The Trip Part two

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I made another book where I deposit my art so please have a look at it, and you can leave suggestions for what you want to see in it. And I also released a NewScapePro Truth or Dare, and I'm writing the prequel to this. Please read them. Peace out!!


It's been two days since Mari told us about the Elemental Animals. Tiffany, Max, Deadlox, Mudkip, and the Elementals are going. Alesa and Asumune was at the door, with Asumune's Elemental Animal. A soft aqua and light blue canary was perched on her shoulder as she watched us from the door. The Canary is called Carrie. Mari was there with her purple and White Phoenix. The Phoenix is called Magicae.

And Alesa was looking sad. Tiffany hugged Alesa and she hugged back. "You will get a turn to go out. With more people without their Animals. Ok" she said to Alesa. Alesa nodded her head slowly. Sky came up and hugged her too. "I'll miss you Alesa." "I will to Sky."

"Guys, do you have names to call yourself?" Mari asked. "My name is Michelle Cupquake." Tiffany said. "I'll be Starlit Zhao." Jin said. "I'll be Jessica Bravura." Aphmau said. "I'll be Ross Botsfor. I won't mind." Ross said quietly. "I'll be Adam Hollens!" Sky said enthusiastic. "I'll be Mithzan LaPlume." Max said. "I'll be Tyler Ellis, or Ty." Deadlox said calmly. "I'll go as Quentin Juneau." Mudkip said. "I'll be Shubble Sulick." Shelby said. "I'll be Carl Newscape." Cory said blandly.

"I'll walk you to Phoenix Drop, but call me Maura Darklight." Mari said. "Ok." Tiffany and the group said.

~Three days Later~


They have been walking for three days and Mari always stayed up to keep watch. Even though she hasn't got a wink of sleep, she doesn't seem tired at all. It's like she doesn't need to sleep. Cory hate who he was though. And for a couple of reasons. One: He was the Elemental of Darkness, what if he become corrupted again. And two: why are he and Aphmau the ones who Lismo wanted.

"We are here." Mari said. They were on the edge of a beautiful town. Cory see a couple of big places and tons of houses and stores. But what he found disgusting was posters that the Elementals are meant to be killed on sight. Mari walked to a house that looked like nobody lived here for a few months.

"Guys, this is your home until you find your animals. See you when you get back." Mari/Maura said. "Bye." Cory said. "See ya!" The rest of the group said. Cory was the first to enter the house. It was like Mari's but slightly smaller.

~Next Day~

It was Monday, the first day of school. Max was sleeping in until he smelt pancakes. And bacon. He immediately woke up and got ready. He ran downstairs to see Aphmau cooking with Tiffany and Shelby. "Bacon and pancakes are ready!" Aph shout and saw Max. "Hi Max!" She greeted.  "Hi Aphmau!" Max shouted.

~Time skip bought to you by Bill Cypher~

They all were ready to go to school. Jin was showing the rest of the group, as he researched the town for it. They arrived early and went in. Jin stopped and looked around. "Hello. You must be new here." A smooth and slightly deep voice said from behind me.

Shelby turn and stared at a boy with sandy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. "Who are you?!" Max said, hugging Shelby from behind protectively. I faintly blushed. "My name is Garroth. I'm one of the seniors here. What year are you in?" He asked genuinely. "Sophomore." Aph said kindly. Garrots turned to Aphmau and Shelby thought his nose started to slightly bleed. "H-hi." He said, stuttering.

"Oh Garroth. Stuttering over a beautiful girl." A slightly raspy and deep voice rang out. A boy with sandy brown hair and baby blue eyes. "What's your name pretty angel." He asked Aph. "I'm Jess and I'm not interested in you two. Can you two help me and my friends?" Aph said. "Of course. Anything for you.~" The brown head boy said. "Laurence, she said that she isn't interested in us." Garroth said to the one who is a Casanova. "Follow me." Garroth took us to the office. "Mr Greenland, I brought the new kids here." Garroth said to the green haired man behind the desk.

Mr Greenland looked up and showed his glassy green eyes. "Thank you Garroth Ro'meave. You can go now." Garroth left the room. He smiled at the group when Garroth was far away. "Welcome Elementals!" He exclaimed. "Huh?!" All of us said. "I'm sure that Mari didn't tell you, but I'm the one who sent that letter. I have personally enrolled you here to find the Animals." He said brightly.

"Hello Valus. Seems that the Elementals are shocked." "Mari, been so long old friend!" Greenland said, and Shelby turned around to see Mari, but she looked different. She looked like her puppet form but human. "I'm Maura here." Mari said. "Maura, why are you here?" Shelby ask. "I'm here to teach you in a special class. Lucky Mr Greenland's Element is helpful in a non-fight situation." Mari said. "What is his Element Maura?" Aphmau asked. "Jess, his Element is Illusions." Mari said.

"Now Valus, can you give them their schedules, map and locker number." Mari ordered. "Yes ma'am." Greenland said and gave the group all the items that Mari said. "Follow me." Greenland said and all of us, excluding Mari, followed him. "Ross, it's ok." Shelby told Ross, who was shaking. "Are you cold Ross?" Aphmau asked. "Y-yeh." Ross said, stuttering. Aphmau put an arm around my cousin and Shelby saw that he shook less and less.


Aphmau was keeping Ross from freezing and he seem capable for staying away from her so she took her arm away. "Thx Jess." Greenland turned off the aircon. No wander. "Here is your first class. Enjoy." Greenland said and left. Aphmau looked on her schedule and saw it says Magicks. "Ready guys?" She asked. "Yeh!" Everyone said. Aphmau went in and saw Mari with the rest of the class. "Sit down please." Mari said. They sat down at the back of the room. "All right class, my name is Miss Maura. Today we are learning about your magic type. Is one of you a witch?" Mari ask. A hand came up. The hand belonged to a girl with orange hair and red eyes. "What's your name?" Mari asked. "Lucinda miss." The girl answered. "Wanna show us your witchcraft?" "Ok miss..." Lucinda said quietly. She stood up and made magic particles appear. The magic particles turned into different animals. "Thx Ms Lucinda." Mari weakly smiled. The Elementals clapped while the rest of the class booed. "Quiet now please. Now who wants to show their power?" Aphmau put her hand up. "What's your name dear?" Mari asked. Excuse me! You know me! Aphmau thought to herself. Sorry Aphmau but it's to keep up the act. She heard Mari say in my head. "My names Jess, Miss Maura." Aphmau said to keep up the act. "What's your magic gift?" Mari asked. You have a extra gift. You have the gift to control heat.

Aphmau got up and made the room go cold. Everyone was shivering so she made the room hot. Everyone was sweating so she made it go back to normal temperature. "Can I have a volunteer?" Aphmau ask. A hand went up. It belonged to a boy with white hair and emerald green eyes.

Aphmau went to him and made her skin hot. "Touch my arm." She told the boy. He touched it and screeched as he got burned. She made her skin cold and hold his burned hand, cooling it down. "Wow..." the boy said. Aphmau made her skin normal and sat down at her seat.

To be continued~

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