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- TIRSDAG [ 09:57 ] -

Getting out of none other than penetrator Chris' car, whispers surrounded the courtyard of Hartvig Nissen. Students watching this occasion seemingly shocked.

"Didn't Elisia Holm hate Chris Schistad?"

"Well apparently not considering she slept with him."

"I'm sure they're just friends doesn't she live near him."

"Friends aren't that awkward around each other."

"I thought Penetrator Chris had a girlfriend?"

These constant whispers gave Elisia an overwhelming sense of anxiety as she stepped out of the black Mercedes that she seemingly knew nothing about.

Freezing in her place, staring out at the faces that sent stoic looks and glares towards her. To the hundreds of students, whispers amongst their tongues.

"I- I can't do this." Elisia whispered immediately heading back in the direction of where Chris' car was parked.


Chris pulled Elisia back to him, his arms steadying the swaying girl on her shoulders. "Hey." He whispered towards the anxiety stricken girl this time, his stoic gaze softening.

"It's gonna be okay, ok?"

Elisia shook her head in fear, the faces of her school mates scaring her.

"We don't have classes together today and I have a bus meeting after school, but. . . here."

Elisia warily looked at the boy, confusion laced across her face as he pulled the infamous riot club hoodie over his head, before slipping it over Elisia's thin frame.

"If you feel like you're going to have a panic attack or a parasomnia tremor, just go outside alone. Remember what I said yesterday, and breathe."

Elisia bit down on her lip, entirely doubting herself before launching herself to the balls of her feet to engulf Chris in a hug. Despite the onlooking eyes staring her down, Elisia needed the small sliver of hope to keep her going.

As she let go, Chris held her hands towards him, a tiny smirk evident on his face.

"I'll see you later?" He asked the girl who slightly nodded.

"Yeah, sure."

- TIRSDAG [ 15:32 ] -

"Ooh, Elisia. Sporting a new penetrators hoodie." Aleksander smirked once Elisia walked into the room of their scheduled Tuesday russ meeting. With a roll from her eyes, she noticed Noah immediately huff, getting up and venturing further into the library.

"It's nothing." Elisia blushed. "Chris just gave it to me." She mumbled under her breath.

"Holy fucking fuck, you hooked up with Penetrator Chris?" Clove shouted amongst the quiet atmosphere earning an annoyed shush from aggrivated library-goes.

"No and shut up, Clove." Elisia hissed towards the African-Norwegian girl. "If anyone hears that you know it's gonna get around and soon enough it'll reach Iben."

With a returned roll of the eyes Sofie sighed. "Well if you didn't hook up with him how'd you get it?"

"No -no - no, I want to know how you got it in the first place. Chris doesn't even give girls he's fucked with a penetrator hoodie, let alone with his name on it. The only person allowed to wear that hoodie is him. He's never let alone let another girl touch him in it."

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