The Appearence Of A Shodow Phoenix and the Fire/Spirit Fight

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(Timeskip To After graduation brought to you by Lismo and Aphmau having an sass of)


I was walking home with the Elementals, the official name of our group and army. Then Ross stared over my shoulder and I turned around. Mystreet were there, and everyone froze. "What is thee meaning of this?!" Mari demanded in the forgotten tongue.

Next thing I knew, blackness consumed my eyes as I got knocked out. I woke up instantly and throw fireballs at mystreet. But the fireballs came from everyone's direction. They were so confused, that they got knocked out the same way Cory was.

"Mari. Was that you who knocked them out and me?" Cory asked. "Yes." Mari said and moved on. She had been taking all of us around town to collect up Garroth, Laurence and Travis secretly. Their parents don't see them as them when they saw the accessories.

We have picked Travis up from his house and Laurence from a alleyway next to his house. We reached Garroth's house and Mari teleports in. She came back with Garroth and teleports to the house in the forest. Lismo was shocked.

"M-Mari? Y-you haven't m-moved l-locations?" Lismo stuttered out. "No, I couldn't just leave the house we build. I stayed here, training Elementals." Mari said. We went in and Mari showed Lismo, Garroth, Laurence and Travis around. She came back with Lismo.

"Lismo, wanna meet one of the other newbies?" Mari asked. "Ok." The brother asked. "ALESA! GET YOUR BUT DOWN HERE!" Sky shouted before the sister. "Sky?! Your back?!" Alesa shouted as she came down. Awww I ship them. I got my sketch book and pencil out of my bag and sketch them hugging.

They didn't noticed, no one did, but Jin and Mari. Mari smiled while Jin looked worried. "Jin follow me." I whispered after I completed the sketch. Jin followed me to my room and I kiss him. He kissed back. It turned to a complete make out session.

We fell asleep on my bed while hugging each other.


I heard a noise upstairs and Cory heard it to. We went up and the noise came from Aphs' room. We peeked in and saw Aph' and Jin making out. We both took pictures of it and posted it on Instagram. We went downstairs to see Laurence and Garroth rage in with their phones.

"Who is kissing my Aph?!!" Laurence. "Laurence Shut up!!" Garroth shouted at Laurence, with a red mark on his face. "Did you slap Garroth Ro'meave, Shadow?" Lismo asked. "Yeah... sorry but my innocent Aphs' lips are for me..." he said. "Shut up! Jin and Aph are My ship!!" I said. Then I heard running on the stairs.

"Cory hide." Mari said and I hid on the roof with Lismo. "Good choice of a hiding spot." I said. "Thx to Aphmau." I said and I paled. I saw Cory running away from Aph. Should I rage and kill Aph?" I asked Lismo. "No. Let them sweat it out." Lismo said and I watched. Cory saw us and motioned that Lismo teleports him up. Cory ran around the corner and he was up here.

We watched Aph trying to find Cory. Finally she saw us on the roof, watching her and eating popcorn. "LoL" I said, laughing. I heard a squawk and I saw another Phoenix. But instead of the Phoenix Mari has, it was made of shadows. It landed on Lismo's head.

"Hello Umbra. Nice to see you again." Lismo said casually and the Phoenix pecked his head. He jumped down and the Phoenix caught him. He landed on the grass. The Phoenix landed on his shoulder. "Is that Umbra?" I heard Mari asking Lismo. "Yeah. She showed up on the roof, landing on my head." He said. Suddenly I was next to Aph. On the ground.

My Unicorn came to me and kneeled down. I sat on it and Destiny stands up. I looked down at everyone. Cory was on his massive dog. Vila is weird. Lismo and Mari froze, staring at a patch of fog. But it was moving at a fast pace, towards Aph. Dark smoke started to attack to fog. Cory is fighting the fog with his darkness. Aph evaporated the fog and he appeared. Vincent.

~Aph~ I was pissed at Cory, but I'm gonna take all my anger on Vincent. "Looks like Fire wants a fight! Come at me." He demanded. I transformed to my Fire Demon Queen form and Drakon Appeared. I summoned my Fire demons while Vincent made his ghost servants appeared. The ghost and Demons were fight, and the demons were winning.

I glared at Spirit and he stared back at me. He lunged and my dragon caught him. I speed around him. Soon a mini flame arena appeared and he was trapped in it. I stepped through it. "Wanna fight now?" I said as my forms voice echoes. He looked scared but he put on his insane mask.

He made hands out of most and tried to hold me with them, but I evaporated them with my skin. After one minute of fighting, he ran away and I won. I made the flames disappear and turned back to normal. I wasted barely any energy. It felt good to fight him.

The others had surrounded me. Jin had me on his shoulders. But I had a nagging feeling to kill him. I ignored it. I enjoyed being with my friends, and new family. "Mari, can I speak to you in private with Lismo?" I asked. "Of course." Mari said and she lead me to a private room with Lismo. "What is it Aphmau?" Mari asked.

"After the battle and when Jin had me on his shoulders, I felt a nagging feeling to kill him." I said. Mari looked shocked, while Lismo wasn't surprised. "Vincent has that effect. He is trying to mess with your spirit. That's how he got me. I'll help you, Aphmau." Lismo said and Umbra landed on my head.

"Thx Lismo and Mari for listening." I thanked them. "Don't thank us, thank you for going to us to tell us this. If you didn't, who knows what will happen. And I wanted to thank you anyway for helping to save my brother from Vincent." Mari said. "It's ok Mari and Lismo." I said and left.

The nagging feeling happened again as I saw Jin walking into the house. I went to my room and tried to sleep it off.

But will the feeling overwhelm Aphmau?

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