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- LØRDAG [ 23:32 ] -

Elisia and Chris lay together in the comforts of his own home, the tv playing in the background. But they weren't listening, focused solely on each other. Chris lay thinking to himself how he'd finally done it; After practically ten years he'd gotten Elisia to be his.

Elisia smiled up at the blond-brunet boy, before hiding her face withing the crook of his neck as she pulled the blanket in her direction.

Chris held her closer, never wanting to leave. He felt at most safety and peace with her in his arms. Elisia sat up, bringing her with him as she wrapped the blanket around herself, fully pulling it off of the shirtless boy behind her, maneuvering so her head rested within his lap.

"Hey, the blanket was mine!" Chris laughed before his girlfriend playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

"How are you such a bad girlfriend? I honestly thought I'd hold the title for worlds' worst boyfriend but at this moment, I seem to be winning," he spoke in a joking manner.

"I'm such a bad girlfriend. Sorry have you met yourself?" She raised an eyebrow.

If anyone else were to hear their banter; they'd believe the two were arguing. But that's just the way Chris and Elisia worked.

"I have and I'd like to admit I'm pretty hot."

"Showoff." Elisia scoffed to herself.


"Oh no I was just thinking how I'm 'Worlds' Worst Girlfriend'. I should really get a trophy for that." Elisia cheekily smiled before Chris leaned down to kiss the girl as she scrunched her face up.

Chris puller back, a imitation shock face written across his features.

"How dare you," he began. In an instant, Chris found himself reaching down to Elisia's sides beginning to tickle her.

"Chris! Stop!" Elisia tried to warn between giggles to no avail. "Can't breathe! Stop it Chris!" Elisia continued giggling.

"You know what you have to say." Chris comically warned the girl who rolled her eyes.

"No sorry, I don't."

"Say Christoffer Schistad is the hottest man alive and the worlds' best boyfriend." He negotiated while tickling the brunette's sides as she let out furious giggles, her body squirming within his touch.

Body writhing under him, Elisia moved her leg from under him, placing it across his body as she straddled the boy, her hands holding him by the wrists so he couldn't find a way to get back to tickling her.

"Shit, that got kinky fast." Chris remarked, earning a signature eye roll from Elisia who purely leaned down, placing her lips to his, shutting the cheeky boy up.

Things started out slow as Chris' hands began on Elisia's cheeks as they kissed, hers lying on his toned chest. As they continued to kiss Chris' hands eventually roamed lower, getting to her hips before he decided against going further, not wanting the girl to be uncomfortable.

Elisia pulled back from the kiss, pulling her tee shirt over head, leaving her in her black bra and jeans. Looking at the boy, glancing into his eyes she slowly moved his hands down as they gripped at her butt through her jeans. Leaning back up to kiss her, she deepened the kiss as he flipped them over, his arms taking position on each side of her head before he began kissing her again.

- SØNDAG [ 00:21] -

"You look cute in my clothing." Chris complemented the girl who laid beside him in his bed. Chris had decided to take a shower and Elisia decided to change after they'd made out, her stealing a black adidas hoodie and sweatpants, all the while crawling into the king sized bed that sat in the middle of his room. Turning on the tv and beginning to watch Law & Order he'd walked out, solely being covered by a pair of boxers.

"Ewh, put on pants you dork. You're embarrassing me," Elisia laughed at the boy who pulled the navy sweatpants onto himself before pulling back the covers exposing Elisia.

"Oh my god you wear my clothing!" Chris exclaimed not knowing whether to laugh at the adorable girl he could call his girlfriend or to make fun of her for it.

And that led them to where they were now. Chris pushed a few locks of hair out of her face, rubbing his thumb against her soft skin. Chris couldn't help but admire her beauty. Leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, Elisia closed her eyes. Him pulling her into his chest he combed through her hair with his hand.

"I love you."

"I know." Elisia whispered through the silence.

"I love you too." Elisia admitted, nuzzling her face into his chest, as a comfortable silence cascaded over them.

"God you're such a dork." Chris laughed out.

"Well at least I'm your dork," Elisia smiled. Soon enough, soft snores emitted from the girl as Chris still lay awake, holding the girl he loved within his arms.


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