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- MANDAG [ 06:37 ] -

The girl got out of the infamous black ferrari that belonged to only one person of Hartvig Nissen. William Magnusson.

Slamming the backseat door shut as Chris Schistad and William did as well, it seemed as if a scene in a movie. Things are in slow motion, as if it were a dream as the trio walk from the car. William combs through his fringe, pulling his hood up onto his head as Chris wraps his arm around the girl, Elisia Holm.

Whispers are scattered around the courtyard of Nissen. Boys scoffing, girls rolling their eyes or gossiping. After all, these were the original penetrators. Chris, Elisia, and William. The golden trio of Hartvig Nissen. And as they walk by and girls gawk at William and Chris, there's only one girl on Chris' mind and she happens to be right next to him.

Pulling her in, Chris begins to kiss Elisia Holm. His hand going to her cheek as her arms wrap around his neck.

"Elisia fucking Holm wake up before I fucking John Cena your lazy ass out of the bed."

The girls eyes fluttered open as she was awakened from the dream, per say nightmare.

"It's not Monday is it?"

"You tell me."

"Shit." The girl mumbled nearly falling out of the bed. "Do I have to go to school?"

"Do you want to graduate?" Was the remark met to Elisia's complaints.

"But Noah---" the girl let out a whine before a groan.

"You're adorable and I love you but you've gotta wake up Lise."


Elisia Holm looked up noting her best friend, Noah with a resting bitch face towards the girl. Clad in a red crewneck and black jeans the girl sighed, struggling to pull herself out of the single bed in the huge room.

Ever since her parents had moved out leaving the girl to live alone in what was once a huge family apartment, things semt lonely.

Sure, as soon as her friends back then William and Chris heard the news they dashed over helping her set up everything in what was once her parents' room. Painting the ceiling, sticking photos to the plain white walls it would begin to seem more like a home.

Post getting ready, the girl stared at herself in the mirror, clothing, check. makeup, check.

Elisia continued to stare at herself through the mirror before falling back to her bed and hearing a groan from downstairs.

"I swear Elisia if you're sleeping again." Noah huffed stomping up the stairs to see the girl laying in her bed while fully dressed, eyes closed.

"I hate you so much, lise."

- ONSDAG [ 13:20 ] -

The brunette glanced up at Clove and Aleksander, Clove's head rested in the boy's lap.

"Do I have to talk to them?" She whined.


"And if he invites me to the party?"

"Then that's fucking awesome!"

"But it's Chris Schistad we're talking about."

"If Chris Schistad invites you to the fucking party I will be livid Elisia!"

Elisia looked from Clover to Alek and back to Clover.

"Can't I just stay here?" She groaned.

"Go." Clover replied pushing the girl in the way of the penetrators.

Elisia Holm had spent practically the whole first two weeks of school avoiding William and Chris. Maybe if she avoided them they'd forget her, and she could live in peace. Maybe then she could avoid the drama of Nissen and being best friends with them and the rumors that seemed to be everlastingly swirling around her.

"Heeyyy Chris," the girl awkwardly spoke from behind said boy as he turned from William, looking up to see just the person who they'd previously been talking about.

"Hey babe." He spoke slinging his arm around her shoulder as she immediately scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Okay firstly no," Elisia automatically removed his arm from her shoulder before standing up next to William. "I only came over to ask William something."

"Ask away."

The girl turned to the tall boy. "You still live in your apartment alone right?"


"Can I please stay in the extra room for like a week? Noah's been bugging me, continually waking me up at fucking six in the morning. So if I stay there and he has no knowledge of it I can be in peace." The brunette rambled.

As the girl talked, Chris couldn't help but look at her. Hell, she was beautiful. Everyone knew that, and paired with her personality anyone could fall in love with her. And he was surprised she'd only had one boyfriend before.

"I don't know. If Nicolai comes back-"

"William! Stop thinking about Nicolai okay? And isn't it better if he comes back while I'm there. He won't do anything then."

"I just don't want him hurting you, Lise."

Chris was simply infatuated with the girl, he had always been. He just never knew how to say it or put it. Especially now. With Iben and his reputation it would probably fuck up everything. But deep down Chris knew that wasn't the situation. Deep down he knew it was him who'd fuck up everything. And even after years of being secretly infatuated with the girl he called his best friend through constant distancing and trying to hookup with other girls his mind always came back to her anyways. But he knew she'd never fall for someone like who he'd became.

"You could stay at mine." Chris began, honestly worried about her wellbeing. Living in a house so big and alone wasn't so good for a person. He knew that feeling firsthand. "I mean, I could surely help you."

Elisia looked at the boy in shock as a mischievous smirk spread across his face at her reaction. She was flustered. Elisia blushed crimson before shaking her head. "Nope. I'd rather fucking die than stay at your house, Schistad." And with that, the girl stormed off. If William didn't come through then Chris would never stop leaving her alone with suggestions that she should stay with him. And if something per say did happen if she stayed with him, he'd never leave her alone off of it.

So Elise came to a conclusion, if William didn't help her she was fucking screwed.

--- so cliche i'm cringing.

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