Elemental Animals Part Three: Fire and Nature

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Tiffany woke up to plants dying near the house. She went to he window to see Aph and Shelby fighting, but the plants told her that something happened. She heard Jin grunt and Tiff went to her door. She saw Jin pulling a bleeding Cory down the corridor and she went to help. "What happened?!" Tiff demanded, healing Cory with my element.

"Aphmau got pissed and turned into a Fire Demon princess or whatever." Jin said. "How did she got pissed?" Tiff asked. "Cory got angry that Aph posted a pic on social media and she turned out to be on the roof. Cory shouted at me and her, and Aph jumped off the roof and flames appeared." Jin said as Cory started to stir.

"Ugh, my head!" Cory said, grasping his head. "I'll go and see what's going on." Tiff said as she ran down the stairs. I went to the front and Saw an Angel and a Fire Demon with a tail fighting. At least we live in forest that is ours.

"What's going on?!" Tiff demanded. Than the blonde, Garroth, answered. "Jess went insane and is attacking Shelby! Jess attacked C-" "Cory before she attacked Shelby." She finished and felt my element calling for me to change.

Tiff changed and was shocked to see that she was not in her normal form. I'm in a different one, one that's more powerful.

She summoned her weapon, but it was a staff

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She summoned her weapon, but it was a staff. "Quid agatur in infernum?!" Tiffa demanded 'The hell is going on' in perfect Latin. "Salve Tiffany. Potesne me iuvare?Tene cum uvis Aphmau non uror?." Shelby said in a different voice. She said 'Hello Tiffany. Can you help me? Can you hold Aphmau down with vines that don't burn?'.

"Scilicet Shelby." Tiff said 'Of course Shelby". She slam the bottom of my staff in the ground as Shelby distracts Aph. Massster Tiffany? She heard a voice in my head. She turned to see a blue and green snake in front of he. "Hello." Tiff murmured. Let me help, Misssstressss. The snake said and she felt it aid his Energy. "Vites flammae resistentibus, alter decidat Aphmau!" (Vines of flame resistence, wrap around Aphmau!)

She shouted as vines appeared and tied themselves around Aphmau. "Fiat tibi, regina Alekstis, ire!" (Let I, Queen Alkestis, go!) Aph said. A roar came from the heavens and a dragon appeared. It ripped at the vines and landed. "SATIS!" (ENOUGH!) Tiff heard roar out and Mari appeared.

She was in that weird puppet form and stared at Tiffany, Shelby and Aph. "Marionette! Qui jam pridem fato concessit debes?" (Marionette! You should have died long ago!) Aph shouted at Mari. "Hello Alekstis. It's been a while. And why are you possessing my student when she is angry? I think it's time to go! Éloignez-vous de l'esprit de feu!" Mari said the last part in a language she didn't know about.

Aph turned back to normal, confused for a bit. "Hello Dragon of Fire and Snake of Nature." Mari said to the snake and dragon. "What's your name, Snake?" Tiff asked my Animal. Sssserpent Misssstressss. Serpent said.

"Ok Serpent." Tiff said and put him on her shoulders. "What's your name, Dragon?" Tiff heard Aph ask the Dragon. It growled at Aph and she smiled. "Ok Drakon." She said and Drakon turn into a lizard. She picked the dragon in disguise and Drakon sat on her shoulder, like Serpent.

Me, Shelby and Mari transformed back and Mari started to talk. "Elementals! Garroth of Protection, Laurence of Shadows and Travis of Knowledge have joined us like Alesa of Love. Alesa is coming tomorrow and tomorrow we are training with the Animals. Oh, and Aphmau, try not to burn the trees..." Mari finished staring at Aph. "Why are you calling Jess 'Aphmau'?" Travis asked.

"My real name is Aphmau. Jess is my name at Phoenix Drop High, and around Phoenix Drop. I'm only called Aphmau here." Aph replied. "Everyone here but you and your two friends are here under fake names. And one of your deputies are a Elemental too." Mari said.

"Which one?" Laurence asked. "Mr Valus Greenland." Tiffany said and their jaws dropped. "He is the Elemental of Illusions~" Cory said in a scary tone. The three boys jumped. "I heard my full name being used. How are you all?" Mr Greenland's voice came out of nowhere. He suddenly appeared and bowed to Mari. "Valus, your my ex student stop." Mari requested and he backed off. "Sorry Mari." He apologised.

"We got new Elementals, Valus. And they are from your school too." Mari said and gestured towards the three new boys. "Ahh! Garroth Ro'meave, Laurence Zhalv and Travis Warlock! Congrats!" He shakes their heads. "We were gonna introduce them to our training tomorrow at 1000 hrs. Wanna join us, Greenland?" Mari said like she was part of the army.

"Of course. You were a general in the Nazy and Army Cooperation, after all." Valus said. "Wait! YOU were part of the NAC!" Tiff demanded softly. "Yes I was, and I'm glad. It's night now so see you tomorrow Valus. And better not be late, like when I was training you myself." Mari said. "Ok Mari. Bye!" Valus said and vanished.

"Boys, better get home! You can join us from 1000 to 1400 tomorrow. Go!" Mari told them to go home. "And better hid your Accessories boys!" Mari said that as they started to run. "Guys you better get ready for dinner." Mari said and we ran inside.


Mari wish this didn't happened at all. She hasn't had a vision for a while now. She went inside and cooked diner with Asumune. She wish Lismo didn't let that demon in control. But why? Was he upset because of me? So many questions and so little answers.


Lismo wish his sister was here. He was stuck inside his own head. He hate what Vincent did to Mari. He broke her! And used him for so long! Lismo wish that Vincent hadn't possessed him those centuries ago. Aww. Is little Lismo crying for his Sister? Too bad as she hates you!! Vincent taunted but he didn't believe him. He used that line too much. Mari help me.


Mari was walking to the table with plates when she collapsed. She woke up inside a world of black. Then she saw a spirit. The spirit of her brother. 'Lismo!' She greeted and hugged him. 'Sis I got not much time. How are you?' He asked.

Mari ruffled his black hair and stared into his silver-purple eyes. 'Broken, like you wanted' she stiffly said. 'Vincent wanted you to be broken. Train the Elementals. But only Fire and Darkness, combined with your Magic, can save me. Fire to make hell, darkness for him to go mad, and Magic as the chains.' Lismo said and vanished. Mari woke up to see that she was in her bed. She sighed and felt her necklace.

Mari's Element. She looked at it and out the window. "Why?" She said simply.

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