Air - Sky

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Early in the morning, a boy with brown hair and gold eyes aroused to his mother shaking him softly. "Come on dear, your dad wants you to come to breakfast" she verbalized gently. "Ok mum..." the boy verbalized still waking up. When she left and he got dressed into (pic above), the boy ambulated out and went through halls in his father's mansion. Then he visually perceived his dad, withal known as the mayor of the town, coming towards the boy with no emotion on his face which scared him. "Sky, come" Storm verbalized with no emotion in his voice. Now the boy am officially trepidacious of him. Sky followed him into a spare room and he did something that he never thought he would do to the boy. He picked up his knife and cut him across his chest and arms. Sky was bleeding quite expeditious and he left him in the room and locked the door after saying "this is what you get for availing the farmers son."

Sky was in here for what seemed akin to 1 hour but it was 10 minutes when the door opened and his mum came in crying. She visually perceived him bleeding on the floor and cried even more. She picked Sky up and ran him to his room. She evoked the doctor that lived in this house and she came immediately wearing her conventional cloak. Her eyes widened in surprise and, what Sky optically discerned, hope. She closed my wounds with stitches and wrapped bandages a rounded Sky's chest and arms. She left while saying "Air.." and vanished abaft the door.

After his mum left, Sky looked around his room impotently and found something on his bedside table. It was a minute, white box with wind designs on it. When he reached impotently towards it, it flew into Sky's hands and he sat up on his bed. It was painful but Sky opened the box anyway. Inside was a note and an ankle bracelet. He picked up the note with pain and read it.

Sky Dahlberg
I know what your father did and I am here to avail you. The anklet contains the element of air and once you put it on, you are able to control it, becoming the Elemental of Air. Once you put the anklet on, go in the direction of the setting sun and you will find a hut. Wait outside it and you will met the other Elementals.
From The Master.

Sky read the note one more time. How did the master now about what dad did. And the Elementals are a bad omen here. But they verbally expressed they would avail him so Sky took the chance and tied the ankle bracelet to his ankle. A light grey-faded-to-white gem appeared on the anklet and a gust of wind blowed around Sky. When it ceased, he felt like his chest and arms were better so he toke off the bandages and found faint scars where the wounds were. Looks homogeneous to dad utilized his special knife on me. Great! Sky thought mordaciously and sneaked outside. He commenced to head in the direction of the setting sun but then he aurally perceived alarms go off inside the mansion and commenced to bolt west.

When Sky reached the edge of the forest, he visually perceived a boy with brown hair and blue eyes standing there with a scared expression on his face. "Hi Ross!" Sky verbalized marginally out of breath. The boy jumped and turned around to find Sky standing there. "O-oh hi S-Sky.." Ross verbally expressed shyly. Sky ambulated up to Ross and hugged him to pacify him. "Ross... why are you here?" Sky asked him gently. "O-oh I f-found a minute b-box with a rock design on it and found a n-note and a a-anklet inside i-it. I-I was o-opted to b-be the E-Elemental of E-earth.." Ross verbalized with a scarcely more confident voice. "Ross, I was opted to be the Elemental of Air" Sky verbalized quietly. "Let's g-go then to t-the h-hut.." Ross suggested and they headed into the forest. They expeditiously became disoriented and Ross was clinging to Sky's arm. "Where d-do w-we g-go Sky. I'm s-scared..." Ross verbally expressed with a shaky voice. At the same time Sky was thinking about the question when suddenly a gust of wind came by gently, but expeditious while the earth commenced to make a path in itself in the same direction of the wind.

They followed the wind and path until they reached a hut. Outside it was a girl with ebony black hair and caramel brown eyes and a boy with ebony hair covering the right side of his dark caramel eyes. "Hi!" Quietly shouted the girl and the boy simply waved. "Hello I'm Sky and this is Ross" Sky verbally expressed while Ross obnubilate abaft me. "Hi Ross I'm Aphmau but call me Aph" Aphmau verbally expressed to Ross and he emerged remotely from abaft his friend. "We should wait for the others" the boy verbalized quietly. "Ok Jin" Aphmau verbalized and they all waited for the others to turn up.

Then all of a sudden, Sky auricularly discerned a cluck abaft him and Ross shouted out suddenly. "Thundercluck!"

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