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- ONSDAG [ 10:35 ] -

As Elisia and her friends walked onto the grounds of Hartvig Nissen, she noticed there were groups of people talking in hushed whispers.

"I wonder what happened while we were gone." Clove began quirking an eyebrow as she looked across the courtyard.

"I wonder where Chris and William are." Sofie noted, nudging the girl beside her who helplessly made a 360 turn, not noticing them anywhere that being quite unusual. The gang weren't gone for that long, were they?

"I don't know. Everyone's acting so weird," Aleksander spoke before seeing Isak, Jonas, Madhi, and Magnus walking in his general direction, the boy getting flustered as he turned to Noah, hiding his face within the crook of Noah's neck, this making Noah flush a bright red.

"Hej, Alek." Isak spoke from behind the boy. "Can we talk?" Aleksander frantically looked around, hoping to find a reasonable excuse or distraction to stop him from having to talk to the younger blonde.

Clove just rolling her eyes at the sexual tension between the two, then pushing Aleksander her way as Isak began to intertwine his hand with Aleks as they walked away,

"Awh, isn't it everyone's favorite gay ship." Sofie cooed. "Our children are just growing up." She spoke in awe watching her friends around her.

Elisia began tuning out the conversation within her own russ, desperately looking around for at least any of the penetrator boys finding not one in sight. Elisia bit down on her lip, taking her bottom lip in-between her teeth as she found someone else she might've been able to talk to.

Running over to the platinum blonde, she shouted her name.


Elisia began to pant as she reached the blonde girl sighing in relief.

"Noora thank god you're here. Have you heard anything about the penetrators or why they're not here? I mean like from William or Chris or -"

"William?" The soft voice spoke as Elisia turned to where she heard it coming from, internally hitting herself for not realizing there were other people.

"Hej. I'm Elisia Holm. From second year."

"Yeah, she's a friend," Noora began, the two girls' looking to each other. "You see we met at Aleksanders Christmas party and-" they both began to stall before the other blonde interrupted.

"William? Why would Noora know anything about William?"

Noora began biting at her nail, not knowing how she'd get out of this situation.

"Oh because uhm. . . he's my roommate! Noora was having a problem at the flat while I was away so she texted me asking if she could stay in my room. William's not there much but I was just wondering if she'd seen or heard from him while I was gone." Elisia lied, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"You didn't hear." The girl questioned.

"Hear what. . ." Elisia left off not knowing her name before she said it.


"Sorry, Vilde I don't know what happened."

"Well the penetrators got into a fight with the Yazuka boys the day before yesterday. I guess like twenty of the Yazuka boys showed up with guns to a fight that was supposed to be no weapons. A lot of them got hurt, I hear Chris got put in the hospital."

"Chris? Chris Schistad, Chris?" Elisia questioned her heart falling deeper into the pit of her stomach within every second that passed by.

"Yeah." Vilde affirmed before Chris Berg interrupted.

"The worst part of it is they say that William didn't even go to the fight. They heard he was at home, fucking another girl." Chris Berg informed as Elisia nodded her head before hearing a revving car engine; all six of the girls turning to the source of the sound.

And there they stood. In all their glory. Chris, William and Jakob; exiting the black Ferrari only known as William's car. Walking through the gate of Hartvig Nissen. Seemingly in slow motion, like a movie. William swiped at the fringe falling from his hood. Jakob popping the collar of his coat. And then, Chris. His face was bruised and scabbing - there being a cut across his nose and the entire area of his left eye being a bruised red, another cut through his eyebrow.

Elisia's hand went to her mouth as she gasped wondering what rather who could've done that to Chris. Elisia looked to Noora, a frenzied look on her face before turning back to where the three penetrators were walking en route to the high school building.

"Go." Sofie spoke - she had no idea when the strawberry-blonde appeared - before pushing her in Chris' direction as Elisia began to run shouting his name.


He didn't even turn at the sound of his name, flinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"Chris!" Elisia shouted again nearly jumping onto his back, trying her hardest to get him to turn around and face her.

"Chris, I know you hear me!" She exclaimed, tears pricking her eyes as Chris shrugged the resisting girl off of him leaving her on the concrete floor of Nissens' courtyard, tears falling from her eyes as she sat there, not listening to the first bell, drowning in her anguish.

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