Darkness - Cory

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A boy with dirty blonde hair and paw blue-green eyes woke up to the feeling of hot water pouring on. He jumped out of bed to see his 'dad' with a empty kettle. He looked at the clock to see it was one minute passed 5:00 am. "Dad... I'm sorry!" The boy said with fear. "Get your lazy ass up and come down after you get change!" He shouted and left.

The boy got changed into (pic above) as he know that he wants me to steal something. He went down to find blood on the floor surrounding both my parents and two people holding knifes. One of them saw me and the boy ran. He ran up to the roof with the two people after him. He found his courage and did what he would normally do to escape getting caught. The boy jumped but he was caught off guard when they jumped over too.

He got out his dagger and went into a defensive position. "Why did you kill mum!" He demanded. "So he can talk" the person on the left said, in a feminine voice. "He can dear" the other one, with a masculine voice, said. "I ask again, why did you kill my mum?!" The boy demanded again. "She got in the way of killing your dad, and my fiancé killed her." The male said. "I'm sorry!" The female said. "Why did you even do that?" The boy ask, curiosity taking over. "Your dad is pure evil, and there is a price over his head" the female said softly. "And we are here for you, Cory." the male said. "M-me?!" The boy said shock. "We want you to be on our side, as your new parents." The female said. "What are your names?" Cory asked politely. "Artemis" the female said. "Sol" the male said.

"I'm Cory, as you know, but I'm also known as the Camera Face Thief" Cory said. Artemis motioned him to come closer so he did. "I know that you have been a thief so can I ask you to return everything that you stole yesterday back to their rightful place, ok" she said to him. "Ok" Cory said and jumped back into his room and grabbed his bag.

Cory went into his former dads room and grabbed everything that he stole and ran into the alleyway. At the end of the alleyway, Cory jumped over the fence and ran in the shadow. He sneaked ran back to the bank, but Cory ran into Shelby, his only friend, and fell to the ground. "Sorry I ran into you... Cory?!" She said, seeing me on the floor. Her red hair had flown forward over her golden eyes. She didn't noticed but subconsciously pulled her hair out of her vision. "Ow... Shelby I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry" Cory said, getting up, and started to speed off to finished my task for Artemis, but Shelby grabbed his hand that didn't get under the boiling water. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me where you're going!" She 'demanded' in her high pitch voice.

Since he was tortured as a child with weapons and noises, Cory was use to it. He sighed and told her a lie with a lame voice. "I have to deliver these to my 'dad'." Then Cory showed her all the gems and jewellery that he was going to return. The look in her eyes thinks that he am lying about it, but she said "Ok Cory... I will try to not tell anyone that I know you" she lets Cory' hand go, and he started to walk to the shadows saying "Ok bye Shelby!"

After that encounter, Cory reached the bank and went in with his mask on. Suddenly he heard guns clicking and all of them are aimed at me. "I'm here to give all these back. I was forced to take them or I get tortured. The one who forced me to do it got killed. I'm here in peace" He said as he put his arms up in surrender. The manager of the bank came up to Cory and said "can I see the bag?" Cory slide it off his arm and hold it out with one hand while keeping the other in the air. The manager took the bag and opened it to see every piece of jewellery taken yesterday. He started to wonder about the other jewelleries when Cory saw it and said "it's in his bank box. He told me" the manager told the police to go, except for the leader of the squad and lead the boy to his office, with the police man. Once they reached his office and got comfortable, the manager started to talk again. "I am thankful for you to go against the one that forced you. How did you do it?" Cory got nervous but still answered. "Actually my dad had a price above his head so he forced me through torture to stop me from escaping but I escaped through two people killing him, but they accidentally killed my mum so they are my new parents. My new mum told me to hand back what I stole." He finished.

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