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- TORSDAG [ 23:19 ] -

Elisia was truly confused. Why had Chris suddenly have this so called effect on her. She hated him. All he wanted to do was get in her pants, she would have to remind her brain. Yet despite all that, she had to rethink everything that had been going on in her life.

First off Chris showed emotions. That had to mean something. Chris had never shown much emotion towards anyone, except now to her. All of a sudden getting flustered around her at moments where you'd have to really pay attention to get it before seemingly internally cursing at himself or something and trying to return to his fuckboy facade, something Elisia definitely wasn't capable of forgetting.

Secondly, even in the worst times, Chris had seemed to care around her. An emotion she'd absolutely never seen him show which most off left her confused or dumbfounded. She just couldn't get it through his head. She didn't like him.

She wasn't supposed to like him, right?

Honestly, everything she thought had a countering argument.

Did she like him.

Exasperatedly sighing, Elisia picked up the cell phone dialing the one number she could think of.


Elisia internally cheered at her voice on the other end of the line.

"Yeah hey Sofie, I need your help."

"Shoot away."

Elisia held her breath for a moment, thinking through what to say. Wary of her words, scared of messing up.

"Uhm, well. There's this guy. And I've honestly never seen him show emotion with anyone. But with me, it's different. He gets nervous around me and gets so caring and protective when he sees me hurt. I don't know."

Elisia held her breath.

"Uhm, even in the worst times he wants to make sure I'm okay. And he has these moments where he'll act one way and then I don't know, his walls come down or something but I just see him in this completely flustered and vulnerable state. And then I don't know if he realizes it or anything but he goes back to the way he was even though it seems like he didn't want to.

"And I know I'm honestly not supposed to like him, and I don't. But lately I've just continually gotten this sick feeling in my stomach, like I'm going to gag or die, but sometimes its weirdly. . . pleasent."

A silence engulfed both lines of the phone, Elisia biting her lip in anticipation.

"Who is it?" Sofie's soft voice questioned from the line.


"As in Chris Berg? The first year, Elisia I didn't know you were lesbian but uh, that's actually really cool. I mean I might mean time to adjust but -"

"No Sof!" Elisia was getting desperate.

"It's Chris. Penetrator Chris." Elisia's voice came out in a hushed whisper as Sofie went silent.

"Holy shit." Those were the first words Sofie could speak.

"You like Penetrator Chris."

And as the clock turned 23:23, Elisia - despite how dumb she thought it was - made a wish. Silently hoping that the boy who looked at the same stars as her felt the way she did.

And no matter how much she doubted it, maybe he had begun to change.

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