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- SØNDAG [ 08:21 ] -

Elisia's speakers blasted Beyonce as she danced around her bedroom, packing for her trip to the cabin. Not having to constantly worry about Chris made her life so easy! And not being at school where she'd have to worry about her grades. This week would be pure bliss, away from the drama of Hartvig Nissen and around four of the people she cared most about.

The girl danced around the room, pulling out her favorite clothes that made her feel good about herself when she wore them. Dancing around to partition as she jumped among her bed, a smile on her face. Well, until she heard a knock on the door.

Playfully rolling her eyes and adjusting her ponytail - maybe she would've been worried about what she was wearing (a sports bra and old shorts) but worst case scenario it would be one of her neighbors who mostly were middle aged women that came asking for sugar.

Opening the door as she bobbed her head side to side to partition, she did not expect to see William standing there, witnessing the girl in all her half naked glory. Slamming the door shut, she pulled an old navy t-shirt to her chest as William shared the same shocked expression on his face not before screaming out something along the lines of "Shit! Sorry."

Hesitantly pulling her shirt over her head, hastily opening the door, Elisia noticed William staring at his feet, blush creeping up his cheeks.

"As we've all noticed, I'm most likely a secret blonde and also tend to be an idiot." Elisia joked to lighten up the air as she leaned against the door frame, blush coating her caramel cheeks. "What's up, Wilhelm?" Elisia chirped not being able to bite back the smile that followed.

"It's about Chris."

"Oh." Elisia's face dropped as she bit down on her lip, letting the unlocked door close behind her small frame. "What about him?"

"He can't deal without you, it's kinda pathetic how in love he is but - I understand how he feels." William sighed, seemingly having his own moment before glancing back to the girl. "Anyways, I get that you need time, but please don't leave him. He needs you, Ellie. And you make him a better person." The long haired boy admitted,

Elisia's mouth hung agape as her eyes glimmered and she tried hiding her face in the crook of her neck so he wouldn't see how she blushed crimson at he words. "I'm not. I just, you know. Needed time from the drama." Elisia slowly looked back at the boy. "I could never do that I mean, I like him too much, no matter how cliche it sounds."

Elisia paused for a moment slightly smirking at the boy. "Wait. Is William Magnusson skipping school?" She spoke a surprised look on her face as William began to laugh.

"Is Elisia Holm skipping school?" He copied jokng before the two began laughing again.

"I uhm, had a proposition for you." Elisia spoke once it had became silent. William silently urging her to continue as he pushed his fringe behind his ear.

"You were right, it's not good to live alone at our age. And I don't want you paying for that shitty apartment's bills." Elisia paused. "You need a roommate." She blurted before blushing. "Preferably me."

William sent the girl a knowing look before furrowing his eyebrows.

"I mean - it's so lonely here and well Noah practically lives her. It's got three bedrooms, only one of which are occupied. Nicolai would never know where you were. I'd have people around me incase my dad went off his rocker again." Elisia went silent, biting her lip as William contemplated the thought.

"I'm not demanding you to move in. Hell you could keep your old apartment and Air BNB or or some shit. But just, think about it." Elisia smiled to the boy before wrapping her arms around his strong figure in a hug.

Then stepping back, with a smile, and going back into her apartment.


MESSAGES WITH i-beanie baby

i-beanie baby: eli i'm sorry for punching you.

i-beanie baby: and for snapping at you.

i-beanie baby: lately i've been an egotistical bitch and i want to make it up to you. you should come to my girl power Christmas party. No third year boys allowed.

eli: you really want me there?!

i-beanie baby: yeah. us girls need to start sticking up for each other, and i haven't been doing that lately. i was so self centered and i was way out of my lane with what i said.

i-beanie baby: i'm v sorry.


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