The Trip Part one

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This is an idea from @Ashelythedragon so thanks. And I want to give a shout out to @lily101006 Peace Out!!

~time skip to two days after Halloween~

It has been two days since Mari's 'chat' with Storm, Sky's Dad. It's sad to see an Elemental hate what he and his fellows are. Suddenly a note appeared in front of her. She decided to read it. But before she could even open it, Mari heard a explosion out the back. She stood up and looked out her window to see disaster.


Jin was outside with everyone, but Mari, training their powers. Jin was against Max. Max started to taunt him as I kept on turning his Element into weak sparks. "Jin~ Scared to hurt me~" Jin was getting angry but he let it out by turning his electricity into weak sparks. "Aphmau will never love you. She loves me!" Max said that which drove Jin out of control. An explosion of water and anger expanded around him and he was in his other form. Max got scared and fell to the ground from the force.


Aphmau got knocked to the ground along with Shelby and, the new arrival, Alesa. She looked around to see Jin surrounded by water, in his other form. "What's going on." She heard Mari said from the door. "Jin lost control!" Max said as he ran towards to house.

Jin turned also, but his eyes were black with blue pupils. He made water appeared and started to attack everyone. "Jin stop!" Sky said, making wind blow at him. 'Jin' dodged the air and blasted water at him.

"Please Jin stop!" Ross tried to reason with him as Sky landed next to him. 'Jin' shot water at Ross, but Ross made stone appeared and block the strike. 'Jin' blast Ross with a blast of water that broke his stone and knocked him to the ground.

One by one, all the Elementals got knocked down but Aphmau and Mari. "Jin please calm down." She said, trying to reason with him. Jin froze and look at Aphmau. His eyes are full of sadness and regret, as well as heartbreak. "Ssh. It's ok Jin calm down. Can you tell me what happen to make you turn?" She asked. A soft voice answer. "A-Aphmau, max..." "I got it, can you turn back?" I asked.


Jin turned back and hugged Aphmau. She hugged him back. "Aphmau I love you." "Like love, or Love Love?" Aphmau whispered. "Love Love." He said. "I Love Love you too Jinny." Aphmau whispered back. His crush said she loves him, and called him by a nickname. "Same back." Jin said and kissed her.

She kissed back. Jin heard a cough and looked up to see everyone but himself, Aphmau and Mari on the ground. "Did I do that?" Jin asked. "Yes." Mari and Aphmau said at the same time. "Jinx." Mari said and Aphmau pouted. "What do we do now Mari? Do you want me to carry everyone inside?" Jin asked.

"No. I'll do it. You two, get a room." Mari absentmindedly said and Jin blushed. He turned to Aphmau and saw that she was blushing. "S-shut up!" Jin and Aphmau shouted at Mari. "What?" She asked, 'confused'!.


Aphmau couldn't believe Jin kissed her. She had a small crush on him, but that kiss made her fall for him. She went inside running to her room and closed the door. She went to her sketch book and opened it. She started to draw a picture of Jin but stopped. Aphmau felt something and went to the first floor. What she saw made her pissed off.

Aphmau saw a Fire Demon that looked like her attacking her friends. She was about to attack it until she heard Jin's voice. "Aphmau wake up!" Wake up? She must be asleep. Aphmau woke up and saw Jin hugging her. "What happened?" She asked. "Nothing but Mari wants all the Elementals to get downstairs. Right now." Jin said.

She closed her sketch book and followed Jin downstairs. Mari saw them and looked at Jin. "Hello you two. Sit down." Mari said and they sat down. "What's this meeting about Mari?" Asumune asked. "I received a letter from an old friend. They need the Elementals to find the Elemental Animals." Mari said and Asumune, Max, Tiffany, Mudkip and Deadlox gasped. "I have heard of the Animals of the Elements. They are real?!" Jin exclaimed.


"They are Jin. Everyone has a Elemental animal, including me and... him." Mari said. "What's your animal Mari?" Aphmau asked her. She hate showing hers, but she decided to do it anyway. Mari started to call her animal.


Mari started to make a sound that sounded like a soft cry, but also a soft song, as she closed her eyes. Ross wonder what her Animal is. A flash of purple and white appeared and a large bird landed on Mari's shoulder. The bird started to make the exact sound that Mari was producing.  Mari opened her eyes to meet everyone's, including Ross', shocked faces. "Thought that will happen..." Mari said.


Mari smiled weakly at everyone's, excluding Asumune's, reaction. Their faces looked 'humerous' to her. "Take a picture, it will last longer." Asumune sassed and Aphmau looked shocked. "How dare you talk to da Sassmau like dat!" Aphmau, no Sassmau, sasses back at Asumune. Oh no, not another one. Mari thought to herself.

After Asumune and Sassmau finished their Sass Off, Asumune sighed in defeat as Sassmau won. "Aphmau are you done?" Mari said with impatience laced in her voice. "Yes Mari." Aphmau said, finally back as her self.

"In two days, everyone but me and Asumune will go to Phoenix Drop and find your Elemental Animals. While there, you must make yourselves look different, but still you. Stay there until you all find your Animals. The principal of PDH is the Elemental of Illusions, so he will know who you are. He will take you in as students at his school. Be good and find your Animal." Mari told them.

"Ok Mari" Everyone said. "What's your animal Mari and Asumune?" Ross asked. "Mine is a Phoenix." Mari pointed to her bird. "And Asumune is a canary." I said. "Wow..." Alesa said. "Alesa, you stay with Asumune. You still need to train. Ok." Mari said to her. "But... Mari!" The Elemental of Love complained. "Mari means well Alesa. You have to stay." Asumune said to Alesa. "Ok." Alesa said defeatedly....

Part one of the trip. Part two will come out soon so stay tune. Bye!

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