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- TORSDAG [ 11:59 ] -

The three roomates sat on the couch, blinds drawn, all dressed in their pajamas as their eyes stayed glued to the tv.

"Are you guys excited for the Christmas party on Sunday? Noah questioned the two while he handed Elisia the cookies and cream ice cream carton. As the girl stabbed her spoon into the cold treat - she had no idea why they were having ice cream when it was -2 degrees outside, hence why all the windows were shut, blinds were drawn, and the heaters were on.

"Eh." William spoke as Elisia continued stabbing the spoon into the ice cream.

"Maybe if Chris would actually talk to me again I would be." Elisia acknowledged before taking the precious scoop of ice cream within her mouth, feeling it freeze her tonsils.

"How dare you, Archie!" Noah shouted in the direction of the tv - the two other roommates looking to him with quirked eyebrows as he sat down again, grabbing the ice cream carton from where William and Elisia leaned over it. "Oh look, there's no more ice cream. Maybe I should just go to the store and get more." Noah suggested - Elisia could tell he was trying to save himself from another awkward moment - before handing the girl beside him the remote without further question, pulling a maroon crewneck over his long sleeved pajama shirt and shrugging his trenchcoat over his pajamas, rubbing at his eyes as he picked the car keys up from the table and exiting the living room.

Elisia adjusted her position sprawling her feet across William's lap as she laid her head on the pillow at the other side of the couch, taking up what happened to be left of the space. The longer haired boy simply rolled his eyes at her normal behavior while lifting her feet off his lap and dropping them to the floor, him then leaning over to grab his coffee mug off of the table.

Silence enveloped the duo as the dialogue of the television was the only thing to make up for the noise of the house or lack thereof.

"You want to know why Chris' hasn't talked to you?" William proposed, bringing his feet up to meet the surface of the living room table.

"What's the catch?" Elisia interrogated.

"There is none."

Elisia sent the boy beside her a knowing look as she brought her feet back up, one hitting him within the stomach as he leaned back after the blow, both then finding their way to place themselves on his lap.

"Seriously? There's always a catch with William Magnusson." The girl quoted, turning back to take a sip of the hot chocolate that filled the mug.

"Fine." William sighed, clearly vexed by her continuous prodding. "I get to tell you a secret in which you absolutely have to keep," William advised the girl.

Elisia sat pondering over the proposal before nodding. "Tell me your darkest secrets."

William chewed on his bottom lip. God, Chris would hate him for this.

"Chris is scared."

"What?" Elisia was taken aback. Chris Schistad? Scared. Those two words just didn't seem to go together, Elisia was truly puzzled. "Go on."

"You know him. He's never been in a relationship and he's scared of commitment. That's mainly the reason why he hooked up with so many people before. I guess he just felt. . . I don't know, free?"

Elisia couldn't bear gazing at the boy. "But now he's got all these feelings, specifically for you. and they're so strong I guess that. He doesn't know what to do." William took a breath. "He knows the fact that he likes you. Hell, he's known that since we were seven.  And he knows he wants to be with you, he just needs a minute to be alone." William enlightened.

It took a moment for Elisia to absorb this new information before finally looking up at the boy.

"Okay. Your secret. Shoot."

William felt his heart race through his chest as he looked at the brunette.

"Noora Sætre was the girl I was with."

Elisia's mouth dropped open as she looked at the boy in amusement.

"NooraSætre? Noora, Noora? First year Noora? You had sexual interaction with Noora Sætre?" Elisia tried to comprehend, simply earning an eye roll from William.

"No, that was a lie. We were out on a date. All these people made it sound like I didn't care about my friends and went home to be with a girl but it wasn't like that. I'd been planning it for a long time, and I'd finally gotten her to say yes. When I found out about the fight I told the guys I could cancel. But in fact it was Chris who insisted I go." William disclosed leaving Elisia speechless.

And at what seemed like just the right and worst moment Noah burst through the door carrying various cartons of ice cream.

"You guys' there was a sale! Look at how much ice cream I got?" He cheered, all the cartons stacked up so you could barely see his face.

William and Elisia shared a knowing look before standing to help their best friend. Sure, occasionally Noah could be quite the handful but the duo wouldn't want to have it any other way.

--- in which noah is such a bean

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