Elemental Animal Part Two: Light

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*a month after Cory found Cerberus. Cerberus is now known as Vila *

After Cory found Cerberus a month ago, Shelby felt that something off is about to happen. It was a weekend so no school. She decided to go for a walk to clear her head.

She was near the school when someone pushed her into the wall. She turned and saw Katelyn and her group, minus Garroth and Laurence. "Hey b****!" The cat girl, Kawaii~Chan Shelby learned, said with a smirk. "Leave me alone please." Shelby said, hopefully without having to use her secondary gift on them. "Nah, b****, we want our fun that you stole from us!" The light blue head, Katelyn, snarled at me.

Shelby growled softly. "Aw! Mercy girl is angry! So scared!" The dark blue head, Dante from memory, said with sarcasm. "I can hear your sarcasm. I have to go." Shelby said and started to walk off. A hand wrapped around my wrist and yanked me around a corner. Travis had helped me.

"Why are you helping me?!" Shelby silently hissed at him. "I didn't mean it yesterday. Katelyn made my friend, Lucinda, make a potion that puts people that are popular, under her control. I'm sorry..." Travis whispered sadly. "Come with me than..." Shelby said and use a illusion to make it look like we are gone to their eyes. "Hey! Katelyn there they are!" A voice said, and the witch from special class made my illusion faded.

"Travis! What are YOU doing with HER!" Katelyn said, like she was jealous. "I quit your group. I hate what you have done Katelyn! Leave me alone!" Travis said and a flash of light appeared. Shelby closed her eyes as it was too bright. She opened them and she was with Travis at the front of the house.

"Shubble. What happened with you and that group?" Shelby heard Mari. I turned around and saw her standing there, with no emotion on her face as usual. "Miss Maura?! What are you doing here?!" Travis asked in surprise. "Travis. Come in and I'll tell you. Have you got the urge to meet up with a girl with silver, tinted purple hair and silver, tinted purple eyes?"

"Yes?" Travis said. "Come in." Mari said and they went in. Shelby saw everyone, plus Garroth, Laurence and two mysterious girls. "Shea and Avery. Welcome." Mari said and the girls jumped. "Hello!"Shea said. "Hi..." Avery said shyly. "Ross, sit next to Avery please as I talk about why you are here." Avery nodded shyly and sat next to Ross, both being shy.

" Ok Garroth, Laurence, Travis, Shea and Avery. Not much time but you all believe that Elementals are good people, right?" Mari announced. The people mentioned said. "Yes Miss." "Ok, Aphmau show your true power." "Who's Aphmau?" Garroth asked.

"Aphmau is Jess." Mari said until Shelby heard a explosion in the backyard. By the looks of it, no one but Mari heard it. Not even Asumune heard it. Mari nodded her head at her and she went out back, to see a bright light. Mistress Shelby? A voice rang out, and she saw a white horse with a golden horn. It's eyes were gold, like mine.

A unicorn. "Yes?" Shelby said nervously. I finally found you. I have searched for a month since your friend found Cerberus. Are you ok? The Unicorn said worry and relief. "I'm fine. You might wanna turn into a horse though. If that is ok." Shelby said. Ok mistress. The unicorn said and transformed into a white horse with brown eyes. "Do you have a name?" I ask. Yes I do. I'm known as Destiny.

"Ok I'll call you Destiny." Shelby said and patted it. She spend a bit of time patting it and talking to it that she missed the meeting. But Shelby didn't care. As long as she was with her Animal, she was happy. Then Vila came out to her and rest her heads on Shelby' lap. "Vila, meet Destiny. My Elemental Animal." She said as they talked to each other. "Vila! Where are you!" Shelby heard Cory slightly shouting from the house. "Block your ears, you two." She ordered Vila and Destiny.

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