected the penetrators to be in this russ. So yes, I may technically still be a penetrator, being friends with those idiots but could we just get the topic off of them."

"Oh is Noah Sørensen jealous?" Aleksander jokingly chirped, earning a scoff from said boy.

"Seriously? I'm jealous of some idiotic fuckboy's who think with their dicks instead of their heads and have family issues? No thank you." The boy spat causing silence amongst the other four teens on the call.

Just then, almost ironically, her phone rang as Elisia looked to the device. "Uhh, I've gotta go." She flusteredly spoke, ending her line of the call before contemplating whether to answer or to just ignore it, finally deciding against the latter of the options.


- FREDAG [ 09:15 ] -

Nearly a week later, Elisia hid in the shadows by Williams locker, knowing that Chris would soon be on his way this way to one of the classes the shared, English.

Hearing his laugh, she had know idea how she knew distinctly which one was his, she grabbed the boys' arm tugging her into the small hallway.

"So 'lise has finally come around, cool."

Elisia instantly rolled her eyes at his fuckboy comment. "Chris this is serious."


He looked towards her, noticing her stoic figure. How stiff and cold she seemed. Reaching out his hand to comfortingly rub her arm she quickly flinched back.

"Lisi, what's wrong?"

"He called again." Elisia admitted, trying to do anything but look him in the eyes.

"Your dad?"


"Elisia you need to tell someone if it's getting this serious."

"That's why I'm fucking telling you Chris!" The girl unknowingly shouted at him before looking to the floor.

"W - What'd he say?"

"He was drunk or some shit. And he wouldn't stop talking about how he wanted to come back and how my mom hates him or some crap. I told him that they left me, and I didn't want them back. That I was fine without them. A - and then-" Elisia began before breaking down into sobs.

"He said he was gonna come back and make me pay for everything. For being the reason our family broke. For being the reason everything was so fucked up and that my mom hated him." Her knees broke out from under her as she fell to the floor, Chris immediately wrapping his arms around the frail girl. Letting her sob into his chest.

"I don't want you there anymore, Lisi. Please come stay at my house, I just feel like if he comes back I don't want you at the house." Chris whispered to her. "Please." He was vulnerable. She made him vulnerable. No matter how much he loved her, he had became the way he was because he was scared. Scared of love, scared of commitment. But every time he was around her, he couldn't help but go back to the way he used to be. But maybe it wasn't all that bad.

"Chris I'm scared of him. I don't want him to hurt me. Like how he did before he left." She whispered.

"I promise I'll make sure that never happens again Lise."

- FREDAG [ 21:50 ] -

"Is the party at your house still on?" Chris heard from the other line of the phone.

"No sorry."

"What?" Jakob - another penetrator - yelled.

"My parents came home, I'm sorry jeez. If it's that important just throw it at someone else's house." Chris lied.

"You know how many people were gonna come?"

"Like no one ok? I gotta go."


Chris hung up the phone before Jakob could continue his protests, then exiting the kitchen to the living room. Looking around the house, he realized how much of a mess things were. He lied, his parents weren't coming home. They were on a business trip in Vietnam, but he wanted to make sure that things wouldn't become even more of a mess than things in his house were. Besides that, he didn't quite feel well either. After what Elisia had told him he was nervous. She had denied his offer for staying with him, and William was currently having problems of his own so that wasn't going to work either. So at the moment she was most likely home, alone.

He didn't know why he felt the way he did about her. Chris Schistad wasn't supposed to get feelings. Chris Schistad felt nothing. Chris Schistad fucked girls and then left them, left them before he would deal with the feeling of commitment.

But then he had to remind himself. He didn't just 'get' feelings for Elisia. He'd liked her before he was new Chris, he'd practically liked her his entire life. She didn't deserve him, he knew that for sure. But despite that he couldn't stop himself. And that thought terrified him.

The boys' phone began to ring, startling him from his thoughts. It was William.

"Hey what's up," he answered after clearing his throat, trying to act normal.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay." William began as Chris began to bite down on his bottom lip.

"Why'd you ask?"

"I don't know just because you cancelled the party due to your parents being home. But I know you, and they're still away." Chris' breath hitched in his throat. Of course William would know. William was pretty much his brother. William knew everything.

"Yeah, I just didn't feel well. I think I might be sick." Chris fake coughed.

"Well get better."

"Yeah, thanks." Chris spoke before William ended the call, initiating the boy to delve back into his thoughts, no matter how dark they became.

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