Light - Shelby

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A girl with red hair and golden eyes was woken up gently by her father. "What dad?..." the girl asked, exhaustion evident in her voice. "It's time to wake up, Shelbs." He dad said gently and left the girl to get change. After Shelby got changed into (pic above). She suddenly smelt the hint of ice cream in the air as she walked down at 8:00 and Shelby immediately went to see her mom as she opened up the ice cream parlour. "Morning honey!" Shelby' mom said with excitement in her voice. "Morning mom!" Shelby said back with the same amount of excitement.

When she went outside, Shelby was walking around the block until she ran into someone. "Sorry I ran into you.... Cory?!" Shelby shouted when she saw her friend laying on the ground. The boy in front of Shelby had dirty blonde hair and a camera mask on. He got up and looked at Shelby. "Ow.. Shelby I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry" Cory said and started to speed of, but Shelby grabbed his hand. "Your not going anywhere until you tell me where you are going. " She demanded. Cory sighs and said with a lame voice. "I have to deliver these to my dad Shelby" Then he showed her all sorts of expensive gems and jewellery. Shelby can tell by that tone that it might be a lie, but she let it slide.  "Ok Cory... I will try to not tell anyone that I know you" Shelby said quietly. "Ok bye Shelby!" Cory yelled and disappeared into the shadows.

After that encounter, Shelby left and saw Ross working by himself on his chores. While he was doing the pig pen, she put on my rain boots. Shelby went up to him and said "Want help today Ross?" Of course her voice was high so Ross had to cover his ears. "Yes" he said in his usual shy voice.

From now until the afternoon, Shelby and Ross have been doing Ross's chores when she asked her shy cousin a question. "Hey Ross where is Sky?" Shelby asked with her high voice but she lowered it so Ross doesn't have to cover his ears. "I don't k-know Shelby. H-he did t show up t-today at the c-chicken pen" Ross answered with a soft tone, but still shyly.

Shelby was about to remind him gently about be shy around me when she heard her uncle shout "ROSS! SHELBY! COME HERE TO THE HOUSE AND TELL SKY TO GO HOME NOW!!" They both ran straight to Ross's house and went inside to find Shelby' aunt on the floor, breathing shallowly, while her uncle was kneeling above her, clearly upset from Shelby' point of view. "Dad w-what's going o-on?!" She heard Ross asked his dad scared. "I found her like this! Shelby get your parents! Ross stay here and keep her breathing! And I'll get a stretcher from the shed! GO!"

After her uncle said go, Shelby ran out of the farm house with him while Ross stayed with her Aunty. She ran down the road towards her house/moms work and ran straight to mom. "Mom help! I was down helping Ross with his chores and UnclefoundAuntyonthegroundbreathingshallowlysohetoldmetogetyouanddad!" Shelby said the last part quickly and out of breath. "Honey what happen at the farm?!" Shelby' mom said loudly and Shelby' dad appeared from the stairs, quite alarmed. "Dear she said that your sister collapsed and is breathing shallowly and that her husband wants us to go to the farm!" Shelby' Dad said, using his 'magic' to hear what Shelby said clearly. "LETS GO NOW THEN" mom said and all three of them ran straight to the car, after mom flip the sign to tell everyone that she has closed up.

When they arrived at the farm, they saw Shelby's uncle running in with the stretcher, and he and Shelby' parents heaved her Aunty on it. Then the adults to Shelby and Ross to stay behind and complete what the two were doing previously. Then they went to go to the hospital.

While she and Ross where put in the field, killing the weeds, Shelby' phone started to ring so she took it out and answer it. It was her dad. "Dear something happened and your Aunty won't be coming home. Ever. " " What do you mean by that dad?" "Please tell Ross that his mom... died." Then Shelby started to cry and hung up on her dad.

She turned around and saw that Ross was hugging her from behind, comforting her. "Who was that, cous?" He asked and Shelby' tears slightly ceased. "It was my dad and he told me that.. that..." "that what Shelb?" "That your mum died..." That was when Ross broke and started to cry as he knelt down to the ground. Shelby knelt down to help him up. She lead him back to his farm house and to his room. Shelby left him to do the rest of his chores.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eyes, Shelby saw something that was out of place. She turned her head to see a person staring at her with wide eyes and a cloak. Their head turned towards the house and her eyes widen more when she saw Ross staring at her. Shelby looked briefly to see that he had calmed down. They left quite fast, leaving no footprints whatsoever. Soon Ross came down and help Shelby with his chores.

Suddenly, Ross's dad came and he looked like a wreck. Shelby left as soon as he came in letting Ross know, as per usual. She walked half of the way, then her mom and dad picked her up and drove the rest of the way home. As soon as they got there, mom went and put a sign up to say that the shop is closed for a few days. Shelby left to her room and found a small white box with swirling lights decorations on her bed. She opened the box quickly and inside was a note and a hair clip with the yang part of the yin yang symbol. I opened the note and read it.

Dear Shelby Grace,
Sorry for the lost of your Aunty but I can help you with it. The hair clip contains the element of yang and once you put it on, you are able to control it, becoming the Elemental of Light.   Once you put the accessory on, go in the direction of the setting sun and you will find a hut. Wait outside it and you will met the other Elementals.
From The Master.

Shelby know who the Elementals are, they are supposedly 'bad' but maybe they are good and someone made it sound like a bad omen to become one. So she decided to put on the clip. The clip gained a white-light yellow ombré gem. At the same time a dusty white glow surrounded her. At least the window and door are closed so no one will know. When the glow stopped, Shelby heard my mum knocking at my door. "Shelby, what are you doing in here?!" She asked in concern. So Shelby let her barriers down and tears came out quickly. She went to the door and her mum hugged her as soon as she saw her daughter's tears. "It's ok my dear. It's ok." She said to comfort Shelby, and it 'did'. "I'm fine mum, j-just upset about auntie..." the girl said 'sadly'. She left after that and then Shelby jumped out the window. It was two stories high but she made a dim light so no one knows she had magic. Once she landed, Shelby ran to a secret passageway so she can get to the hut.

When she reached the edge of the forest, Shelby saw Cory there, looking nervous. "Hi Cory!" She whispered while shouting at the same time. He jumped at Shelby' voice and quickly turning around to see her. "Shelby... what are you doing here?" He asked quietly and then Shelby saw a badge with the yin symbol on his shirt. "You got chose too?" She asked in disbelief and hope. "Please don't... what do you mean 'chosen too'?" To answer his question, Shelby showed him her hair clip and made it surrounded by light. Shelby made the light stop and Cory looked scared. "I see you got light... I got darkness..." he said nervously. "Let's go on then Cory! Let's find it!" Shelby said quietly but with enthusiasm. They then went into the forest.

It has been 10 minutes since they entered the forest and they are lost. "Where do we go now?!" Both Cory and Shelby shouted quietly. Suddenly shadows made a arch and lights appeared. The lights turned out to be fireflies. They were shocked but they walked forward, following the trail. Soon they saw a 3-story house with people already there. There was a girl with caramel brown eyes and black hair, a boy with dark caramel eyes and black hair that cover his right eye, Sky, Ross and Thundercluck. "Ross! Sky! Thundercluck!" Shelby shouted in greeting. She ran up to the two boys and chicken and hugged them. The boys hugged back while the chicken flapped his wings in greeting. "Um... hi..." Cory said awkwardly. "Hi I'm Aphmau, but call me Aph!" The black haired girl said with enthusiasm. "I'm Jin" the black haired boy said quietly "I'm Cory... also known as the Ca.." "hey why is the Camera Face Thief here!!" Sky shouted over Cory.

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